View Full Version : arg...this bothered me a bit

05-18-2003, 05:54 PM
I took Timber for a bike this morning to the park. I let her run around, go for a swim, chase the ducks, etc.

We were walking over to the playground, and I noticed that a lady and her children had showed up, so I put Timber's harness and leash back on, and I was going to go around the playground, and across the bridge to get back to my bike.

Well, on the way there, the youngest looking kid ran up to Timber. Timber of course, seeing the kid, immediatly enjoyed the attention and kissed him on the face.

The lady then, got all mad, and grabbed her kid and yelled "Your animal should have a better leash!"

I was like, "Maybe your kid should have a leash."

ok, I could have sounded less rude, but she got me really upset.

Then she left, so I let Timber off the leash again to let her go down to the creek and get a last little drink before we left. I watched as the lady walked sooooo slow and staring at Timber the entire time, like she was some beast who was going to spring an attack if she made any sudden movements.

Grrr...it bothered me...Just had to speel, sorry..:o

05-18-2003, 06:10 PM
How rude of her! This lady on my block does the same thing. :rolleyes: It's annoying. "Maybe your kid should have a leash," I like that! That was the perfect thing to say (or at least IMO).

05-18-2003, 06:13 PM
lol thanks :D I was also thinking of taking a pity route and telling her that Timber was my siezure dog lol :rolleyes: but I think that could have easily blown out of proportion :p

05-18-2003, 06:23 PM
HHAHHH you said exactly what i would have said..good job! I taught Kai to bark..so if anyone pisses me off...he'll bark..next time to teach him is snarl lol

05-18-2003, 09:18 PM
OK! I am confused. Your dog is on a leash, and her
toddler runs up to your dog, and she is mad???
I probably would have said the exact same thing as you
did too. :confused:

05-19-2003, 08:12 AM
~urgh~ some people.

you had every right to say what u did so well done ~applauds~

it is very annoying and dangerous when children have no idea how to approach a dog, it happens all the time to us when walking our 3 dogs ~makes me sooooo mad~

05-19-2003, 01:02 PM
Have you ever seen a poster that says: "Dogs are welcome, children should be on a leash." This seems like the perfect example of when to use it.;)
Parents who do not teach their children how to approach a dog are very irresponsible and may put their kids in danger because some pups get over excited with the sudden movements of a child.