View Full Version : will he hate me forever?

05-21-2003, 03:08 PM
I will be going on a 10 day vacation in August and I'm already really really stressed out about leaving Mishka. My parents will be away at the same time so he won't be able to stay with them.
I have never had to board a cat before but it may be an only option...
Can you guys tell me your opinions on boarding a cat? any tips? is it very stressful for them?
will he forgive me?
Oh, I'm getting separation anxiety already!!!!!!!

05-21-2003, 03:17 PM
I understand the anxiety you are feeling, we all have anxiety at leaving our pets for vacation. Is there a family member or friend that could come in your home once or twice a day to feed Mishka and empty his box or maybe even a pet service. Personally, I would make every attemp to leave Mishka at home before I would board him.

I believe that cats are better off in their own environment.

05-21-2003, 03:38 PM
We were recently on vacation for over a week and we had a neighbor come in an feed them, clean out the litter box, and even stick around a few times so that they wouldn't be lonely.

I think we have it worse than the kitties. They are pretty reslient, as long as someone is checking in on them daily.

If you do leave your kitty at home with someone to take care of it, write down specific instructions on how often they should visit, a list of emergency phone numbers in case the kitty gets sick (very unlikely, but it could happen), and the name of a vet. You can even ask a second friend or neighbor to check in a few times when you are gone. (it doesn't happen often, but sometimes someone we thought we could trust will flake out on us so having a backup person isn't a bad idea)

In the meantime, make sure that you visit the vet so that your kitty is current on shots and you'll have the piece of mind that your kitty is in good health.

Making these plans ahead of time will reduce your stress so that you can enjoy your vacation.

05-21-2003, 04:04 PM
If you are worried about boarding them you could try an at home pet sitting service. Go to www.petsit.com and you can find pet sitters in your area that are bonded and insured, as well as love animals.

Edwina's Secretary
05-21-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by aguu

will he forgive me?

Eventually....with Edwina it takes a day or two and one or two poops on the dining room carpet before she forgives us for going on vacation....

We hire someone to stay with her...housesit actually. We boarded her once and just feel a sitter is better.... It is challenging to find a really good place to board a cat (check out the fabulous place Randi and Jonza use for Fister!)

05-21-2003, 04:15 PM
I would also recommend a pet sitter, verse bording. That way your cat can still stay in the comfort of their own home.

Here is another large listing for the USA.

I used to work for 3 different pet sitting companies, they are all different. Make sure you meet the person who is to be your pet sitter first, go over EVERYTHING with them. I personally like a person who will let me call them and check in, and who will leave a note before they leave, and I return so I can know everything that went on while I was away.

You can get someone to come once a day, or 2 times a day, normally for about 20-30 minutes each time.
Or you can get someone to come around 6pm at night and stay the night in your home with your animal. Idealy they are suppose to spend all their time at your place with your animal, unless they have to go out for un emergency.
Rates will varie, but can be about $10-15 per 20/30 minute visit. Or $50-80 per stay over (staying at night.)

05-21-2003, 04:17 PM
I would hire a pet sitter, rather than relay on a friend.

Noahmummy had a bad experience with her 'cat friendly' friend.

If you pay someone, you have more comeback and they are more likely to do the job properly.

05-21-2003, 04:46 PM
aguu! I have some experience on this subject, but I'm too tired to post now. Will tomorrow, or send you a PM. :)


05-21-2003, 04:49 PM
Also, personally I think, no matter what happens, if the cat goes to the kennel or if a pet sitter comes. Tell your cat whats going to happen ahead of time, and that you will come back.

If the cat goes to the kennel, let him sleep with a shirt that you have warn *unwashed* for a while. So that he can keep your familure scent with him.

As for someone comign to your house, ask if they will leave an article of clothign they have warn at your house for a couple days before you leaving, so that they will associate the pet sitters scent as something to do with home, and that it's positive.

05-21-2003, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Eventually....with Edwina it takes a day or two and one or two poops on the dining room carpet before she forgives us for going on vacation....

:p :rolleyes: We only had one poop in the middle of the floor. Of course, they were tearing down the curtains on a daily basis while we were gone:D