View Full Version : Tell us a bit about yourself!

05-19-2003, 06:28 AM
I might be re-hashing a post long-gone, but I think it would be interesting for us PT'ers to give us a bit of interesting background about what goes on in their worlds!

Me first ....

I am a 21 year-old brunette, born so blonde that my mother thought I had no hair. Fortunately, my hair darkened, as my peers would not believe that a blonde with a generous bosom could be such a high academic achiever. I aced high-school, but made the decision not to study law or medicine as a) I did not want my family to succeed vicariously thorugh me b) I couldn't be bothered and b) I wanted a much simpler life, away from the constant pursuit of material goals.

Let's face facts, how many 18 year old's really know what they want out of life? All I knew was what I didn't want.

I went a bit crazy after that. I moved interstate (1000 k's) from my parental home to my current city of residence, Brisbane Queensland with my heartless ex-boyfriend. We broke up, but I decided to stay on, as I had become addicted to the balmy heat - such a wonderful contrast to the Siberian-like frigidity of Canberra's climate. I went through some hard times. I was broke, broken-hearted, afraid and alone. But, somehow, I "came out on the otherside."

I have said "Au Revoir" to my adolescence, leaving behind my innocence and my size-8 figure.

But! This young laydee is happier than she's ever been in a low-stress job with Australia's second biggest Telco (Optus), a boyfriend she loves and a kitty she just ADORES! Life just couldn't be better.

Now, your turn! Share as much or as little as you like! :D :D

05-19-2003, 09:02 AM
My name is Julie, im 13 year old blonde. :rolleyes: I was born October 6th. I have 2 dogs (Molly and Daisy), 2 cats, (Angel and Dillian), and 6 desert tortoises (Frankie, and 5 babies, no names yet!) I love dogs and hope to beome a veterinarian someday. :)

05-19-2003, 09:13 AM
I'm kinda trying to avoid doing my homework so this might be a bit long ;)

I'm 15 years old living here in Canada with my family of six people plus 3 pets. I have light brown eyes and light brown hair with blond streaks. I wear glasses (stupid glasses :mad: ) and wore braces for 6 years until my orthodontist took them off. Now (Im told) I have a nice smile. I am in grade 10 and an average student. I hope to have a career in webdesigning, advertising or computer graphics. I like to draw, spend time with my friends, pets and family, watch TV, go online, and belch out songs just for the hell of it. ;) I can speak English, French and *understand* Italian. My favorite color is blue and I like to listening to different kinds of music like from Our Lady Peace, Eminem, Pink, or whatever has a good meaning in a song. :) I'm also a bit crazy, especially when I've had my coffee :p And I guess that's about it....;)

05-19-2003, 10:54 AM
I'm 22 years old I live about a mile outside of a really small town named Union. I've lived around this area my whole life. So sometimes it gets pretty boring. When I was about 14 years old I had to start wearing glasses I hated it so much. I was pretty good in school until I got to the 11th grade.

My parents moved when I was at the end of 10th grade. We had we lived across from my grandma for about 16 years or more before we moved. I hated leaving even though the new place wasn't but 5 minutes away. Rob (my hubby) bought our old place.
When I first saw him I had a crush on him.

In July 1999 Rob and I started to talk to each other. We were sneaking around to see each other. Well cause Rob is like 11 years older then me. December 26th of 98' my dad decided to let me see Rob. May 13th 1999 I moved out of my parents house and moved in with Rob. About a month later I found out I was pregnant with Kaitlynn. I was 18 years old at the time. In June of 1999 Rob asked me to marry him. Of course I said "yes" June 6th I meet his sister and his nephew for the first time. September 25th 1999 Rob and I were married.

February 6th 2000 at 2:15 P.M. I had Kaitlynn. She was 8 pounds and 4 ounces. About 2 months later I finally get some contacts lenses. And I've dyed my hair some since I've moved in with Rob. My hair is naturally dark brown but now it is a blondish color.

March 11th,2003 Rob and I found out that I'm pregnant with our 2nd child. Our baby is due in October sometime. I'm 4 months pregnant now.

I guess that is about it about me besides me having 8 wonderful pets and having a brother that is younger then me.

