View Full Version : Did you like your partner, boyfriend first time u met him

05-22-2003, 04:57 PM
I met my present husband at my neighbours house two doors down, i was collecting my son from playing there, he made a comment about solo mothers which irritated me,( I was one at the time) I just took it the wrong way, being the sensitive creature i am, i actually found out he had lots of friends who were solo parents and thought a great deal of him, i was not attracted to him at all really to be honest, and even commented to a friend i met James brother the other day, cant say i like him that much.
So tell me all about your first meeting , love to hear it.

05-22-2003, 05:02 PM
Weird Thread...well, yeah it was love at first site:rolleyes: I liked him for a while and finnaly he asked me out!;) :p

05-22-2003, 05:04 PM
May i ask why u find my thread weird, i am a romantic at heart and just love to hear about how everyone met, well u responded didnt u lol

05-22-2003, 05:09 PM
LOL, yeah i guess i did respond, i just never thought i would see this thread on pet talk, im not trying to critizize it or anything though:)

05-22-2003, 05:13 PM
Oh i did not take it that way at all, i just wondered what was so weird about it, they do polls on anything really, latest one is vehicles, i just have never done one and thought i would give it a go, i just love romance, no fool like a silly old fool so they say lol

05-22-2003, 05:14 PM
LOL, ok:)

05-22-2003, 05:15 PM
Actually i think i will get a good response on this poll, lets wait and c huh:)

05-22-2003, 05:17 PM
ok, we will see, lol;)

05-22-2003, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I think its wierd too, but because its in Pet General and not in General. :)

Ps. I can't answer cause I don't have one........unless I can count Popcorn. It was love at first sight with my little feathered boy (and Muffin too) hehehe :D

LOL, hey i think that works too hehe!:D

05-22-2003, 06:51 PM
Well, I'm not currently attached, but with my ex, I hated him. Absolutely hated his guts the first time I met him. He was mean, he was obnoxious,. oh gawd I couldn't stand him..:eek:

When I came back to school the next year, he was actually nice, lol. He was still on drugs and smoking, but he was a lot nicer and I went out with him for a couple weeks before I got bored and dumped him ;)

05-22-2003, 07:41 PM
I had a crush on my hubby since I was 10! :eek: He finally asked me out when I was 19. :) He later told me that he had a crush on me since about the same time but was too scared to ask me. :rolleyes: But it doesn't matter now...we're together now, and that's all that counts. :p

05-22-2003, 07:48 PM
Yep! It was pretty much love at first site. I met him for the first time when he was looking for my mom to talk to her about the house my parents were selling. Actually what drew me to him at first was his car. I noticed the mustang before I noticed him. Then when he got out I was like *WOW* not bad!! LOL he ended up buying my mom and dad's old place and I moved in with him like a year later. We got married 4 months after I moved in with him.

05-22-2003, 08:10 PM
It wasn't love at first site, but I thought he was a nice, fun, & cute (;)). We met through mutual friends, but didn't really start "dating" until a few months after we met. We've been together for two years now & we're very happy :D

05-22-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I had a crush on my hubby since I was 10! :eek: He finally asked me out when I was 19. :) He later told me that he had a crush on me since about the same time but was too scared to ask me. :rolleyes: But it doesn't matter now...we're together now, and that's all that counts. :p

Awww...that's so sweet. :D lol I hate romance and junk but it's cool how stuff like this works out.

None here so can't comment. Maybe this belongs in General. Not only should it be there because it has nothing to do with pets but you would prob get more replies :)

05-22-2003, 09:17 PM
ok ok ok i stuffed up , i did not even notice that i had put it in the wrong place. So how do i get it moved then.

05-22-2003, 11:35 PM
When I met Brian I was in a really bad relationship with my ex...cheating and manipulating going on on both sides. My friend Seth decided to introduce me to one of his friends (Brian) to see if Brian thought he(Seth) should ask me out. Umm...Things didn't quite go as Seth planned. I wouldn't say "love at first sight" really, but there was definitely an attraction!! Two months later I grew a backbone and dumped my ex, and I've been happy ever since! ^_^

05-23-2003, 07:13 AM
I moved this to General.

