View Full Version : Anyone own a VW New Beetle?

05-21-2003, 11:47 PM
Oh, I love those cars! How cute can a car be?!? I think I'm going to buy one! (I need another car like a hole in the head!)

Does anyone own one? If so, do you love it???

I'm going to name mine Ringo. (Hee hee .... anyone here old enough to get that? My son had NO clue. :rolleyes: )

05-21-2003, 11:55 PM
I love them too! (and yes, I get the Ringo name ;) )

I would love to get one....probably not happening, as there's no way I could ever afford it...my big butt dog wouldn't really fit either lol.

05-22-2003, 02:42 AM
I want one too! We bought our Jetta in Feb., and when the guys were doing the paperwork I was drooling over the New Beetle convertible. We came |__| this close to getting that instead. I test drove it (except it was too cold to put the top down) and it was fun. Now they have the TURBO convertible out, and that's the one I am still dreaming about. I like the Aquarius blue with black leather. I'll probably never get one, but I can dream.

05-22-2003, 02:45 AM
And I would name my car after a Beatle, but it would be a girl car. Most definitely female. :D

05-22-2003, 05:55 AM
My SIL just got a bright blue one last fall. She loves tooling around in it! This was her dream since the new bugs came out. They ARE so cute!!

05-22-2003, 09:08 AM
Well, I'm gonna age myself here.

I bought my first VW Beetle back in 1972. The total cost was $2,400!!! I absolutely loved my powder blue baby.

I love the new ones as well. They are very cute. But I, in my own opinion, think they are death traps. There is literally nothing protecting the passengers in the front. When they first came out, a couple in CT was killed instantly when they were hit head on.