View Full Version : do you like where you live, or hate it?

05-19-2003, 09:35 PM
I hate Az. I have hated it almost from the beginning. I hate it even more in the summer!

I like the cool weather, so boy am I in the wrong place!

so, do you like where you live, or not? I just thought this would be interesting to ask...

05-19-2003, 09:40 PM
California isnt so bad I just hate my neighboors:rolleyes:. One of them, plays drums all day and has a band, he other has about 20 people living in 1 house, and i can get pretty loud. Other then that, i guess you could say its ok fine:p The weather isnt to bad, but the summers can be pretty hot and humid

05-19-2003, 09:45 PM
I love New Zealand. Wellington weather is pretty bad, but I do love being by the sea. There are drawbacks to being here (it's hard to leave your country, you always live their in your head) but the people are friendly and the lifestyle is pretty relaxed.

Sam and I will be moving to Washington D.C. soon, and I have no idea what to expect when that happens. I've only ever visited. :eek:

05-19-2003, 09:56 PM
I have only ever lived in Ohio and Arizona, and while they are opposite ends of the spectrum I enjoyed both. I like NW Ohio for the fact that we are close to both our families, but my favorite Ohio city to live in was Cincinnati, where I spent 5 years.

05-19-2003, 10:00 PM
I LOVE New England's varying-by-the-minute weather. While I'd someday prefer a less congested town, I love our little city neighborhood, too, and living in a piece of family history as well. I love the lilacs that perfume our yard right now, the promise of spring, and the flowers blossoming. The elders in the neighborhood, the babies and children next door ... the fact that my street gets covered with colored chalk on summer days ... what's not to like? In less than 2 hours I could be in mountainous forest, or on the ocean's shore.

I like where we live.

Technically, I should probably live in some place LIKE Arizona, a nice desert climate so no pollen ... but I LIKE where we live.

Miss Meow
05-19-2003, 10:18 PM
I love where I live! After three years of humidity, cockroaches and pushy people in Sydney, I am so glad to be back and appreciate what I have.

Ask me again in a couple of months when it's winter and I'm freezing my tail off ;)

05-19-2003, 10:19 PM
I am happy where i live for the present, have been in my little house for over 20 years now, so i am used to the neigbourhood, although its gone under many changes, and some not so good, im not one for change much so am content , although i would love to live by the sea, and soledad, glad u enjoyed living here for the time u did, and wellington has always been a favourite with me, lived there when i was young, but the weather aint the greatest there for sure, but there is no place like home.

05-19-2003, 10:26 PM

Sam and I love going for drives around the bays. There is nothing more beautiful than coming round the bend and seeing the city spread out before you. I love the hills that let you see the weird and arbitrary ways the houses are planted. There's nothing like Wellington on a clear, sparkling day - sometimes it takes my breath away.

05-19-2003, 10:39 PM
I like Arizona, I love the mountains, and all the great outdoor things there are to do around here. There are great places to hike, mountain climb, and camp. However I do miss the greenery that Texas had.

05-19-2003, 10:40 PM
I love where I live --- Saint Louis, Missouri. The people are friendlier, than down in Georgia. It's a much more "comfortable" place to live in. Also, on the road behind my house, you can see the Arch on a clear day which is very cool. I also love it, because I met the love of my life here. Oh --- and I absolutely LOVE the snow that Missouri gets. :D :D :D :D

05-19-2003, 11:11 PM
I like Utah.....I *love* the mountains....I can't imagine living anywhere without mountains! For the most part I like the weather too. It's not all the same, we (usually) have pretty hot summers, and pretty cold winters...and everything in between. Drawbacks are that it can be pretty boring, people assume things about you, and I'm not close to any pet talkers. :(

05-19-2003, 11:16 PM
I love the weather here in California but I don't like the fact that it's a very expensive place to live. I'd love to be able to live by myself with just my cats. Unfortunately I can't because I need a roommate to cut down my living expenses. I've also lived in Pa. and S.C. and liked these states too except that I don't think that I could take the humidity any more.

The Cat Factory
05-20-2003, 12:04 AM
I live in BC, Canada and I love it :) Tons of Mountains, Lakes, lots of wildlife...

