View Full Version : Dog Park Troubles

05-21-2003, 01:04 PM
Last night I took Bailey to the dog park. She played with her regular group and a few others who she hadn't seen before.

There was a couple with a three month old pup. It was a pit bull/lab mix just like Bailey. They said it was a new puppy and this was their very first time they had ever been there. I was very nice to them, gave them some pointers, petted the cute little pup, etc. etc. Bailey started to sniff it and the puppy acted extremely submissive. Then Bailey left to play with her friends.

When it cleared out a bit, Bailey wanted to go play with the puppy. I went over twice to check on them to make sure Bailey wasn't annoying them, and they said she wasn't. I sat in a chair and watched Bailey. Then the girl started to act annoyed, yanked up the pup and was complaining to her friend. I went over and got Bailey and brought her back to where I was sitting. We waited for 15 mins. and then I let Bailey go again. She went right back to the pup and the girl picked it up again. Bailey just wanted to play with the pup and she started jumping up on the girl. I immediately ran over and told Bailey "OFF" and went to grab her. Then she jumped up again and the girl yells, "Oh my god, your dog bit me!" (Bailey did no such thing...maybe scratched her with her nails) I apologized and as I was walking away, the girl was going "That dog is too aggressive, it should be on a leash!" I kept Bailey next to me until the couple left about 20 minutes later.

I was sooooo mad!:mad: I have been coming to that park at least 3 times a week for the last two months and have even volunteered to do grant writing to raise more money for the park for renovations! I have never had any complaints about Bailey. Most people say how friendly she is and how good she is with the other dogs.

I guess I'm just mad because where does that girl get off telling me what to do or that my dog is bad when there is a fenced off section for the puppies and she was in the big dog area? I guess I am also afraid that she'll start rumors about my dog there or be mean to me or Bailey if she's there (this dog park has a lot of drama going on).

I'm sorry this was so long, I just had to vent. Has anybody else had problems like this before? How did you handle it?

Thanks for listening. :)

05-21-2003, 04:08 PM
Ahhh dog parks, how I miss them! Great chance to socialize and have fun for you and your dog, or just sit and relax for a time.

I used to go, and often, we have several parks up in the Northern Virginia area, but now I have moved away and am without a dog currently.

I hate to sound like a jerk, but this is just how the dog park ettiquit goes. Tell anyone you know from the park what happened. That way, they all will know, so if this lady comes back they will ALL keep their eyes on her and her dog. So if she claims your dog, or any other dog ever bites her again you can have at least 10 people standing right there saying "NO he did not!"
Not to mention, it can be an extra set of people to explain to her that dog parks are not for everyone.
If she can't deal with the occasional hyper and sometimes dirty dog jumping up on her to say hello, then don't go to the park, it is not her personal park, and there are no rules against a dog jumping up on someone out of happiness occasionally.

I've had so many things happen to me or my dogs at parks. I was hanging out with a foster named Gingko a shibaX, he was looking out through the fence minding his own business, and this Shepard on a leash started growling at him, so his owner told him to hush up, but the dog just kept on getting more and more aggitated at my dog (whom was doing nothing) then this lady from BEHIND the fence (not even in the park) said to me "You really need to take your dog out of here, he's causing problems and that's not acceptable"

I was just too shocked.

Does this park have a list of rules you can print off? Sometimes we do this and hand it out to new comers as a friendly reminder. "off" is a common word at dog parks, she can either become familure with this and accept it, or you can give her directions to another park, lol.