Sorry this is so long.:eek:

05-19-2003, 11:21 AM
My name is Brandi and I'm 16 years old. I will be 17 in November. I was born in Tucson, Arizona, where I lived for 4 years before moving to New Jersey. In New Jersey is where I began to be around animals, mainly cats and caring for them. My mom's job was to take care of 50+ cats from a breeder. After living there for a couple of years, we moved to Georgia, where I pretty much grew up. I lived there 12 years of my life. In the 5th grade, I became a vegetarian, because of my love for animals. Now, I'm in Saint Louis, Missouri, where I met the love of my life, Brian. I didn't really believe in 'love at first sight' until I saw this guy. First day of school, I fell in love as soon as I saw him. I seriously thought I had no chance with him, when come to find out, he thought the same thing about me. So we wasted about 6 months hinting around that we like eachother, when we could have been dating. Well now, we've been 'going out' for 2.5 months and I love him so much. :D I've been playing guitar for about a 1.5 years to 2 years. I can play Metallica, Lynard Skynard, Guns N Roses, Blink 182, Disturbed, KoRn, Ozzy, S.O.A.D., Staind, Creed The Calling, Journey, Rick Springfield and much more. My dad and brother live back in Georgia and my mom and I live up here, in Missouri. Hm... I love snowboarding, skiing and in-line skating and someday soon I will be skydiving. I love anything that can give an adrenaline rush. Right now, I own 5 cats, 4 dogs, 1 guinea pig, 1 hamster, 3 rats and 1 iguana. It sure is a task, but I love them all. I've met Lou Diamond Philips and, lol Prince. :o I hope someday to become a Prosecutor, not a defense lawyer, a veterinarian and a meterologist. I also hope that some day Brian and I can happily live together and eventually start a family.
Well now that I've bored you all, I'll quit writing.

05-19-2003, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by IttyBittyKitty
I aced high-school, but made the decision not to study law or medicine as a) I did not want my family to succeed vicariously thorugh me b) I couldn't be bothered and b) I wanted a much simpler life, away from the constant pursuit of material goals.

AMEN! I can't tell you how my Mother still gripes that I didn't do medicine or law...as if those were the only 2 possible fields in which you could lead a comfortable life.

I'm 23, just graduated from college, majored in Communications, work for an Insurance Agency, am engaged to a wonderful man whose Marine Corps unit is stationed overseas so I don't get to see him for now. Not to sure what I want to do now that I'm finished school. Although, working at the Insurance Agency is nice, pays rent, and I have benefits.

Current news....I'm trying to buy a condo. I guess if I had gone the medicine or law route, getting the financing together would have been much easier...but I'm happy. Could be happier if my fiance' was home, but I only have to wait a few more months *crosses fingers* hopefully.

And of course, I love my critters...all 8 of them.

05-19-2003, 12:53 PM
My name: Tiffany
Birthday: march 26
My Family: My mom, dad, sister(18 years old), and Blueberry
Cat: Blueberry, Blue point himmy/persian, born on July 1st( Canada Day!) last year, so he's about 10 months old now
Other Cats: listed in my sig, are not mine. They're all Persians, and they belong to my grandmother, and she would always say that they're half mine. I'm a big animal lover, and I LOVE cats and dogs. I've always wanted a dog growing up, and I never got one
:( Not allowed to, until my parents finally gave up and got me a cat, which turned me into a huge cat lover. But, I still want a dog. I want to be a vet when I grow up, I want to live on a farm(maybe) and breed cats if I'm not a vet, and I'd like to work in a shelter too, or maybe run a no-kill shelter. I would like to own a HUGE piece of land and build a big place for cats to play in.
I think I'm done with myself, and yes, I'm sorry for being boring.

05-19-2003, 01:22 PM
(Deep breath)

My name's Britt and I live with my mom, dad, sister, and my pets in a nice small town on Long Island, New York, USA. My sster's name is Katie and she's turning twelve Wednesday, my mom's name is Alison, and my dad's name is Tom. My pets are pictured in my sig, and described in my profile.

I am 13 years old and am in 7th grade. I have brown hair; sometimes it is thick, but recently it has been very soft and silky...which is the way I prefer it to be. I also have brown eyes, which some people say are amber, but I disagree. I have braces, always dark blue, and I have been wearing them for a year now. They should be coming off in a month or so. I boycotted my glasses last year, because they made me dizzy and gave me headaches, so I have been blind as a bat since then. Now I'm getting contacts (woohoo!!).

My strong subjects in school are social studies and english. My weak subjects are science and math. I get along well with my teachers, and my friends and I like to stay after school to talk to them (they are WAY more cool than a lot of people my age).