05-20-2003, 12:05 AM
I don't like that I don't live near any of my friends, but I love living on the west coast of BC and if I can help it, I'll never leave this area :)

05-20-2003, 01:57 AM
I also live in BC (Vancouver to be exact). I love it at times...hated at other times. I love the usual weather. It's usually chilly. I LOVE cold weather..I don't know why. My friends think I'm nuts. There is so much to do here...there's an amusement park about a block down from me, fast food every block....a few malls that are about 20 minutes away. But the thing is, to enjoy alot of the things here, you have to have money ...and I'm just flat broke. It's also great because there are so many dog lovers here too! And lots of dog trainers, groomers, stores...etc. I only hate it because..this is such a populated area..and I have this phobia of being around people. It's only in a crowded area...so..it makes me nervous to go to the mall, on a bus, to the amusement park...Overall..I guess I like it.

05-20-2003, 02:58 AM
I mostly hate the people (rob's mom mostly) I'm living with, their disscusting, non-stop smokers (rob's mom & dad). the house is filthy, the back yard smells so bad I can't even stand near an open window (the dog crap is NEVER picked up. & I hate the smaller dog here. I use to hate the city only cause there were too many people & cars then I was use too, but now its ok.

05-20-2003, 05:12 AM
I hate New Jersey-it sucks here. Especially the town I live in. Thank god we will be moving in 2 years. (we have to wait so we don't lose money on the house).

05-20-2003, 05:48 AM
I have only ever lived one place. Here in PA. The humidity stinks. Makes the hot unbearable and makes the cold bone chilling. Pesonally I'd pick a place that was a constant 70 degrees F. BUT, I am used to it and would not prefer.....tornado alley........the hurricane targetted states.........earthquake prone areas...........blizzards 5 out of 12 months (or longer). So I'll stick with what I know.

05-20-2003, 06:06 AM
I grew up in Pennsylvania and moved across the river to NJ when I got married, not much of a move. :) I like the change in seasons and the fact that I am an hour from the Jersey shore and a couple of hours from the Pocono mountains. I have loved vacationing in the mountains of New Hampshire and would love to be able to look out the window each day and see those beautiful mountains. Then again, you have to drive forever to get to a mall and I would certainly miss that.

05-20-2003, 06:10 AM
Hey, great thread!

I kind of love it where I live. Belgium is a geat and beautiful country. However, there is a big "BUT" ...:rolleyes:
The weather...:mad:
We have far to much rain, and it is getting worse every year!

If I could choose, I would love to live in the South of France. It is just PERFECT there!!!:cool: :cool: :cool:

Aspen and Misty
05-20-2003, 07:18 AM
I hate PA. BLAH- I want out of here! I hate teh weather, it's to cold, I hate being cold, I want to be able to walk otu of my house and it be warm out not have to put on layer after layer after layer of clothes! It's finally starting ot get warm :rolleyes: we still have very very cold days though. But besides that it's getting better, I guess.

One thing I do love about PA is the Moutains (sp ). They are so pretty and you can climb to the top of them and over look all of the towns. It's a wonderful sight and how I'm going to miss it one day. LOL, no matter how much I hate this place, I think I will always bring my kids back to look at the M.T.s They are a wodnerful sight and something I will never forget.


05-20-2003, 09:28 AM
I love Michigan!! I moved here from CT last September. Ct is very expensive to live (they tax you on your car-they consider it a luxury!!). I was born and raised there. Although I loved my job as a writer at a major newspaper, I decided it was time for a change.

At first I thought I had made a mistake by moving so far away from my friends and my daughter. But I have family here too, that far outweighs the miles. I've been back to CT 3 times since I moved here. The winters are really no worse in MI than they were in Ct.

My apartment in CT was $795/month for 2 BR, including heat/hw for 900 sq. ft. The place I'm in now is $550/month for 3 bedrooms, including heat/hw/cable tv. The cost of living is much lower here in Michigan as well.

05-20-2003, 10:18 AM
I love where I live, in the upstate of SC, but I mainly love it because I love those I live with!! :) Greenville is very close to the mountains and we can see them from most points in town, and in 30 short minutes, you can be driving in the mountains, which I love. Lots of lakes, streams, lush green woods are all nearby.

But, I do miss living closer to the ocean. It takes approximately four hours to get there from here, and if I could be closer, I'd do it.

