View Full Version : I saw the vet today for myself???

05-19-2003, 03:43 PM
Well, I was so down and totally overwhelmed, that I just had to get out of the house for a while. I went and picked up some lunch and ate it alone in my car. After that, I found myself driving to my vets office. I walked in and told the receptionist I didn't know why I was there and started bawling!!!

Thankfully, Dr. Brunner was still there and called me back into an exam room to talk. He was so kind and supportive, and I just spilled my guts to him. :rolleyes: He told me several stories to make me feel a bit better, and explained that any time you have several cats together, there WILL be illnesses! He explained how the vet office had an office kitty years ago, and although it had 24/7 vet care, it died of Feline Leukemia ... just from being in an environment where sick cats were coming through so often!!!

The only thing he said that bothered me, was he asked if I had "lost any"!!!
:( My answer was "no, not yet"..... I would have preferred to feel comfortable in having said, of course not!!!! :confused:

He told me that if they were hospitalized they would be doing the same things that I am doing for them at home ... unless anyone needed fluids. I am watching each of them like a hawk ... there is one (Hallie) that I am close to taking in ... the others are doing pretty well with eating their tuna.

While I was there, I had Dr. Brunner take a look at my scratch wound ... he said it looked pretty "clean" so I will just keep doing what I am with it ..... warm water and Neosporin.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-19-2003, 04:22 PM
Oh Kim, I wish I could be there to give you a hug. It sounds like you really need one right now. :( I'm so sorry this is all happening, but I'm sure you're doing everything right for these kitties. I'm glad your vet was so supportive. Somehow you must have known that, and known that you needed his assurance that you were doing everything you could for your kitties, and that's why you ended up there.

It sounds like you're exhausted from the constant worry and stress of caring for all the sick kitties. I know this is easier said than done, but try to get some good sleep. Being tired and stressed out won't help the kitties any, so you need to take care of yourself too - so you can help them. A good night's sleep always make the world look a little brighter to me, so hopefully it will do the same for you.

Once this is all over, and all the kitties are well, I hope you maybe just take a step back, but don't get out completely. You've done so much good for all these kitties that I really hope these setbacks don't scare you away for good.
{{{Hugs}}} to you. Sure wish I could help somehow.....

05-19-2003, 04:32 PM

I have so much respect for you and the work you do.

You have saved and rehomed countless cats.

I wish there was something I could say to help......

Me & Steve are thinking of you. {{{Hugs}} to you & your kitty cats.

05-19-2003, 04:47 PM
Being a care giver can become over- whelming . You are so very obviously deeply attached to all your kitties as well. They will get better and you will find good homes and then you will have a much needed emotional and physical rest. Maybe your vet can help you find good homes for some of the kitties and as others have suggested joining up with a national rescue organization would help with the stress and worry of finding good , loving homes. Sending you all the postitive energy I can muster.:) :) :) :)

05-19-2003, 05:42 PM
You have a great vet!!

05-19-2003, 06:56 PM
Kim, I suspect we are all too hard on ourselves. You have been such an angel to your kitties and there is no doubt about that. Mother Nature has a way of fooling around with us from time to time by creating illnesses and challenges and sometimes they are bigger than we are....hopefully not this time for you!

I have never stopped blaming myself for Gabe and Grammy's deaths and will never forgive myself. I lost two really sweet guys for some unknown reason. Intellectually I know that I did all I could do, but I still have the "what ifs" about the situation.

Please don't blame yourself for being kind to animals. Cats can get just as ill, if not more ill, living on the streets.

So don't be like me - and blame yourself, don't feel guilty for being kind and generous to animals. The animals have built in ways of thining their groups, just as we do....and it is mostly out of our control.

Thanks for being such a good kitty Mom!



05-19-2003, 08:32 PM
Thank you all!!!

SAS, I am so very sorry to go on about this so much .... I didn't even stop to think about how this all must be bringing back up some very difficult memories for you!!! Please forgive me!:(

05-19-2003, 09:07 PM
You've clearly got a great, caring vet! And many wonderful friends here in PT. Remember all the support that is out there for you during your difficult time. Prayers to your kitties, and hugs to you!

