View Full Version : RC Natural Blend Holistic dog food

05-20-2003, 09:13 PM
Anyone use/have opinions on this product? I'm thinking of switching to it....


05-20-2003, 09:40 PM
Ive heard of it, it sounds pretty good, why do you want to switch dog food? im just wondering:)

05-20-2003, 10:42 PM
Because I'm very indecisive and paranoid. :rolleyes: ;) Honestly, Nebo doesn't seem to like the food he's on.....he seemed to like the puppy formula, but he's been turning his nose up on the adult food, I don't think he even likes it. He hasn't been eating nearly as much since I switched. Nutro is great stuff, I'm just thinking of trying something different, and the "holistic" appeals to me, lol.

05-20-2003, 10:44 PM
lol, ok, heard good things about that food, so, i say go for it!:D

05-20-2003, 10:51 PM
I have no experience with this food but it looks very good. I looked up the ingredients on the site and it looks very good and natural. I just started a new rule, no foods, treats for kai if I can't pronounce alot of the words...lol I say give it a shot..if nebo doesn't like it, you can just switch back or find another one.

05-20-2003, 11:37 PM
Amy, that is the food I had Shaianne on b/c she had a bout of gastritis and cholitis. I tried that, the next step was gonna be perscription food (eek!!)
I SWEAR BY THE RC food especially their holistic blend!
It is awesome!
Nebo would do wonderful on it

05-20-2003, 11:45 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone! I think I may have to try it...it's the only "holistic" dog food I can buy at stores near me I think...(plus I get a 20% discount at Petco, can't beat that ;)

I swear, my dog is *not* picky *at all* but tonight I offered him a small handful of the Nutro and he actually picked it up and spit it out, lol...he gobbled up the Nutro puppy, I don't know what he has against the adult. :rolleyes:

05-21-2003, 11:54 AM
Anyone else used or heard things about this product?

05-21-2003, 01:25 PM
No, I haven`t heard of that Royal Canin one, I feed my Bob on Quantum, a very good british made food that suits him. But if I were going to change brands it would be to one of the Royal Canin range of foods, they are excellent, most likely the one you are thinking of trying, it looks good!


p.s. I feed my Ebbs on one of the Royal Canin for cats range!

05-21-2003, 11:07 PM
I know nothing about it at all, I'm a Nutro person only, How old is Nebo? I don't know if hes old enough to go on Senior Nutro, but Max just loves the stuff. Max has been on Nutro Senior since he was 5 & hes in great health.

05-21-2003, 11:09 PM
Yeah...I'm not saying anything bad about Nutro at all, I think it's a great dog food.

Nebo will be turning a year old in a few days, I've been switching him from the puppy to the adult for the past couple of weeks.

05-21-2003, 11:20 PM
just a few weeks. u need to give him more time to adjust. Hes just use to the puppy food & he think by not eating his new food he'll get the puppy food back... give him a few more weeks, hes just being over picky.

05-21-2003, 11:22 PM
He's just getting a little over half adult now, there's still puppy food being mixed in, and he's not eating either.

05-21-2003, 11:29 PM
hmmmm... thats kinda odd...

Well theres this other brand of dog food thats just a couple of bucks cheaper the Nutro, but just as good. I haven't seen the bag in 4-5 yrs now, but it looked just like the Nutro bag (with the stripes). I think the colour was goldish or greenish, with a huge dog head on the front (not coloured)... Its the 2ed best dog food in Canada. If u can find the name in the store & maybe a website I can look at the bag & tell u if thats the right stuff.

05-21-2003, 11:36 PM
I just remembered, it was green!! a darker green (not dark-green, juster darker). the stripes were further apart & thicker. Now this is driving me nuts.. I'll have to stop at a pet food store on friday after work

05-21-2003, 11:37 PM
Maybe the Nutro MAX food?

I think I'm still going to go with the Royal Canin though, it seems to be good stuff. Nebo tried a sample of it and he seemed to really like it. I'll still be buying Nutro all the time anyway, I get it for my friend's dog, Lady. :) I always recommend Nutro to people who ask about dog food at Petco.

