View Full Version : I KNEW it was gonna happen sometime...

05-23-2003, 08:28 AM
Just barely let Nebo out this morning. I gave him a while, and I called him and he didn't come in....nothing unusual.

Then my brother said he thought he heard somebody calling him out front. I rushed to the front door, and there's my dad holding a panting Nebo by the collar. I'm just glad he was out front!!! (he was leaving for work)

Our gate was open......I just KNEW it was going to happen one of these days...it's happened with Reggie and Smokey more then once. ACK! I don't know how it gets open, it wasn't windy last night.....unless the stupid neighbor kids opened it......now I'm going to be even more paranoid...:( You can't easily check/see the gate, you have to walk all the way around the deck and clear up the hill.. *sigh* We're going to have to get a lock on it or something.

Nebo didn't come well either, my dad said he ignored him pretty much...well, he *did* eventually come, but he was headed down the street. He listens to me better then others.

Can you just imagine if my parents had already left for work? I wouldn't have even known he was out until he'd most likely be out of my sight...I'd be running down the street in my pajamas bawling. It's Nebo's birthday today too....what a nice birthday present....:rolleyes:

I just hope he didn't think it was so much fun he's going to bolt out the front door every chance he gets or dig under the fence!

p.s. regarding the birthday, I'll have pics up Sat. hopefully

05-23-2003, 08:55 AM
:eek: :eek: Nebo!! Don't scare mommy like that!!!

Oh Amy, I've been there... oh how I've been there. With Kia running away from me, near train tracks and busy roads.

I swear I have more gray hairs from her than anything else. :rolleyes:

Glad Nebo is okay. *hugs*

05-23-2003, 09:03 AM
Oh, Amy, how scary!!! I know that feeling all too well, as I can't tell you the number of times I looked up and saw Honey streaking past the window of my office! My heart just sinks every single time. I think we have finally "fixed" our problems and she has been safely in the fence for several months now.

Happy Birthday, Nebo!!! :D Stay home, silly boy, and celebrate!!! :)

05-23-2003, 09:22 AM
Yup, defeinetly time for a lock!!!

Should always put them there anyway, just incase :)

Kona & Oreo's mom
05-23-2003, 09:31 AM
Oh, Nebo! Don't you know that scares your mommy? Remember: it is much more fun at home where you get spoiled--especially on your birthday! :D

05-23-2003, 10:26 AM
Nebo is so backwards--on his special day, when he will get ice cream and treats and presents, he runs away:rolleyes: !!!!!
What a silly doggie!!
Riley pulled a little escape on me this morning--usually if he does, he just walks into the front yard, but today he was on a mission--he flew out towards the road, and wanted nothing to do with me yelling for him.
I plan on getting a lock on our fence when it is up--the neighbor kids are always in the yard--especially if they see the dogs out--actually they use everyone's yard and driveway.

Happy Birthday Nebo!!!!!

Cisco's Mom
05-23-2003, 11:02 AM
Oh no!! Nebo you are not suppossed to scare your mom like that!! Good thing your dad was out front. You may have had TROUBLE on your hands for sure. I would definitely get a lock on that gate. Especially if there are kids opening the gate!!:mad:

05-23-2003, 01:14 PM
lo, naughty nebo! you have to be better behaved, take all my babies example(well/ exept Ripley) if the gete is left open stay in the yard, and, if you get locked out go to your naighbores place(if they are nice) and they will take you back home. lol happy wont leave the yard, misty sticks with either me or happy, shadow never goes fare, she will wander out, sniff the ground behind the shed, or go to the naibores! perky, wont leave the yard, when she gets locked out my mistake she just sites in the driveway, and Ripley, well he gets his nose on a trail and he is gone:eek:

05-23-2003, 01:57 PM
Today of all days was not the time to make a run for it;)

Amy, I agree with everyone else...get a lock. I wouldn't trust the dogs in the back yard without it.

Did you get any white hairs:p

05-23-2003, 03:18 PM
Ohh Nebo.... u silly boy now is not the time to be running off. Amy I feel for yea....I would have been scared too n' upset if no one would have seen him. I agree with everyone else to get a lock too. Might help in the future;)
Happy Birthday Nebo~!!!:cool:

05-23-2003, 03:33 PM
My dogs just did that to me last week!!! it is so scary, even when you dont really find out til they are back!

happy Birthday Nebo, you naughty boy!!

05-23-2003, 04:08 PM
How scary! thank goodness your Dad saw him and got him home.

I am paranoid about my gates, making sure they are shut. I have a bolt on the back gate but I am still always checking it (easy for me I can out, both back front, from my windows) So its a sure bet that I am going to say get a lock isn`t it!:D

Happy `Stay At Home` Birthday Nebo!

05-23-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Our gate was open......I just KNEW it was going to happen one of these days...it's happened with Reggie and Smokey more then once. ACK! I don't know how it gets open, it wasn't windy last night.....unless the stupid neighbor kids opened it......now I'm going to be even more paranoid...:( You can't easily check/see the gate, you have to walk all the way around the deck and clear up the hill.. *sigh* We're going to have to get a lock on it or something.

Sorry, but if it's happened before why didn't you already have a lock on the gate???:confused: :confused: :confused:

We didn't give ours a chance to escape, we had a lock on the gate the first day we moved in.

05-23-2003, 05:04 PM
Oh my!! I can surely relate to this! Ripley got out the front door one night (just waltzed calmly between my husband's legs as he was coming in) and we called him and called him but he was in his own little world galavanting up the street. Thankfully we caught up with him when he stopped to 'lift his leg.' :o :o I think a lock would be an excellent idea if the kids are so careless with your gate. In fact, they shouldn't even be in your yard without your permission - that's the way I was raised anyway. :rolleyes:

Anyway.....I am glad Nebo is home and INSIDE and safe and sound. What a birthday!!! Phew!! You won't soon forget this one! :)

05-23-2003, 05:07 PM
He sure wanted to make his first birthday a memorable one. ;);) Silly Nebo! :D

05-23-2003, 05:39 PM
Tsk tsk Nebo! :P Silly dog..

Happy birthday Nebo..

05-23-2003, 06:22 PM
I am glad that Nebo is safe. I agree Time for a lock. And Happy birthday Nebo ( you bad boy.)

05-23-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Sorry, but if it's happened before why didn't you already have a lock on the gate???:confused: :confused: :confused:

We didn't give ours a chance to escape, we had a lock on the gate the first day we moved in.

It's only happened maybe 2-3 times in the 13 or so years we've lived here. We rarely even use the gate......just opening it to get back there to mow the lawn (its just for the back yard, front yard is not fenced). I always like triple check it every time somebody mows the lawn, lol.

Also we don't leave our dogs outside there for more then maybe 5-10 minutes to go potty......longer then that, it would be me outside playing with them......we've never left them outside while we're gone (except the dog run, which is always locked).

But yeah, we should have had a lock on it a long time ago, I'm going to go buy one tomorrow. Right now I have a stick stuck in it. :rolleyes:

05-23-2003, 09:17 PM
Close call!! Glad Nebo is back home and safe! Guess he wanted to celebrate his birthday with an adventure!!