05-01-2001, 02:24 PM
Well no doubt in our minds that Daisy and Perry are spoiled. Since our Grandsons are pretty much grown, we spend all our days spoiling our dogs. Just about every time I go shopping I come home with a surprise for them, I bake cookies for them, they go with us in the Explorer on all our errands, they go up to our Son's home and get to play with Rocky and Sunny, we have birthday paries for them, they travel and vacation with us, and if this isn't spoiling them I don't know what is, if they are laying in my husbands and my rocking chairs, we sit on the couch.

[This message has been edited by jackiesdaisy1935 (edited May 01, 2001).]

05-01-2001, 03:34 PM
I have people tell me I spoil my dog Hannah. I always buy her something when I go shopping, half the time she gets more out of the shopping trip then I do http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I always take the time to take Hannah and Copper for a walk twice a day no matter what Im doing or what the weather is like. I let her have more space in the bed and more of the blankets. She is my first dog so she is very special to me and maybe I spoil her a bit http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif. I even take the time and paint all her nails when Im doing mine because she loves to look pretty and show them off to everyone http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I refill her water dish with cold water 3-4 time a day because she hates warm water. She has her own park bench wich I redid because she likes to sit outside and watch the traffic but doesn't like sitting on the ground. I take her everywhere and do everything with her, she's my best friend. But I don't think its spoiling her I just think its loving her.

05-01-2001, 04:18 PM
All those things you guys mentioned are all too familiar in my house http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Another thing I do, which is sort of funny, is whenever I get asked out on a date, I almost always ask if we can go to an outdoor place so my baby can come along. This is a great way to scare off guys http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif

05-01-2001, 04:38 PM
Good for you, Aly! You might as well weed out the undesirables (someone not crazy about dogs) early on anyway.

Sometimes I watch this TV show (while I exercise) called A Dating Story. It's about two people going out on a blind date. This one girl's date is introduced to her dog and the little dog does a submissive pee on the concrete stoop (just a little). The guy gets this frozen smile on his face and he makes a big deal to the camera later on about how the dog almost peed on him. CREEP, REJECT, LOSER!!!

Sorry, Jackie, I got off the topic. My Hannah is the same way about her water. Can't be in the dog dish for very long, otherwise she is demanding "fresh". My husband thinks I spoil the dogs because I haven't figured out how to take a vacation without them. He doesn't understand that it just won't do to have a pet sitter come in twice a day or a rely on a neighborhood kid. What is sufficient, I probably can't afford - a live-in dog lover. And it would absolutely kill me to think of putting them in a kennel. Tucker would have a nervous breakdown. But in answer to the question, no my dogs are not spoiled!

[This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited May 01, 2001).]

05-01-2001, 04:54 PM
Aly, taking Reece with you is a smart idea, you can trust his judgement of character, if he pees on him ditch the guy, if he lets him pet him, he's a possibility. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I don't know how to make those cute happy faces! Oh my gosh it showed up!

[This message has been edited by jackiesdaisy1935 (edited May 01, 2001).]

05-01-2001, 05:01 PM
Merlin here, Mom says I am spoiled rotten that I smell it. I sleep anywhere I want (my fave is the couch all four feet in the air) My human sister says I'm more spoiled than they ever were. Mom buys me bandannas to wear when we go out (not often to go anywhere, I get to rowdy in the jeep)Mom makes lots of treats for me(writing a doggie cook book) I don't think I'm spoiled it's the darn cats that are!!!

05-01-2001, 05:42 PM
Hahahah, maybe I should just train Reece to pee on guys so I can judge reactions http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Nice way to weed out the losers. Rachel, I've seen a show like you watch and this guy didn't like the girl's chihuahua so she kicked him to the curb! As soon as I meet anyone, I make it abundantly clear that if you don't like animals, you won't like me. This gives the person a chance to turn and run, and if they stick around they're usually pretty cool http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

05-01-2001, 07:06 PM
Both my cats are spoiled rotten, they get tons of affection from me, they have beds in every room in the house.
My dog is also spoiled, however, she had a rough life before we got her, so I feel that I am making up for her earlier hardships.Besides, they are all too cute, I can't help but spoil them! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

05-01-2001, 07:11 PM
bug's mom here! you know at first i thought yeah, i spoil my dog. to no end i spoil her. And then it dawned on me that the lessons i have learned from my dog have made me the luckiest person around. I have learned to give unconditionally. I have learned that even when bad things happen - through it all lemonade can happen - that sometimes tears are good - that it makes you stronger and more apt to act next time instead of being passive. I have learned that taking your time and smelling the air is good. that sharing a burger is bliss and that a puppy kiss or even a look form a pup can make me smile through the worst...unconditional love does exist.

so i guess we - bug and i - spoil each other...showering love and devotion, treats and toys, snuggles and looks, on to one another. and for this i know i am a better person. so who really is spoiled?

and now i must give my dog a hug...... http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by bugmom (edited May 01, 2001).]

