View Full Version : Feeding big dogs

05-22-2003, 10:55 PM
How often and how much do you all feed your larger breeds? I used to feed them 2 cups twice a day (Costco lamb and rice). They got fat. Now I am feeding them 3 cups just in the evenings. Alot of people I know feed their dogs once a day, but I feel cruel. What do you all think?

05-22-2003, 10:59 PM
I don't have a big dog so I can't tell you how much to feed a big dog. As for feeling cruel if you feed once a day...I find it okay. I'd prefer two a day but one I think is fine. There are people who will make their dogs "fast" one day of the week and I haven't heard of a dog starving to death from that.

05-22-2003, 11:03 PM
Timber gets two meals a day..She gets something in the morning, usually eggs, and some dinner in the evening :)

Leather gets two meals of dog food a day :)

05-22-2003, 11:36 PM
I prefer feeding 2 smaller meals a day.
Each dog, and each brand of food is different.
If your dogs are getting fat on 2 cups, 2 times a day, simply cut them down to, 1.25- 1.50 cups a 2 times a day and see how that works out for them.

05-22-2003, 11:53 PM
I feed once a day--raw diet--in the evenings. The big dogs--(malamutes) Kayleigh and Heyoka, get about a third more food than the siberians. Never had a problem feeding once a day, although the big two aren't allowed a run for an hour before and after dinner to reduce the risk of bloat.

05-23-2003, 01:50 AM
I feed my dogs twice a day., 6 am and 6 pm. Spot and Sadie both get about 4 c./day of Sensible Choice Lamb and Rice Active adult

Cincy gets about 1 1/2 -2 c. /day of Sensible Choice Lamb and Rice Reduced calorie plus 1/2 can of green beans.

05-23-2003, 05:51 AM
Originally posted by Glacier
I feed once a day--raw diet--in the evenings. The big dogs--(malamutes) Kayleigh and Heyoka, get about a third more food than the siberians. Never had a problem feeding once a day, although the big two aren't allowed a run for an hour before and after dinner to reduce the risk of bloat.

My daughter will be adopting a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog puppy shortly. This question of feeding and exercise has been a concern to her as well as me (this will be my granddog! :) ) From what I have read, adult large breed dogs should be fed twice daily. Several breeders also use the raw diet as part of their regimen, although not everyone. She has been told to watch the exercise around mealtime because of the fear of bloat too and also the two smaller meals rather than one large meal is suggested.

05-23-2003, 07:19 AM
All of our dogs eat once a day and the Danes get 5-6 cups of Exclusive. Daisy gets 4 cups lowfat and 1 cup regular and Jazzy gets 3 cups senior and 3 cups regular.

Cisco's Mom
05-23-2003, 07:44 AM
I feed Cisco several small meals a day. I think you should feed more than once a day, because I wouldn't want to eat just once a day. Just my humble opinion. :)

05-23-2003, 07:55 AM
I have always had big dogs and definitely recommend feeding them at least twice a day, especially if you have overweight dogs. It is a matter of metabolism - if you feed them smaller meals more often, it will increase their metabolism and aid in weight loss. I would also take a look at the type of food you are feeding them. Some of the bargain dog foods have much more filler and fat content and can cause weight problems. Better foods are richer and dogs actually can be fed less amounts to get the right nutrition. I would recommend talking to your vet and getting recommendations from him/her on what food is best for your furkid.

05-23-2003, 08:08 AM
I feed Nebo 3 1/2 cups a day..... 1 1/2 in the morning before I leave for work (around 8:30 most days) and 2 cups in the evening when I get home (around 5:30) Not that he eats all of it, most of the time I'm using the bowl from the night before the next morning. :rolleyes:

05-23-2003, 08:55 AM
Tonya: I like to feed 2x a day to all of my cats and dogs personally. Specially with some breeds of dogs you have to worry about bloat and feeding 2x a day can help with that.
I also think you could fair well on a food change. :) What your feeding isn't a great brand, and it might be attributing to them getting fat.
Now I know even though some of these brands "look" like they cost more then what you are feeding now, but they really don't. It's a bit longer to explain, but just take my word for it, over a period of about 3 months, you will wind up spending pretty the the exact same, or less, or slightly more (were talking a couple bucks here) over a period of 3 months. Which is not a big deal, if in exchange you get dogs who are in excellent physical health! :)

I would personally stear clear of Iam's/Eukanuba and Science Diet. And any of the low grade foods out there (most of what you will find in grocery stores/walmart).