Keep us updated.

05-19-2003, 10:54 PM
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear that you've so become emotionally drained. :( This happens to the best of us in stressful situations. Please don't blame yourself for wanting to care for so many cats. You're a great cat meowmie and a role model for the rest of us here at Pet Talk. I'm so glad that you have such a caring vet to help you in your time of need. Please take care of yourself. Prayers are on the way for you, your family, and the entire herd. {{{HUGS}}}

05-20-2003, 05:30 AM

You are a wonderful human being and i wish there was more like you out in this world. You are doing all you can for your kitty's and by seeing your vet to make doubly sure is an act of courage. You won't give up on them and neither will we :D.

BIG HUGS from Bastet and Myself.

BTW what do they all have?

05-20-2003, 08:24 AM

We are sending hugs and kitty headbumpies your way. Try not to be so hard on yourself.

05-20-2003, 08:35 AM
Aren't cat people just the best??? Kim, because we share a common bond, i.e., we've all "been there" with sick kitties, we totally understand your confused feelings and the inclination to fear you haven't done all you can - exhaustion plays a big part there too...

We are your support group! As your friends, that is exactly what we will continue to do...you have my phone number too, so don't hesitate to use it!

You're doing a great job...we love you for caring so much! And WE ARE HERE!


05-20-2003, 09:38 AM

What a wonderful vet you have!!

I swear yesterday there was something in the air. I went through the same thing! I was very weepy, my cats were totally out of control. My foster, Fawn, has separation anxiety so I got little or no sleep last night or the night before.

Whenever I went to sleep in my bed, Fawn would scratch at the door and yowl! When I went to sleep in her room, MooShoo kept scratching at THAT door! It was a never ending cycle.

I finally had to get outta here. I took a ride (just like you) and went to A&W Rootbeer and had lunch alone in my car.

Sometimes it gets very overwhelming. You're doing a wonderful thing. Hang in there. You've got TONS of friends here who really care.



05-20-2003, 10:43 AM
Thank you everyone ... I just can't say it enough.... the words "thank you" just don't quite do it!!!

Yes, Bari, cat people are THE BEST people on this earth!!!! :)

Moosmom, I have Pm'd you.

Everyone else, I wish you all COULD give me hugs, but I'm afraid I'd drench your shoulders!!! :rolleyes: hehehe

Love you all!

05-20-2003, 12:51 PM
I'll take wet shoulders any day if it would make you feel a little better.

Russian Blue
05-21-2003, 09:57 AM
That is a great vet! Take it one day at a time..........


05-21-2003, 10:04 AM
Kim: You must forgive me if I sound a little harsh here, I'm not meaning to, I just haven't been able to follow any of your previous posts as I am new here.

But you mentioned you were feeding them tuna, what kind of tuna? How often, how much, and why?
My point is, you do know human Tuna is bad for cats on a regular or large amount basis right?

05-21-2003, 11:11 AM
I am only feeding them tuna during this severe illness.... water-packed tuna to force them to get their fluid intake.... to prevent dehydration. My vet and I discussed it, and he said last night that I was doing a great job and if he got a litter of sick kittens in the clinic he knew "where to send them"! (Just kidding, of course.)

05-21-2003, 06:45 PM
Kim: I'm so sorry but I've been away from the computer since last Friday. My shoulders are big enough accept any amount of tears. You too, Donna! You guys are the greatest and I really wish you could feel the hugs I'm giving you both right now. Remember, we are never handed more than we can handle. We are here for you always.

05-21-2003, 09:23 PM
Greiving comes from many different experiences, and this is definitely a qualifier. I dearly hope none of the kitties leave you, but that's what it would be should it happen. I say this after starting to say "I hope you don't lose any" when I realized that maybe that's part of the greiving thing - we think we "lose" them but we don't - they leave. And I think you may find all the incredible love you and daddy are giving them may bring all of them around.
What a marvelous vet you have! Kind of a pastor and vet in one! Blessings to you all!
BTW : I also gave water packed tuna to Grasshopper when she was so low she wouldn't go for her food - and it helped immensely.