I want to be a lawyer, desbite that nobody ever takes me seriously. The old line "everyone wants to be a lawyer at some point in their life" is spoken to me almost every day. After I gain enough experience, quality, etc., I would like to be a judge. I am determined to get somewhere in the government, whether it be executive, legislative, or judicial. It would also be great to be a campaign manager for something.

My hobbies are: TV, talking, running/jogging, definetly my pets, reading, the computer, designing cool signs and pics for my site, and government. I have this cool workbook all about the government, including activities about all the individual presidents (I hope someday I'll be able to lable a map of the US correctly, and memorize all the presidents in order). My favorite TV shows are Degrassi: The next generation and Will & Grace. My favorite books are To Kill a Mockingbird and The Poe Reader.

Phew! Sorry that was so long! I've been bored all day, and was desperate for something to occupy me. :rolleyes: :D

05-19-2003, 02:38 PM
My name's Ashley. I'm 15 years old, making me 10th grade. I live in Canada (in British Columbia to be more specific). As for school, well I suck. HAHAHA I actually really believe I'm pretty smart but I also know that I'm VERY lazy. In grade 7 I had b's or higher. I was happy about my math grade because I was the only person in my class to get an A in math. That encouraged me to apply for the "math challenge" program for grade 8. I also applied for science challenge for the hell of it. I got accepted to both. In math challenge 8, I did ok. I passed with a b. The program is supposed to be 2 years long but I hated the teacher with a passion. So I dropped the program after one year. So in grade 9 I passed with a higher b (only because I did the same stuff the year before). In grade 10 however, I am now failing with 35%! I completed the science challenge program just passing. So they I took bio 11 and chem 11 in grade 10. NOT a good idea. I was failing chem within 2 weeks of beginning school. I started failing bio around the 2nd term. I also had applied for a "mini' program which was for more advanced minds. I got accepted but I dropped it because I'm such a lazzy as*. So enough about my school life...

I have one bro and sister...i'm the oldest though. I'm ALWAYS on the computer, probably cuz it's in my room MWHAHAHHA. I have bad sleeping habits (3am-7am). I am addicted to coke (the drink...lol). I've started drinking milk cuz my bones are REALLY weak.

I love my kai baby verrrry much. I've had fishes before, but that was the only pet I've had...and lets face it, it's nothing like owning a dog. I remember the day when I wanted a dog. I was crying over something..I was about 3 or so. And my mom asked "do you want anything? anything at all?" I said.."no.." but then it clicked... i wanted a dog..but it was too late...So then I begged until i was 14..a month from 15...so that makes it almost 12 years of begging. It paid off. I really wanted a border collie but my mom wanted a sheltie, collie or golden. I said no cuz i was stubborn and wanted a bc. I originally planned on not taking care of the dog..and leaving it to my mom...because I wanted my bc so much. Didn't work..the moment I held kai...I just couldn't not take care of him. On the car ride home, he laid in my arms...and stuck his head into my arm pit LOL. When we got home, he slipped out of his new collar cuz it was so big..luckily he didn't run. PHEW enough typing...

Desert Arabian
05-19-2003, 04:20 PM
My name is Laura, and I am 15 years old. My birthday is November 28th. I am the only child. My mom is "All Creatures Great And Small" and my dad's name is Tom. Ma is a manager and Pa builds controls for Navy submarines and ships. As far as school goes....lets not go there!!!!!!!!!! I have 2 cats and 8 rats. I have been riding horses for around 8.5-9 years (lately on and off). My favorite dog breeds are the Labrador Retriever, Great Dane, and Boxer. My favorite horse breeds are the Appendix Quarter Horse, Hackney, Saddlebred, Tennessee Walker, Shire, Belgian, Clydesdale, Thoroughbred, Dutch Warmblood, the list goes on.

I am obsessed with wild animals/nature. I love going up to my cottage and catching critters (snakes, lizards, frogs, turtles, etc.)When I am not on Pet Talk I am researching animals on the computer. As far as my future career goes I really want to open up my top-notch dog boarding kennel. If I don't go down that road I would love to be a DNR Warden, Zoologist (if only I were smart enough), vet technician...just about any animal related job.