Some foods to consider are:
Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul
Breeders Choice Health Food
Holistic Blend
Natural Balance
Natures Variety
Royal Canin
Sensible Choice
Solid Gold
Show Bound
TimberWolf Organics

Good luck!! :)

05-23-2003, 09:04 AM
I wish I could free feed my dogs, as I do my cats, but Lilly and Murphy will just eat and eat!! So, each one gets fed in the morning and in the evening, rather than once a day. Seems like for dieting reasons, spreading the feedings out a bit is better than only once a day.

Kona & Oreo's mom
05-23-2003, 09:27 AM
Oreo eats twice a day--2 cups of Nutro large breed in the morning and 2 cups in the evening. She needed to gain a little weight when we got her, but now on this plan she holds steady at 65 pounds.

05-23-2003, 10:45 AM
The more times a day you feed the better the metabolism is in the dog, therefore less chance of getting fat. I prefer twice a day for small to big dogs & 3 times a day for giant dogs (great danes, irish wolfhounds).
Personally I feed all my dogs twice a day

My oldest a shep mix who weighs 68lbs gets nutro natural large breed senior he gets only 3/4-1 cup twice a day (he gets fat easily)

My other 2, a rott who weighs 89lbs & a husky mix who weighs 50 lbs gets nutro natural large breed adult, they get 2 cups twice a day.

Sometimes my dogs will not eat their breakfast or sometimes only part of it. Then at dinner they do not get any extra just the amount they are supposed to have.

Like mentioned the quality of food you are feeding may atribute to weight gain or loss.

05-28-2003, 10:54 PM
Daisy eats 2.5 cups a day, and Molly eats 3 cups a day, i feed them 1 cup in the morning, and 2 in the evening. (Daisy gets 1.5 cups in evening):)

05-29-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
How often and how much do you all feed your larger breeds? I used to feed them 2 cups twice a day (Costco lamb and rice). They got fat. Now I am feeding them 3 cups just in the evenings. Alot of people I know feed their dogs once a day, but I feel cruel. What do you all think? All I have are big dogs. I just keep the food bowl full, none of them are over weight, they pick all day long. When the food dish is empty and I don't see it they will push the dish to me to let me know they want more. I feed them purina. I have used this food for over 20 years and think it is very good. My dogs have been healthy and never over weight. The dish I use holds about 3-4 cups I just fill it when empty. some times daily, some times 2 times a day and some times every day and a half. It depends on the weather they don't eat as much when its hot.

05-29-2003, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
How often and how much do you all feed your larger breeds? I used to feed them 2 cups twice a day (Costco lamb and rice). They got fat. Now I am feeding them 3 cups just in the evenings. Alot of people I know feed their dogs once a day, but I feel cruel. What do you all think?

A really good reason to feed your dogs more than once a day is to prevent bloat in large and deep chested dogs. It's better to feed them two smaller meals than one large one. Single, large meals have been proven to promote the "toursing" (I have no idea how to spell that) of the stomach and preventing anything from digesting. The dog then bloats and it's a life and death situation. I used to work in a vet clinic that specialized in Great Danes and we saw this a lot. Mortality was about 50% and a dog that bloats is likely to again. As to wether elevated feeding stations promote or discourage bloat is a hot topic. Personally, I use elevated feeding stations, feed two smaller meals. My 100 pounder eats about 1 3/4 cups twice a day.

05-29-2003, 07:16 AM
Angus is 116 lbs and I feed him 1 cup (dry & wet mix) 2xs/day. If he's still a little hungry I will give him more, but usually this is enough for him. He's almost 12 and doesn't need as much as the younger dogs. And we feed him Eukanuba Lg Breed Senior, I know alot of people don't like it, but he's done exceptionally well on it.

05-29-2003, 10:46 PM
Max eats about 4 cups of dry dog food once a day & its not left out all day either, he has an hour to eat it or its put away (unless hes finishing it off), & heres why:

1. 4 cups is all he needs
2. anything more then 4 cups once aday could put ur dogs tummy into a knot, that'll require surgery to correct or the knot will kill him
3. WILD wolves on avg eat once a day
4. it prevents him from needing to go outside for a poop or pee 50 times a day!!!!!!! He poops once a day (morning), some times twice (at night; very rare), & he pees about 3 times a day (one in the morning, one when dad gets home from work, & one just before dad goes to bed)
5. it helped him build a stronger/larger bladder & his bowels don't have to work too hard... basically he'll have a less chance of peeing/pooping in the house because he can't hold himself.

This time of the year doesn't count for Max. He always gets sick around this time & he has accidents in the house, but only cause hes sick & his poop is runny so there is no way in hell he can hold it in. Max has had a sensitive tummy since day one & cannot eat people food. Max can only eat one brand of food, which is the best in canada, its "Nutro" Senior (Max is 9 yrs old)

05-30-2003, 02:44 PM
Mucho Gracias!