But yes, I love it here. I love having four distinct seasons, although our summers are quite hot. Our winters get cold, but not terribly, and we have the occasional ice/snow, but not very often. It is a great place, overall!!! :)

05-20-2003, 10:20 AM
I LOVE Washington! Right now I live 5 minutes from the beach, and, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful views in the world. I don't think I could ever live off the coast. I love the weather. I love that in one state we have rain forests, deserts, and everything in between! I love the scenery, I love Seattle... I don't think there's much about Washington that I don't love. I love that's it's so close to Canada - one of my favorite weekend "getaways". I love our wildlife... I just love it here. I never want to move out of Washington. We have some of the best health care facilities in the US... among other things. Our unemployment rate is kinda high ... that's one thing that does suck, our economy is kinda in the pits right now. I still love it here, it has everything I need :D

And, when you go to Seattle there's a Starbucks on every corner... if that's not Heaven then I don't know what is ;)

05-20-2003, 02:08 PM
I love where I live. Sometimes I get annoyed cause it's small and not always a lot to do, but I still love it. Theres not tons of ppl crowding everywhere which is so nice if you'd ever been to a big city ;) The crime rate isn't that high and it's and island so theres plenty of really nice beaches :) My cottage being at one of them

Desert Arabian
05-20-2003, 03:18 PM
State-wise: I love Wisconsin. The only states I think I'd live in besides Wisconsin would be Kentucky and Tennessee. Wisconsin is so beautiful!

City-wise: I hate the village we live in now. Well, it is better than where we lived before, but I still hate it. I want to move out to the country, over towards the Mississippi River. I am sick of being a city-kid!! I love the country- always have always will. As soon as I am old enough, that's where I'm moving. ;) :D What really bugs me is the fact that the houses are about 10 feet part...I look out my living room window, and I can see "Bob" sitting at the table eating! How annoying!! :mad: :( Let's see, maybe there is something positive, oh yes... the trees! I love all the trees we have in our yard. Our block used to have the most trees in the surrounding neighborhood.

This is a picture of our backyard (can't find front yard picture)...see what I mean by the houses so close together, and the trees. :)


05-20-2003, 03:35 PM
I'm happy anywhere there is a computer.:D

Actually, I love Long Island! There is nice climate, nice and temperate. Lots of great beaches, and if you've been to Montauk, you'll know what I'm talking about. The schools are nice and there are hardly any (I don't even think there are any) gangs or drug-dealers around here. We have huge yards here in Bayport, and lots of woods for exploring (although some of my neighbors choose to cut it down and build tennis courts). The houses are great, and the streets are easy to find. It is a cozy little town, and everyone knows each other, there are no strangers. :)

Anyway, I'm happy I have a home, unlike many people in the country.

05-20-2003, 04:30 PM
I love Toronto! But after going to Ottawa last week, I would live in Ottawa too. Its just that there's so much to see and do there, but I still like Toronto.
Also, I don't really like where I live. Well, my area. Its hard to explain though. Its not the city where I live, its just that I don't really like suburbian places. I would LOVE to live in a place with houses farther apart, like the country or the city. But I still like where I live.

05-20-2003, 04:40 PM
hate it, sick of it, can't stand it and so on.

05-20-2003, 04:50 PM
I love New England! Old country farm houses...twisty backroads...covered bridges....lakes and streams...parks...gorgeous views...the list just goes on. We have a gorgeous view of Mount Ascutney in our kitchen window. People are so friendly and pleasant compared to Long Island (where I grew up). Yes, the winters are hard, but summers tend to be mild. I love where I live!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-20-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
(it's hard to leave your country, you always live their in your head)

That's the way I feel about Wisconsin. I was born and raised in a small town near Green Bay. After I graduated high school, I moved to Green Bay and lived there for 8 years. I really liked Green Bay as a city and a place to live, but at the time I was young and looking for more - and thus my move to Chicago! :rolleyes:

Well, I definitely got more, and now I'm sick of it and can't wait until I can move back to a much "smaller" place to live. Chicago is really a great city, and I love it for what it is and what it has to offer. I'm just sick of the traffic, the crowds, the idiots and the hassles. Chicago has been very good to me, and I'm glad I moved here and got out of "small town Wisconsin," but now that I've seen the big wide world (or at least parts of it) I can really appreciate "small town Wisconsin" and would love to be able to move back there. Not only is it beautiful, but 99% of my family is there. My parents are getting older, and I would like to be there for them in their old age - can't do that from Chicago. :(