05-01-2001, 08:19 PM
bugmom, you are so right, I guess mostly we get more from them in the long run then we give. As you say, where else can you get unconditional love, who else will listen to your problems every day, who will sit by your side when you are ill or feeling depressed, who else would protect you under any circumstances and they teach us how to love, play, have patience, be caring, and live life to the fullest.

05-01-2001, 08:20 PM
Aly...If any prospective date does not like Reece and Shiloh he is not worth a second look. In fact anyone at all who doesn't fall in love with them must be made of stone! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Jackie...Yes if either the cats or dog is already seated somewhere I will choose another place to sit. My husband thinks I am off my rocker (actually he is right because Andy loves to sleep in the rocker....I know, bad joke!)

Daisy's Mom
05-01-2001, 09:52 PM
LOL Aly, that's great. I told my boyfriend from the start, "Daisy and I are a packaged deal... you love me, you love my dog!" He agreed and is very good about taking me and Daze to Petco sometimes http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
Yeah, she's definitely spoiled. She sleeps with me in my bed and on my pillow. I carry her up to bed because if I don't, she sits at the bottom of the stairs and cries. She's a 50 pounds Basset, might I remind you, and that's more than half of me. I buy her all kinds of toys, and if she can't come on vacation with me, I find a good trustworthy friend to watch her, and type up a personalized directions sheet! She also has her own green leather armchair that she likes to sleep in next to me computer... I can only use it if she is somewhere else or I get "The Look." So yeah, Daisy is spoiled... but I love her and spoiling is fun, and it's so worth it for all the love I get in return! Everyone always looks at her and says, "Wow, your kids are going to be the most spoiled brats ever!" They just don't understand http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Daisy's Mom (edited May 01, 2001).]

05-01-2001, 10:12 PM


Simba... spoiled NAAAAH!

lol ok to start it off the pic with his Christmas presents that only include about
1\4th of his presents! And his toys thats only one containers full. Do u think he is spoiled? first of all when we put Simba out on his chain in the front yard he get a bowl or ICE water and i mean we put ICE in it. He also gets a lawn chair out there he will not stay out there unless he get his lawn chair.
oh ya and we rocked part of our back yard were we store our wave runner and Simba's sand spot was in that area ( a lil peice of the back yard that he dug up to lay in. So what i did is i dug another whole right outside the rocks agaist the fence just for him. I tols my parents when they had the plans to do this i stopped them and im like "wait wait wait! Simba needs his sand spot" and they said i can dig him a new one! ok next when i go to bed Simba lay against the wall with his legs and paws towards me and when he stretches at night he pushes me off the bed. so i basicly sleep on the edge of the bed everynight. He also has his own bed wich is made out of those Ceader chips and it has a nice burgandy velvet cover he has 2 pillows and 3 stuffed animals on it. He has his own lazy boy chair which he chooses to lay in my dads lazy boy instead of his.And when we ride in the Camaro or my dads truck Simba gets the front seat and normall chooses to sit on ym lap and stick his head out the window. He even get to go on night rides to my dads work and i dont get to do that!!!!! Simba gets more snakcies then i do ( not that i would want a milk bone) but about everytime we go to the store we go to the doggie isle. and whenever i get money it goes to Simba. but Simba... spoiled? NAAAHHH!!!!!!



05-03-2001, 11:07 PM
Shaianne is very spoiled! When she stays with my parents, while I am gone, she whines the whole time. Sometimes when my dad calls me the first thing he says to me is "How is the coonhound?" I always bring her something when I go to the store. She has her own crate at my parents house. When I go and visit my grandparents, my grandma gives her cookies or crackers (people). I have about a half a dozen kinds of treats on hand b/c she gets finicky and stops eating some of halfway thru the box. She sleeps on my bed more than I do! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif But its because I love her so much, she is my heart.
I forgot to mention that once when I was working an extra long day, I asked my dad to come and let the dog out sometime. This means him leaving work and driveing 30 min to get to my house. And he supposed he could, well I called him at home from work and he said "Hang on a sec, your dog wants to talk to you!!!" He decided she was lonely and needed to come home with him for the day!! Then we argued who was going to get her, I told him, he took her, he can bring her back, and he did!!!!
She once ran up the alley shortly after I got her,(on leash) when we were walking b/c she thought she was followin my dad's truck.
When my dad came over and was doing some work, when he would go outside, she would lay in front of the door, until he came in. She doesn't even do that for me!!
I stopped to see dad one day at work and Shai was in the back and as soon as she saw dad she tried to get out thru the front window,(she has never done that!!). So dad opened up the car door, choking me in the process(where my car door connects with my seatbelt), and took her in to show off!!!
Nope she is not spoiled at all!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by shais_mom (edited May 05, 2001).]