Let's see what other "stuff" can I tell you? Oh yeah, I live in Wisconsin (Menomonee Falls). I have been to Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, and California. I think that's boring enough...right!!?? Ok, that's enough! :D ;) :p :o

05-19-2003, 04:55 PM
Ok, I guess it's my turn.

My name is Megan, and I am 14. My birthday is October 10th, and I have one brother and one sister. My brother's name is Jake and he is eight and his birthday is October 6th. My sister is 22 and her birthday is July 8th. She has a fiancee, and they are getting married sometime soon. She is 8 months pregnant with her first child which is a boy, and she's naming him Gavin. My mom is Judy and she is a retail manager, and my dad is Randy, and he is a supervisor.

My favorite subjects are Art, Music, Band and Math. My best subjects according to the 8th grade testing are Math and English. I am usually a straight A student, but I missed a couple days of school, so I was missing some assignments, and so my stupid english teacher decided to give me a C.

I am reading the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" and I agree with Britt, it's really good. I also love the book Bloomability by Judy Bloom and the books Keeping the Moon and Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen.

I have 6 pets, not including my fishtank snails. I have an Airedale Terror, I mean Airedale Terrier, named Abby (in my sig) and she is a sweetie but sometimes a brat. (Don't tell her I said that...) I also have 3 cats, Willow, Whiskers, and Popeye (also in my sig) whom I love very much.

I'll shut up now, I have to get going anyway...

NYCbabi 13002
05-19-2003, 05:11 PM
Hello, my name is Heather Perry. I am 19y.o. and in college for a bachelors degree. I am majoring in Science to be a vet.
I live in manhattan, new york (city) and love it. I love everything except traffic. lol :rolleyes:
My Family:
I have a brother, a mom, a dad, and pets. My brother is named Josh, and is 6y.o. He follows my interest in animals, and drawing. he is surprisingly good in art for being a 6yo! He said that he wants to be an electrician, or a policeman. I have a mom, Rhonda, she is a Nurse at Pleasant View, a nursing home. My dad, Chris is an electrician he worx in DC. My parents and my brother all live in a little developing city called Frederick Maryland. Oh, and They have a pet(chihuahua) named Mercy. They are currently taking care of my 2 OTHER pets, Lady(Border Collie) and Kitty(my kitten) You can find them in other posts(I mention them often).
My pets:
I have a border collie/lab mix named Maggie...I am sure you have heard of her. She is going on 4 in August. She lives with me in my dinky apartment in Manhattan, a really busy huge full of traffic pain in the butt city in NY. She loves it here, and she loves me.lol. I got maggie at a shelter about 3 yrs ago here in NYC. Ever since she has been my bestest buddy. Lady, she is my pure bred BC, and she is also 3. I have to give her to my parents over the summer, along with Kitty(my kitten) for a reason that is none of your business(nothing related to animals). So yeah thats my pets...
I am currently beginning my second year of college for my bachelors degree. I am 19. I am a female...lol...I live in NYC. I am semi enjoying my last days as a teenager. I have a boyfriend that is 19. His name is mike. I am having much luck along the way. Healthy happy relationship. Hope it turns out well...
I love animals. I have red hair, ice blue eyes(cuzz of my contacts), I am 5'7, and light in wieght for my age, lol. Yeah I am scary. Oh, and I have braces. Yeah I am old for braces. I have a disease...style, I have to have style or I won't wear clothes at all(scary thought) I have expensive new york/chicago style. Yeah I am weird.... uuhhhgg, I have am wonderful to be friends with. I love people that are funny, trustworhy, and will aLwAyZ be there for me. So far life is gr-8. and it feels like I am collecting more friends herein PT.
My HObbbies:
soccer, animals (DEFINETLY), watching tv, surfing on the internet,takling on PT, and on IM. helping animals. drawing (I can show you some of my crappy drawing s later.) thats pretty much all!

Well I can tell you ALOT more but my hands are starting to hurt

sorry for taking up like a WHOLE page
p.s. don't think I am a prep, I am def. not one. I am more on the rebel/average side. "average rebel":D
PHEEEWWW, ahh now I feel more mee after spitting it at everyone!

