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05-23-2003, 05:16 PM
I'm so excited! Well....ok, here's what happened:
Today at school, some presenters came into our school to take to us about finding jobs and stuff. They gave us a sheet of volunteer places, and I was hoping they would have an animal shelter. and yes, they have two! One is the York Region Provincial Animal Care Centre, and the other is the Toronto Humane Society. I really want to go, but I don't know which one to go to! Maybe I'll go to a closer one, and I have to find out a way for my parents to bring me there and bring me back. I could only go when its summer vacation, BTW. But when school starts again, maybe I won't want to leave.
Here's my question. Would I be too young for it? I'm only 13 years old, but they gave us this sheet, so I'm assuming we could go? and its only volunteer work. Do any of you work at animal shelters? How old do we have to be to volunteer?
I really want to go! Maybe if I go, and I find an animal I really, really like, I could convince my parents to let me adopt?;) I don't know, but I just want to work at a shelter! I'm going to go to their websites later, if you guys want to see, these are the sites:

05-23-2003, 05:21 PM
Sounds like a great opportunity. At our cat shelter we will accept volunteers as young as 13 but a parent needs to accompany them and oversee their work. Usually 16 and up can work alone in the shelter. It really depends on the individual organization and what work the volunteer is expected to do. For example, we accept any age to volunteer at the dog wash. Younger kids love to attend. Good luck!

05-23-2003, 05:25 PM
I wanted to volunteer for the animal shelter over here. I went to the orientation and they explained how it worked. I haven't been there since the orientation because I've been busy but I really want to go. Hopefully, I'll get to go lots during the summer. I just love the dogs there! and there are so many gsd's, pits (a few of my fav breeds)..I'm just in heaven when I go there lol.

I went to another one before this one. It was the vancouver spca..they wouldn't let me because I was too young (14 at the time) but the one I'm at now says I need a parent with me...but....my friend has been volunteering there for about a year..and she never brings her mom...confusing...but other than that...it's probably really fun to walk the dogs, groom them, give them attention that they deserve...

05-23-2003, 05:46 PM

Where do you volunteer?? You can PM me if you like with the information. I'm looking for some other places to spend my spare time. Thanks.

05-24-2003, 09:34 AM
Do all shelters need you to have a parent with you if you're under 16? Because I don't think my parents could come with me since they have work. Maybe I could go on the weekend then.

05-24-2003, 10:14 AM
I work at a shelter and have been involved with every shelter in this area at one point or another. Each one has its own individual rules but I haven't come across one yet that allows 13 yr olds to come without a guardian. Most shelters you have to be either 16 or 18 or otherwise have a parent or guardian with you. There's too much liability with the animals and also without supervision could become crazy. I know you're responsible but unfortunately rules are made for the minority of immature people.

Hopefully your parents can go with you on the weekend. Its a lot of fun and you'll be doing a world of good. Good luck :)

Aspen and Misty
05-24-2003, 10:51 AM
Our local ASPCA is 14 and up. You're paretns don't have to over see your work either. I am hopeing to vollenteer there inbetween my hopefull Job (Kennel girl at a local vets office) and vollenteering at T&d's I hope to get some time in there as thats what I really want to do!


05-24-2003, 11:48 AM
Wow, sounds great! I've seen a lot of shows on the Toronto HS to help save the animals (I cried lmao) Good luck! Sounds like fun