05-21-2003, 11:38 PM
My vet didnt suggest totally changing there dog food from puppy to adult until a little over a year it could be different though:)

05-22-2003, 06:56 AM
Yeah, he's definetly ready for adult food! Or even a high grade food that's designed for puppies and adults. :)

About you saying that your dog was eating less on another food, well it depends on what's IN the food. If it has better products in it, then yeah your don't wont have to eat as much to get his full or to get all of his energy that's the way it's suppose to go theoretically. :)
Plus he's getting older and not growing as much as he was before, therefore does not need as much food.

Natural Blend looks to be a good food, don't know too many people who have fed it, but I've taken a look at that food's ingredients and what not many times over.

05-22-2003, 08:08 AM
It has pretty much the same ingredients.......lg breed puppy to lg breed adult...and he's supposed to eat the same amount.

My dog is never picky, and no, he's never eaten much..a little less then the recommended amount, but he just sniffs this and walks away. He ate it at first, now I think he doesn't like the taste.

05-22-2003, 06:43 PM
Hi Amy! Natural Blend sure seems like a better food than Nutro, but if you want to go natural, any of the baked brands would be much healthier. We recently found out that Chester has pancreatitus, so we have changed foods and I did several days worth of research on foods and food quality. Here’s what I found out.
Most dog foods are extruded. That simply means that they are squeezed through a small tube-like machine that forces the water out of the mixture. This process destroys any flavor that the food had, even if high quality ingredients were used. Well, the manufacturers found a way to add “flavor”. All large chain restaurants have VATS of old grease, fat, and lard from cooking deep-frying, usually stored outside in containers, unrefrigerated. These chains sell this fat to the pet food manufacturers and that nasty stuff is sprayed on your dogs food. YUCK! Anytime you see chicken fat, beef fat, poultry fat, or animal fat on a list of ingredients, that’s what it is. Rancid lard. Also ingredients are listed like human food, the higher on the ingredient list, the more there is in the food. I noticed that on the Natural Blend list of ingreds, the first one is chicken meal. Chicken meal is what’s left after they remove all of the edible chicken meat from the carcass. Then they grind up the bones and the scraps of meat left on the bones and that’s chicken meal. Not very appetizing. The 4th ingred in the Natural Blend is brewers rice, that’s the small milled fragments of rice kernels that have been separated from the larger kernels of milled rice. Virtually no nutrients, just a filler like corn. The other ingreds seem very good, but you have to remember that these couple of bad ones are # 1 & # 4. They make up a large portion of the food.

We are currently feeding Wellness and our dogs LOVE it. We’re feeding the Fish & Sweet Potato, cause of Chester’s allergies. Go to their site and check it out. Wellness (http://www.oldmotherhubbard.com/)
You’ll see the difference in ingreds. It’s not outrageously expensive either.

Whatever you decide, just be well informed. Because the ingredients are healthy doesn’t necessarily mean the food is.

05-22-2003, 07:07 PM
Sadie tried Wellness and didn't like it :(. I feed her Innova now. She's had Natural Blend too and she did like that. I think whatever you can get locally that is a "natural" dog food is better than the supermarket brands. I switch now and then to balance out the type of nutrition (vitamins and whatever) that each brand offers.

Nutro is in Sadie's food rotation as well. While it isn't holistic it's ingredients are still pretty good plus I find that it's available at most places

I keep planning on preparing fresh food for Sadie but I'm not even good at preparing meals for myself!

05-22-2003, 07:13 PM
I don't believe Wellness or Innova is available near me. I kind of have to buy food at Petco only, because I love my discount and I get the 10th bag free. ;) And I know they don't have those brands there.

I bought a 7 lb bag of the Royal Canin and mixed some in with the Nutro tonight......Oh my, he LOVED it! He was actually licking the bowl around afterwards! He never does that with dry food...he rarely even finishes the bowl.

05-22-2003, 08:00 PM
Wolf: Have you considered Solid Gold, if you want something natural? I know that they now put their food through the rendering process instead of extruding it, and they also don't cook it for as long as they formally did, so it keeps a lot more of the natural nutritiants.

I love this food, I've only fed it to cats, but the dog food is good as well, natural, salt, preservative free, no corn, yadda yadda. :)

05-22-2003, 10:07 PM
I don't believe Solid Gold is available in my area either.

05-23-2003, 09:25 AM
Hmm, well you can order it online at various places! Including petfooddirect.com

The nearist retailer that has it is...

The Dogs Meow
2045 E. 3300 RD. SOUTH, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, 84124