05-23-2003, 07:38 AM
I met Mike when he came to my house to fix my computer. He was still married at the time, so I didn't think anything about it, other than he was about 2 hours late with no call and I was mad! lol He hooked me up with the internet and upgraded my puter. He gave my his ICQ number and I would send those stupid rose messages that always "HAVE" to be forwarded not thinking anything about it and discovered that Mike liked it and when he left his wife and he had come over to fix another problem, we went out and a month later he moved in and a year later we were married. Now, what did I think the first time I met him? Once I got over being mad at him for being late, I thought he was nice.

05-23-2003, 07:56 AM
I think it is a great question, Carole! :) And it just gives us a little better insight into each other and what makes us what we are!

I answered yes, and a few of my best buddies on this site can attest to my immediate attraction! I had "seen" Scott around church for years, but never said more the "hi" to him. Then we ended up talking in our Sunday School class, he emailed me, and a couple of emails later he asked me out. Our first date was on Father's Day, 2002, and seven weeks later (approximately), we were engaged!! 12/21/2002 we were married!!! :D

05-23-2003, 08:10 AM
I met Andrew at school and knew him for a year before we dated! He was in many of my classes and a member of my sorority's brother fraternity! I havd always thought he was GORGEOUS and a very nice guy, but we were both dating around etc... When I returned from Summer break in 1998, we ran into eachother and both felt very attracted to one another. A week into the semester, I asked Andrew out and we have been together since!! We dated for 2 years and then got married in May 2001, one week after I graduated college :)

05-23-2003, 08:50 AM
I'll go with my current partner Andy, when answering this. I met Andy back in 1999 at a convention. He and I were both costuming which made us talk to each other in the first place. He was nice but I was not physically attracted to him at all, plus I wasn't looking because I was with someone. But as fans of Star Wars, we exchanged email addresses.

He dissapeared from the internet for about a year and I didn't think anything of it until I got an email one day asking how I was doing. We chatted and caught up on what had been going on the past year and found out we'd be attending the same convention in Atlanta and made plans to meet up at the Con.

We kept missing each other throughout the convention, but then fate intervened. He was in one of the panel rooms and happened to look out the door into the hallway when I was walking past. Going on a hunch, he called out my name. I didn't recognize him right away (he was in his Tusken costume), but when he told me who it was, I gave him a big hug and something just clicked.

Andy itroduced me to his other costuming friends and we had fun hanging out. Soon we were dating. :)

Looking back on it now, so many events could of gone the other way.... but they didn't. :)

Dakota's Mommy
05-23-2003, 10:44 AM
Brian and I met at an Ice Skating rink! A friend of mine and I were sitting down relaxing for a couple of minutes when one of Brian's friends (the guy who worked at the skate rental counter and a guy I kind of knew) started throwing ice at us. He thought my friends was cute so when Brian came out for his break and to work behind the counter for a little while, we got in on it. It escallated up to M&M's, Skittles, popcorn, etc. etc. etc. The range from which things were thrown was getting closer. It was a blast, I loved that night. A friend of mine gave him my phone number but I was dating another guy at the time. So, I figured Brian and I would just be friends, we had fun. My other friend who went to school with him kept telling me he was asking a lot about me and really liked me but I didn't believe him. I thought this guy just wanted to be friends but I was cool with that. Well, about a month and a half later, Brian asked me out and I dumped the guy I was dating for him, the rest is history, we're not married as many of you know after dating for 4 years and so we've now been together for over 6 years.

A few years ago, Brian admitted that he almost through my number away that night because in the fight with the ice and other stuff, I had accidentally grabbed his necklace and shirt too hard while trying to get ice down it and it upset him. He decided to keep it anyways, and he's told me that he does not regret any of it. He tells me that he's so happy! I personally will never forget that night or the friendship that we had until the day we became a couple! He's such a great guy that spoiled me so much and I'm so happy that I dumped my jerk boyfriend at the time for him, I've never once regretted it and I never will!

05-23-2003, 03:20 PM
I love reading these stories, MORE MORE MORE please.