No matter where I roam, though, Wisconsin will always be home. :)

05-20-2003, 04:55 PM
I like Montreal but I don't really like Quebec. Our government is all screwed up :rolleyes:

05-20-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by RubyMutt
I LOVE Washington! Right now I live 5 minutes from the beach, and, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful views in the world. I don't think I could ever live off the coast. I love the weather. I love that in one state we have rain forests, deserts, and everything in between! I love the scenery, I love Seattle... I don't think there's much about Washington that I don't love. I love that's it's so close to Canada - one of my favorite weekend "getaways". I love our wildlife... I just love it here. I

well Rubymutt, you just said everything I was going to say about living in Washington state! (western ) :cool:
Eastern Washington needs to be mentioned for me aslo: it's a whole other world over there. Dry, hot and totally a different terrain. I usually make a couple trips over there a year, and it takes not more than a few hours.

Almost daily I take my dog to the beach (5 minute drive, 30 min. walk).
I can also be in the mountains within an hour- and they are BIG mountains too!
I love the outdoors: hiking, mountain biking, camping, and lots of beaches everywhere!
There are several lakes just within the city limits of Seattle, in addition to the salt water of Puget Sound.

There is also a lot of diversity and acceptance, which to me is another good reason to live here.

The price we pay for it is the rain, but I feel that it's all worth it! You get used to it after awhile. :)

I just LOVE it here!

05-20-2003, 06:02 PM
Its a pity to read most of these threads, so many of you hate where u live, u have so much choice in the states, of where to live, i guess its where the jobs are is where u end up at like anywhere.
I know many of you would love New Zealand, no overcrowding, reasonable weather, although its raining cats and dogs today, there are some really neat spots here for those of you who like to be islolated, and our cities are still big enough to have fun, some americans love it here others dont, there is not enough for them to do, we have only small population so dont have the variety and choices u americans have.
Yes soledad Wellington is an awesome city, i used to live in kelburn, but love seatoun.
Well if you ever get really fed up come on over and emigrate to lil ole nz a little bit of tropical paradise.:) ;)
I have been to Utah, and i thought it was an awesome place, America has some beautiful places, and i would love to come back and see more, my stay was limited and i only saw very little of your wonderful country, I have heard Seattle is an awesome city, I would still love to visit New York, although i am too scared to now. You have the land of opportunity, America has always had a soft spot in my heart as do the people and their lovely accents.

05-20-2003, 07:57 PM
I actually hate this town! This whole state isn't bad, but just this town.

The residence are just mind bogglingly rude!! And I'm not the only one who see's this.
I didn't know it was possible for such a larger amount of genuinely rude people to congrigate in one spot!

We can't wait till we move outta here!

05-20-2003, 08:02 PM
For the most part, I love it here. But with summer coming, it;s gonna get hot and sticky. If you've ever been here in July, ya know what I mean. I would like to move to AZ or NM. I actually *like* the heat, but the humidity sucks! :D

05-20-2003, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I love New England! Old country farm houses...twisty backroads...covered bridges....lakes and streams...parks...gorgeous views...the list just goes on. We have a gorgeous view of Mount Ascutney in our kitchen window.

OK! I am ready to pack my bags! LOL!

05-20-2003, 08:27 PM
hmmm, I grew up in in New England, Maine specificially, but I lived and visited many other places up there on several occasions.

It is pretty, and different. But honestly, I prefer to live in Northern Virginia, I love that area, I need to go back. I like the city life compaired to the country life, where in Maine, the tree's out number the people. =p

05-20-2003, 08:33 PM
Jersey is okay...cant say i hate it or love it. If family wasnt here, i could see us moving south. But life is too short to be away from family...so we will probably always be on the East coast.

05-20-2003, 08:36 PM
Well, I live in MN. It's not too bad, but I've never lived anywhere else. I've been to other places on vacation but not long enough to really know what it's like. I guess I've just grown to like where I live. I do live in a different town then I grew up in for 18 years..I like the town I'm in now better. If I could, I'd move to Florida and live by the ocean. But, I'm sure I'll be living in MN my whole life...

05-20-2003, 09:54 PM

LOVE IT!! I love saying Im from MN. I dont know I just love the cold cold winters....the hot summers....and how today it is 20 degress F. and its summer.....the storms....the everything!! AHH!! love it.