Jasper's Mom
05-04-2001, 07:14 AM
No, my two goldens are not spoiled at all.

I only buy them treats every where I go. About a dozen containers of goodies. I kept the old couch when I bought a new one, just for them. When someone needs to walk around and they're in the way, we often step over them instead of asking them to move.

When they know I'm heading out to pick up one of my sons at work, the oldest finds my car keys, and they both sit by the door, waiting for me. Oh soooo cute, so I usually take them along for the ride.

I have several collars each. Leather (with neat Hawaiian quilt patterns, turtles, canoes, etc. punch designs), colorful cloth (Hawaiian print) designs and funky nylon. Many styles and colors. Leashes of every type, color and length. So many "cute" bowls that I need a few more dogs to use them all.

And toys, they have their own big basket full, but most are usually on the floor. In a drawer, a couple dozen more waiting for the old ones to be torn up.

No, I would never spoil my dogs.

05-04-2001, 08:19 AM
I have thought and thought about this question, Jackie. And of course, all of mine are spoiled!!! Helen says I treat them like children...of course, that's what they are!!! Each one has his/her own special needs, including Helen, and of course, I succomb to their needs with lots of extra love, plus many, many $$$$!! I never thought I would order $50 dog food, or "treats" through the internet! But whatever makes them healthy and happy, makes me happy! Who else would let their hands be turned into ground beef, just to socialize a stray cat? Everyone says, "you need to find another home for that cat, Logan", but I don't think so. Butter just needs me to love him a lot and he'll settle down eventually. I sure hope so!!!

I started thinking after my post...would any of the members of this board spend as much time talking about their pets, sharing photos, telling of their antics, if they didn't spoil their pets???? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Logan (edited May 04, 2001).]

05-04-2001, 08:29 AM
My two rescued GSDs are spoiled. I figure that they came from a hard life, so now they deserve some spoilin'. They're not overly spoiled, though. They have the run of the entire house. They eat Eukanuba dog food and people food. They sleep on the beds. They have dog bones and toys all over the house. One goes to Agility training (the other doesn't want to). They get lovin' every day, all day. Nahhh, maybe they're not spoiled, maybe they deserve it.

***Save a life, ADOPT***

Dixie Belle
05-04-2001, 10:27 AM
All of my babies are spoiled, but Dixie Belle is the worst! She is 120 pounds and still growing, and still thinks she can sit in your lap. Not to mention taking over the swing we bought. And I really need to let you see the house my husband built for her! Both her and Mama sleep in it. And if she wants to go somewhere with us, she paws the gate until we let her out. Then she takes up the whole backseat. The other five are happy to be fed, have water, and to be loved on, but not Dixie Belle!

05-04-2001, 03:20 PM
Sudilar do you have pics of your GSD?? i would LOVE to see them i just adore GSD!!!



[This message has been edited by *BaSim* (edited May 04, 2001).]

05-04-2001, 09:38 PM
I'm so excited. Rachel has graciously volunteered to scan some pics of my two babies, Killian and Shiloh (and maybe my Avalanche and Wolf, both at Rainbow Bridge)! I'll be sending the pics off to her shortly. Soon all you guys will see that I really do have dogs! (Thank you, Rachel).

05-08-2001, 04:43 PM
You can see a picture of Killian and Shiloh in General under the topic New pictures. Rachel was so kind as to post them for me!!

[This message has been edited by Sudilar (edited May 08, 2001).]

05-09-2001, 08:36 PM
My black Lab sadie is more than spoiled!!!
Lets see..... she's got 7 leashes, 2 flexis, 4 nylons, and 1 chain. And she has 6 tennis balls, 1 chuck it, (a thing that grabs the tennis ball and it throws really far!), 2 rope toys, 2 tug-of-war toys, 2 plastic frisbees, 1 floppy dish, (soft frisbee),1 tie-out-line, 2 teddy bears, 1 rubber bone, 1 dummy, 2 brushes, 1 slicker brush, 1 comb, 2 bottles of doggy shampoo, and I think that's it!!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I told you she was spoiled!!