05-23-2003, 03:47 PM
Ralph and I met my first (his second year) at the University of Cincinnati 9(We later discovered we had been inthe same place at the same time amny times during high school, but never "met"). We were friends fromthe start, but he was dating someone and by the time they broke up, I we were on different quarters at scgoll ( in engineering you had to alternate between work and school for your middle 3 years of a 5 yr program). So by the time I changed majors and was at school the same time as him, I was dating someone. After a not so hot summer with that guy, Ralph and I started talking more ( by now he was in his 5th and final year, I had 1 to go after that), so I broke up with the other guy, but was dating both of them ( Ralph knew, the other guy didn't ) Finally after my birthday I got rid of the other guy all together and before Ralph graduated we made it exclusive. We got engaged about 1 1/2 after that and married another year later. We have been "together" for 5 years and married 2 1/2.

05-23-2003, 04:00 PM
i 'preyed' on my GF..

i rode a bike to work and would see this gal with a cute rear end
walking up the sidewalk, everyday, at the same time.

racing by wasn't getting me anywhere so......

i'd slow down when i passed her.

then i figured i'd never talk to her unless.....i buzzed her on the sidewalk.....'ummm, excuse me....sorry!!' (and damn her perfume smelled GOOD)

that soon became, 'excuse me.......GOOD MORNING'

THAT became, 'Hi, GOOD MORNING!'...

Her office was on the same floor and she was at her desk before i
made it to my department....I'd have to walk past so i'd walk r-e-a-l--s-l-o-w-l-y by her door and stare as i walked by (bike shorts help!;) ) by this time we took it 'off the street' and were exchanging pleasantries inside the building!!!

i found out when she took a break and would 'show up'
around that time......

during one of the breaks i won her over with a piece of my birthday cake, we made a date for pizza and the rest was history!! not love at first sight but.......i wore her down!

beware of.....

men on bikes.
wearing perfume.....it's like a flame to the moth!!!!
men in bike shorts that stare
birthday cake
pizza dates
and history!!!!


05-23-2003, 04:01 PM
I was reporting for my first day at work, and I was waiting for
the pharmacy to open.
My husband opened the door and their I was with a big smile on
my face. He thought I was one of the mental patients
their to pick up perscription drugs. :rolleyes:
We started rollerskating on our breaks together and we
went out on a bet from another co-worker, who could win a game of basketball.
That was our first date 25 years ago. :)

05-23-2003, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by KYS
I was reporting for my first day at work, and I was waiting for
the pharmacy to open.
My husband opened the door and their I was with a big smile on
my face.

you were married BEFORE you knew him???;) :D :confused:

05-23-2003, 04:58 PM
I guess I'll talk about my last/somewhat current partner. We both moved to Arizona around the same time and we met at a club. We both only knew a few people but it seemed that we had a few mutual friends. I thought my partner was one of the most beautiful people I'd ever met, very attractive, smart and funny. But I started getting really busy so we stopped hanging out. Then we met up again months later but I was seeing someone at the time. Then it seemed like everytime we would run into each other one of us was already dating someone. Finally after 2 years we were both single and we started dating. It was a whirlwind relationship,we fell in love very fast, but we were both so busy that we decided it would be better if we ended the relationship. I've regretted that desicion for the last 8 months. Then a few weeks ago we ran into each other again and started talking, when one of our mutual friends asked "what ever happened between you two, you seemed to happy together?" I guess it sort of sank into our brains when the bar closed I walked around to find my ex and it turned out my ex was doing the same. We talked and now we are seeing each other again, taking things slowly so we don't feel that we are being taken away from things that are important to us, like school.. Let's hope things work better the second time around.

05-23-2003, 05:57 PM
My fiance', Joey, and I met when we were 16 at a Sweet 16 dance. My best friend and his best friend are cousins. Anywho, even though we met at 16, we didn't actually go on a date until we were 17. First impression...I wasn't instantly attracted to him. He was ok. Of course my opinion could be colored by the fact that his little blonde girlfriend with him was irritating.

We ran into each other about a year later at Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras day I got so sick and ended up tosing my cookies on the neutral ground. Despite the fact that I felt awful and I'm pretty sure I looked awful, Joey tracked down my friend and got my number. Whenever we talk about how we first met, he always told me that that Mardi Gras day he saw me and thought I was beautiful. And when he saw me smile, he knew he had to get my number and ask me out.