05-20-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by carole
Its a pity to read most of these threads, so many of you hate where u live, u have so much choice in the states, of where to live, i guess its where the jobs are is where u end up at like anywhere.
I know many of you would love New Zealand, no overcrowding, reasonable weather, although its raining cats and dogs today, there are some really neat spots here for those of you who like to be islolated, and our cities are still big enough to have fun, some americans love it here others dont, there is not enough for them to do, we have only small population so dont have the variety and choices u americans have.
Yes soledad Wellington is an awesome city, i used to live in kelburn, but love seatoun.
Well if you ever get really fed up come on over and emigrate to lil ole nz a little bit of tropical paradise.:) ;)
I have been to Utah, and i thought it was an awesome place, America has some beautiful places, and i would love to come back and see more, my stay was limited and i only saw very little of your wonderful country, I have heard Seattle is an awesome city, I would still love to visit New York, although i am too scared to now. You have the land of opportunity, America has always had a soft spot in my heart as do the people and their lovely accents.

Believe me, some parts of America aren't where I would ever want to live. Some areas just have horrible weather that you just can't stand. Others may be overly quiet, too *plain*, no jobs, expensive housing, etc. Its not all that easy anywhere in the world, and if you live in an expensive area and lost your job (something that has happened to many many Americans recently) you're out of choices and living in hell. :)

As for me and where I live, it depends on what perspective I look at it with. I can proudly say I LOVE my neighborhood, and we've probably got one of the best climates in the world. Beautiful mountains and hills, gorgeous national parks, wonderful weather, are all things that I love around here. I've been to several states, and there's just no place like home. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in America other than where I do. We do get very hot summers, but the A/C solves the problem. At least it isn't accompanied with humidity and mosquitos. :eek: I HATE mosquitos! We went to Texas a few summers ago and I came back all swollen up with like a million mosquito bites. :eek: Needless to say, I would never want to live there even though I liked a lot of things there. Actually, I wouldn't want to live anywhere in the US besides where I live. I was born here, grew up here, never lived anywhere else. Our neighbors are great, but I hate the racists we have to meet everytime we go to the store or park. :rolleyes: Thankfully we live in a diverse area, so there aren't nearly as many racists as there are in other states. Another bad thing is everything is so expensive, but I changed my view on that when we went to England last year. :rolleyes: I've glad we don't get too much rain because rainy days make me depressed. :D

05-21-2003, 12:22 AM
wolf_Q ... you're close to me, in Wyoming. :D

And speaking of Wyoming ... I HATE it. I have always hated living here. The summers are hot, dry, dusty and windy. The winters are beyond cold, snowy, and windy. There are hardly any trees, hardly any water, and everything is tan.

05-21-2003, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
wolf_Q ... you're close to me, in Wyoming. :D

And speaking of Wyoming ... I HATE it. I have always hated living here. The summers are hot, dry, dusty and windy. The winters are beyond cold, snowy, and windy. There are hardly any trees, hardly any water, and everything is tan.

Oh yeah! What part are you in again? Didn't you say you bought your dog food in Utah? Maybe I can come say hi on your next dog food run. ;)

We drove to Denver once going through the bottom of Wyoming for most of the way, and that part was pretty dull...just as you described. I've been to some really beautiful parts of Wyoming though.

05-21-2003, 01:49 AM
I originally posted this on another board, but it fits here. I like living in Wisconsin. I grew up in MN and will always be faithful to my homestate, but WI has been my home for the last fourteen years.

It's pretty here. Not mountains or oceans breathtaking pretty, but lakes, rivers, streams, forests, and rolling hills pretty. Plenty of rock bluffs and river valleys, too. Lots of trees.

It doesn't cost an arm and leg to live here, and it seems to have plenty of jobs since it's within commuting distance to the Twin Cities.

The seasons change. I know people can complain about the snow and the cold, but bundling up and going for a walk at night when the snow is gently falling is a great experience. The snow covers everything, it looks pretty and muffles the world. Everything looks different with a fresh layer of clean, white snow. In the winter, there are no bugs outside, and we can ski and sled. I like having four distinct seasons.

The air here is clean. I look at cities with smog problems and wonder how people can live there. Same with traffic - in my fairly small town, there are no traffic jams to speak of.

My town has a small town feel, but we are close enough to the Twin Cities that sporting events, concerts, and shopping are easy to get to.

