View Full Version : Frames??

05-23-2003, 06:48 AM
Oh my...the word says it all...I know we have some people on here with great websites...Some with frames....Im trying to teach myself how to do them but All I can find is half-baked websites...any body know a good one...or could ofer other tips?

05-23-2003, 10:26 AM
Wish I could offer some help or advice. One of my computer classes which was suppossed to be about all aspects of webpage building spent the entire semester building web pages in Microsoft Frontpage. I hated it. Frames were a pain. All the frames would never all link up to the same page. Best part was, the professor never used Frontpage before, he built all his web pages in HTML which was what I had really wanted to learn in the first place.
Anywho, I'm rambling...Good Luck!

05-23-2003, 12:45 PM
hmm....Im takeing a Web Authorizing class nest year but...hmm...Im trying to make my site as good as most out there...Im trying to find just the complete code for it....like just straight copy paste from their prosessor or whatever Im lacking words right now because Im wet (me and my two friends just had a water fight)...From that I can figure out the rest..

05-23-2003, 01:04 PM
I made a site awhile ago using frames..I could probably help you if you want :)