Some people say it was love/lust at first sight. Not for me, I thought he was a nice guy, but there was no instant attraction. But from the first date, he charmed me. I was so very shy then and he made me feel perfectly at ease. In retrospect, seems we were so very young. I don't think either of us thought it would develop into this wonderful relationship. Goodness knows, I didn't think that 6 years later I would be planning a wedding.

05-23-2003, 06:11 PM
ohh it's so great to read all these stories..great thread! Ok well for me, it was a weird beginning. My best friend (at the time) was complaining about this guy non-stop. It pissed me off of course, I'm very short tempered. So I contacted him and asked what the argument was about. I can't even remember, but all i know is that it was really stupid. And after that, we just kept talking and talking. Well... now, he's in australia...arrrrgggg. Half a world away. We still talk, but it's on msn. I'm trying to go visit him next summer with my cousin. My cousin is just NUTS about australia.

05-23-2003, 06:26 PM
posted by RICHARD:you were married BEFORE you knew him???;) :D :confused:>>>>>>

Leave it to you to catch my mistake. hehehe
(He wasn't my husband yet!) :rolleyes:

05-23-2003, 06:26 PM
When I first met Dustin, I slapped him.

Ok so that wasn't the first thing but it is the most rememberable. ;) I was actually at a school dance with his best friend sitting at a table of their friends. Matt got up to do something and I put my feet up in his seat. I had on these cowboy boot type shoes on and Dustin started playing with the toe of one of my boots. I told him to stop or I'd have to hurt him. He replied with, "Go for it!" So I slapped him as hard as I could.
He continued to tease me in the halls which I pretty much ignored.

Months later I was back at a school dance (solo this time), we got into one of our stupid lil fights. I stormed to the bathroom and when I came back he was in my seat so I sat on him. I wanted to dance but since I was there alone there was no guy for me to dance the slow songs with (the only song I really dance to anyways) My best friend was being dragged onto the dance floor and she hollered at me to grab Dustin and join them. So I did. We danced a few songs and goofed around with our mutual friends. Before he left, he told me he'd talk to me Monday morning before school (I was always there in the band room 15 min before school started). Well his bus was late but he did catch up with me on my usual route thru the library (funny how he knew about that ) he walked me halfway to class. We talked for about a week and I was making plans to go to the movies and I gave Dustin my number. My best friend told me later that he walk the couple blocks to her house in the pouring rain to get my number again (he lost it somewhere at school). Well all my plans fell through but later that weekend we got together and went to the movie. As he was getting outta the car he kissed me. :eek: :D We've been together since then.

05-23-2003, 06:29 PM
My best friend kept trying to set me up with this guy that had long blue hair, a blue mustache and a blue goatee. Blue-haired freak! We went out on a date and have been living together ever since. It's been almost 6 years now. :D I was absolutely and totally twitterpated!

Miss Meow
05-23-2003, 06:40 PM
Shane and I nearly never met! My folks own a taxi and mum picked him up from the navy base one day. She had this awful habit of giving male passengers my phone number and blabbing on about having a single daughter :o Too embarrassing!

Anyway, she did that routine on Shane, and he rang! We arranged to meet at a cafe, but I couldn't find him, he couldn't find me, so we both went our separate ways and got angry at each other. Later we worked out that I was waiting outside and he was waiting inside and our paths probably crossed but we didn't realise it. We finally hooked up the second time and became friends. We were briefly involved but it didn't work out and Shane disappeared for about three years while I did other things.

Then a few years ago, he got in touch with my folks and sent a letter on the really dodgy premise of returning a music tape and we started talking again. By this time he was five hours away so we only saw each other every three weeks. When he was transferred I moved to Sydney so we were only two hours away from each other. Now, usually only about two seconds from each other. It's a huge joke that my mum picked up my fiance for me!

05-23-2003, 07:10 PM
The moment I saw Sam I knew my whole world would be turned upside down. I knew we'd be married and that he would be the love of my life. It's one of the few things I've been right about in my life. :)