Outside of severe thunderstorms and the rare tornado (very rare, I don't think one has ever hit my town), there aren't any natural disasters to worry about.

Even near the Cities, there is a lot of open, undeveloped land. On a recent bike ride I really noticed this. The whole 20 miles of bike trail I rode was through fields and forests, with the occaisonal glimpse of horses in pastures, or peek at a rural house. I could have been 100 miles from civilization if I hadn't known any better.

People are nice here. I know people
are nice in other places, but the people in my area are extra nice. :)

05-25-2003, 01:48 AM
a nice desert climate so no pollen

ha! maybe once upon a time, but not now! (as I sneeze, and sneeze again)

Dakota's Mommy
05-28-2003, 02:53 PM
I used to hate living in the Ohio town that we did! However, now that I've lived somewhere else for a year, I can't wait to move back and be around family again. Granted, it's not too bad living here at Ft. Hood, it grows on you as you meet people and make friends, but I miss being around family!

Kona & Oreo's mom
05-28-2003, 03:05 PM
I love living in San Diego. There is so much to do and a variety of scenery. You have the beach, the mountains, and the desert all within reach. And since the county is so large, you can enjoy both urban and rural lifestyles.

Besides that, the weather is always . . . nice. :cool:

05-28-2003, 03:18 PM
Pacific Northwest is the place to be. As the BC and western Washington people have mentioned, we're so fortunate because we have so much in a 2-4 hour drive. For me, that can include the high desert, the beaches, the mountains, the lakes, as well as the ammenties of a bigger city with shopping, theater, etc.

I love the pacific air. Even though I'm about 70 miles inland from the ocean - our air still has that cool, clean, crisp smell that only the ocean can provide. I feel land-locked if I'm in the mid-west.

We endure cloudy, rainy months in the winter, but what we get is well worth it. Trees and shrubs and flowers everywhere A large number of landscaping plants are grown here in the Willamette valley.

One drawback is if you have allergies to mold. With our rain, there is no way around it except to move to central Oregon.

05-28-2003, 03:50 PM
Hate New York City
It's cold and it's damp
And all the people dressed like monkeys
Let's leave Chicago to the Eskimos
That town's a little too rugged
For you and me, you bad girl

Rollin' down the Imperial Highway
With a big nasty redhead at my side
Santa Ana wind blowin' hot from the north
And we was born to ride

Roll down the window, put down the top
Crank up the Beach Boys, baby
Don't let the music stop
We're gonna ride it till we just can't ride it no more

From the South Bay to the Valley
From the West Side to the East Side
Everybody's very happy
'Cause the sun is shining all the time
Looks like another perfect day

I love L.A. (We love it)
I love L.A. (We love it)

Look at that mountain
Look at that tree
Look at that bum over there, baby,
He's down on his knees
Look at these women
Ain't nothing like them nowhere.

Century Boulevard (We love it)
Victory Boulevard (We love it)
Santa Monica Boulevard (We love it)
Sixth Street (We love it, we love it)

I love L.A.
I love L.A.
(We love it)

Edwina's Secretary
05-28-2003, 03:51 PM
I love Chicago. It has big city excitement without many of the negatives of big city life. (I was in the NYC area last weekend...everything seems so difficult and hard....including the people!)

We have the lake....it is as big as some seas....(I met people in NY/NJ who were surprised to learn that sailing is done in Chicago. They asked how far we live from water and were surprised when the answer was "20 minutes!") We have theater, great restaurants, bicycle paths, parks galore! Lots of tall buildings and yet I can be in the country in an hour.

I think it is an extremely liveable city and of course...we have Wisconsin in our backyard! ;) :rolleyes: :D

05-28-2003, 04:08 PM
:D I LIVE IN OTTAWA! AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I have lived in Ottawa all my life. I never get bored here! I always go to the Parleiment(sp?) Bulidings and visit the animal guy.

Hey you never know maybe one day there can be a PT meeting in Ottawa:) ;)

05-28-2003, 06:27 PM
I have lived in many different states over the years. I truly love Vermont and many of the people here. Please don't tell anyone, cause we don't need anymore people to move here... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... it's a secret!


05-28-2003, 06:27 PM
I have lived in many different states over the years. I truly love Vermont and many of the people here. Please don't tell anyone, cause we don't need anymore people to move here... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... it's a secret!