NYCbabi 13002
05-19-2003, 05:12 PM

05-19-2003, 05:20 PM
I'm 18 years old, and I live in Canada. I just finishing up my last few days of high school before moving on to other things which I don't know yet..lol. After school is done I plan to take a year off and travel if I can, then, hopefully I'll know more of what I'd like to do as a future job..I currently work as a waitress at a motel dining room which I just started. I live at home with my father, brother and 2 dogs. I visit my mom ever so often and my kitty which lives with her. Right now, my words seems to revolve around the internet lol but thats all good ;D I believe the most important things in my life are my family and I have a great relationship with them...and my pets of course :D

05-19-2003, 05:40 PM
My name is Lindsey. I'm 19 years old and reside in beautiful Everett, Washington. I am currently attending Edmonds Community College, but I would eventually like to transfer to DeVry University and get my masters in Business Administration. I have a strong hatred for math :mad: I still live with my parents, Louie & Margaret, and my great-aunt, Avie, also lives with us (along w/ all the pets of course :D). I also have two older siblings, Kristi, she's 24, and Aaron, he's 26. Kristi has the most darling 6-year-old daughter named Melissa. Kristi & Melis live in Seattle so I get to see them a lot, but Aaron lives down in Portland, OR :( I also have the most wonderful boyfriend, John, whom I've been with for over two years. I work for a company called Sun Precautions (www.sunprecautions.com) and have been working there going on 4 years. I love to go on road trips (I HATE flying) and I love vacations. Some of my favorite places (besides where I live) are Las Vegas, Yellowstone National Park, Vancouver BC Canada, Neah Bay Washington, & many others. I love cars, (my favorite kind is a Jeep Wrangler), but I currently drive a '03 Toyota Echo. Music is another love of mine. :D I mostly just like to listen to it, but I do play guitar and bass guitar. I also used to play clarinet in my high school band. Every once and awhile I dabble on my mom's keyboard, but I'm not too serious with it. I also have a strong interest in body modifications. I don't have many myself (just two tattoos and a few piercings), but I enjoy reading about and seeing photos other people's experiences and what not. I'm sure I'll get more in the future. I also love to read, go to the beach, go to the movies, and SLEEP... I guess that's about it besides my animals. Which of course are my loves!! Why else would I be on this site? ;) My Ruby girl is my baby :D

05-19-2003, 05:47 PM
I'll be 22 years old on Sunday. I was born and raised in the small town of Brownsville, Tx. I got a full scholarship in music to attend to the University of Arizona to play bassoon and steel drums. I've been here four years and love it. For 3 years I was on the U of A womens Rugby team, I'm unable to play this year due to problems with my knees.
I'm a huge animal lover I have two cats and joint custody of a dog, I also work for a pet sitting agency.

The Cat Factory
05-19-2003, 06:00 PM
Well...my name is Chantelle, and my birthday is on July 31st. I live with my mom, dad, older brother, older sister, and younger brother. I live in BC, Canada, and I have 13 cats, 1 dog, and fish.

I am obsessed with Star Trek abnd Lord Of The Rings LOL :D
I have always been interested in Roman history, especially Gladiators. I want to be a Historian or an Archaeologist when I am older. Or, I want to work for Nasa :D

I collect DVD's, Video Games, Video Games Systems...I love coca cola, and Poutine, I am a vegetarian, I hate milk (I think it tastes disgusting for some reason...)

05-19-2003, 06:14 PM
hello my name is amber and im gonna be 14 on may 25, i have 4 sisters and brothers.. umm i live in pembroke pines florida. i love animals and horses.. I go to horse camp every saturday and i have begun going to animal shelters to donate my time which i have alot of..

I have a puppy named cami and she is 6 months old. She is a corgi american eskimo mix.. i got her in january after just going to the pet store fo fish gravel :rolleyes: and my mom fell in love with her.. this is how we have a handful for a pup... I have a calico cat named cali and she is almost 5 or 6 years old.. i think :rolleyes: she is an outdoor cat and she is so sweet..

I also have one hampster well i did have two but my beloved otis passed away on new years day :( but my little brother still has his hampster named piglet...

I live with my mom and dad and currently is single! :( lol.. oh well.. i have blonde hair and blue eyes and im tall.. *kinda* tall*.... i play soccer in my free time and i talk on the phone and computer 24/7.. well this is pretty much it!!


05-19-2003, 06:22 PM
ok this is my dog he is a jackrussle he has like a shape of a paw on his ear he is very very protective he bit the pizza man because he thought he was an intruder which was kind of scary the guy charged us 50% extra :eek: so for now on whenever we order pizza we have to keep bossman my jackrussle in a cage so we dont have to go through that again ha ha now it is youre turn what is youre animal like:D