View Full Version : Sages babies are born!

05-19-2003, 08:02 PM
I just got back from TM's house :D

Sage had her babies early this morning. We were awake, and could hear it, but we didn't disturb her. We took a peek later, and there are three healthy little pups, and one stillborn.

I didn't take any pics as not to stress her out with a flash, but it was a really neat experience :)

Just thought I'd let you all know :) Jynnelle's computer is on the shop, so she can't tell you..

05-19-2003, 08:06 PM
Oh, so that explains it, I was wondering where Jynnelle was. :)

Wow, that must have been neat to see! Congrats to Sage for delivering some healthy pups! :D

05-19-2003, 09:42 PM
That must have been neat to see! I cant wait to see pics:)

05-20-2003, 10:47 AM
I just hope they all survive, one doent look to good :(. and Sage doesnt seem to be to interested in tending them :(. :eek:.. I hope they survive!!!!

05-20-2003, 10:48 AM
I'm sorry to hear that :( I hope all goes well. Please keep us posted!

05-20-2003, 12:24 PM
I will :(. I hope all goes well. :eek:. She doesnt even seem to care the pups are there!!!! :eek:. she just runs around and digs being her old self. but the pups need to be warm by her and they need her milk. I hope her motherly instinks click in soon :(.

05-20-2003, 12:57 PM
gerbils are usally in female pairs when they have babies, their is always one female besides the mom they helps nurse the babies and take care of them. when I bred my gerbils I always had tippy live with the mom, some are very good moms like speedy and sandy were however some like emma and sage i guess need another female that can help them out. I dont kno wwhat you can do about it now I 'm afraid, I had used tippy(emma's little sister) for emma.:(

05-20-2003, 01:00 PM
thanks for replying, I dont have another female gerbil. and my mom would never let me get one..

I know that fathers can help out but I dont want them to breed again..

Any other suggestions?? :confused:

05-20-2003, 02:54 PM
Congrats on the new babies but I hope they continue to be healthy. Keep us updated :)

ps Did you ever get another cage for Jade? (sorry if I missed it :o )

05-20-2003, 03:01 PM
yes I did. Sage is in a 20 gallon tub and Jade is in a 10 gallon tank. :D.

05-20-2003, 04:06 PM
I'm afraid I dont have anymore idea's, I asked my mom incase she knew anything, but all she could think of was the other female for a substitute mom, I will ask around, see of any other gerbil people I know would have any idea's for you though:)

05-20-2003, 04:11 PM
ok I just did a search and I found this

it is important that you leave the dad in with mom to help her raise the babies. Otherwise the experience will be stressful for the mother gerbil and she may not be able to handle it on her own – especially a firstime or older mom. If you do split a breeding pair, leave a daughter from the last litter to help mom raise the pups.

here is the page I got it from, read all of it, it looks very helpfull:)
gerbi breeding help (http://www.agsgerbils.org/Gerbil_Care_Handbook/breeding.html)

05-20-2003, 04:20 PM
I think she needs her *hubby* to help her. I doubt they will breed while they are raising newborns, so you might want to put them together for sometime until the pups get older and don't need their dad anymore.....but I don't know. Then seperate the males from the females.

Congrats on the new babies and I hope they'll grow up as healthy and happy gerbils. Good luck!

05-21-2003, 09:49 AM
NO....... they WILL breed whilst she is nursing, they mate again within 24 hours after birth. She will delay implantation of the 2nd litter for a week or 2 having them 4-5 weeks after the first litter. Yes the male does help in keeping them warm but the last thing needed here is gerbil multiplication every 4 weeks.

Also as they have been apart for a while now putting them back together may result in fighting between Jade and Sage.

Finally you have to be very careful about breeding a female who lives with another female - the one bred from must be the dominant female else she will stop the subrodinate from tending the pups (and they will die). So it is as has been said ok to leave a pregnant female with a female pup of hers to help raise the next litter. TM - do NOT get another female to put in with Sage - there will almost certainly be fighting and the babies may get killed - Sage will not accept another female whilst she has pups to defend as well as territory. If she were living wit

Gerbil mums do "do their own thing" as usual often appearing a little neglectful. As long as when she sleeps she is in the nest with them and feeds them regularly then I would say (without seeing them) that it sounds normal.

As for the death/sickness - Sage wasn't in the best of health herself, the genetics and health history are anyones guess so it may just be that these parents produce sickly pups - so again another reason to keep them apart so they do not breed again.

The last thing Sage needs is to be pregnant again.

05-21-2003, 10:49 AM
I agree shell. I donot want more pups. I have Sage and Jade in seperate cages, and it will stay that way. My mom wouldent let me get another female to help out anyway so you dont have to worry about that.

Sage and Jade have regular play dates together, SUPERVISED by me. If Jade looks like he is going to mout Sager I seperate them. They only play for around 5 min a day. They havent seen each other for like 5 days though, I dont want Sager to leave her pups.

She is nursing two of the pups. *the healthy two*. The sickly pup is missing, I cannot find it :(.

05-21-2003, 11:07 AM
I wouldn't let them have anymore "play dates" now. After they have been apart for 24 hours they forget the scent of the other one and see them as a potential enemy and probably fight.

Jade will have his companions in 6 weeks and be happy, don't forget to make the split screen - this is important to ensure that the boys don't get hurt. In the mean time you can give him extra attention ;)

I would suggest you take a look in the bedding for the lost gerbil - when one of mine went missing at 15 days old I found that he had died and was burried in the bedding. She may not have disposed of the body so it will need removing. I hope that the other 2 survive (and that you have one male and one female pup!!)

05-21-2003, 11:10 AM
I also prey I have one male and one female that would be perfect!! but with my luch I will have 2 females or two males. :rolleyes:.

05-21-2003, 06:31 PM
I have just recieved news that one of the baby gerbs has died :( May it rest in peace :(

It was the one that looked the most sickly - It had a bluish tinge while the rest were pink..

05-22-2003, 08:06 AM
:( thats so sad!:( Rest In Peace little baby:(

05-22-2003, 10:54 AM
the two babies that still are living are good, I held one this morning for 1 second to see if it was alive, *my hands were clean dont worrie*.. one of the pups *the smaller one* is bright pink, the other pup *the fatty ;)* is black as night :D. I think each one is going to take their own charecteristics, ok maybe they will look like mom and dad ;)

05-22-2003, 02:46 PM
I'm sorry that the sick one died. :( RIP sweet baby.

Glad the others are well and doing good though. :)