View Full Version : Naked Kitty

05-22-2003, 01:42 PM
At my house I decleared NAKED KITTY DAY! A day where the cat collars are taken off and the kitty's get neck rubs where the collars were. They are free to run as they please in the house , a small sense of running free like their wils cousins. Later on they will get brushed.
Baxter is embracing this day by running up and down the halls going RRRRRRAAAAAAAA! It's to late Baxter
has gone wils. HA!

05-22-2003, 02:58 PM

What a great idea!! I'm sure they appreciate it too!

05-22-2003, 03:10 PM
Oh my gosh!! This is so funny, that's what I call it!!!!

My cats are "neked" right now!! Every so often I go to Livvy and Basie (Micah is collarless till his fur grows back) and say, " Does you want to get NEK-ED???" (I know...kitty mommy talk ;) ) and they get to galivant around without collars. :D

Too funny....my hubby will be please to know I'm not the only one.... hee hee ;)

05-22-2003, 03:11 PM
OMG I'm glad this wasn't a purrno picture! Too funny but a great idea. Next time, give them neck rubs from me.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-22-2003, 03:31 PM
I was thinking somebody had to get shaved or something. :eek: :rolleyes:

T & P don't wear collars so don't get to experience this thrill, but it sounds like a wonderful day for your kitties. :D

05-22-2003, 04:43 PM
It seems the kitty's love this idea. They all are wils kirty's now. Pillows almost on the floor. Kitty's romping around the house and running into me. They love this Naked Kitty Day.

05-22-2003, 07:20 PM
My boys are always 'neked'.

When my foster, Periwinkle, arrived, she had a collar on. As soon as she trusted me, that night, I got her 'neked'.
I noticed that her fur was so influenced by the collar, it won't go smooth.
Then I read in her Vet papers of a neck wound (healing):(

Her fur is slowly returning to flat, but I think her new forever Mommy mentioned getting her a collar. :rolleyes:

No more 'neked' Periwinkle.

05-22-2003, 09:36 PM
0hhh not even naked kitty for 1 day?

05-22-2003, 09:44 PM
I've been getting lots of kitty kisses
and kitty kitty headbonkers.