View Full Version : *STRUT YOUR MUTT* <pics>

05-18-2003, 01:24 PM
Well, Strut Your Mutt was yesterday! :D I have to thank you all, as the great members of Pet Talk helped me raise $300! :eek: Wow! Melissa had $32, so we had a total of $332 to help homeless pets!

I earned my way into Buster's Backyard, and they let me bring a guest, so Melissa was able to come too! Free food and drinks, treats and entertainment for the doggies..can't beat that! ;)

Here's some pics.......I have TONS....so when you get a chance, please also check out the ALBUM! (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4290135067)

A very happy Nebo :D
Melissa and Lady
Buster's Backyard (they gave me one of those light green shirts you see)
This year's "Buster" mascot for adoption...a VERY cute deaf Border Collie!
A gorgeous great dane getting some lovin' ;)...she was in Nebo's puppy class...she was about the size then that Nebo is now! lol

05-18-2003, 01:25 PM
This is Tank the AmStaff....a girl I work with's dog...he's a sweetie!
Tank and Lady
Here's a pic for Jackie! :D
And a Purple Poodle for the poodle lovers..
And for the husky lovers...here's Nebo's twin sister. ;)

05-18-2003, 01:25 PM
The winner of the Pet/Owner Look-A-Like contest
"Mmm....ice cream..."
And there's PLENTY more in the ALBUM! (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?show_all=1&start=1&id=4290135067) :D

05-18-2003, 01:33 PM
Awww it looks like you had soo much fun!!! Wish we were there!!

I love all the pictures, but this one made me laugh:


I also loved this one...hmmm I wonder why??
heheheh!! :D:D:D

05-18-2003, 01:48 PM
Those pictures were fantastic, I enjoyed them
so much. It made me feel I was their with you.
The purple poodle made me laugh as well as the
look alike contest.
Thank you for sharing. :)

05-18-2003, 02:18 PM
Great pics Amy!!
All the dogs are gorgeous. Tho I wonder why the purple poodle?
gonna check out the alblum

05-18-2003, 02:31 PM
Great Pics!! They are such gorgeous dogs! I'll have to check out rest of the pictures later:)

05-18-2003, 03:11 PM
Amy, great pictures n' thanx sooo much for sharing~! The look-a-like contest looks like they really picked the right couple~! LOL :) Will im goin to check out the album right now~! Sounds like you, Melissa, Nebo n' Lady had a blast~!!! OO n' I sow a Dobie n' one of those pix to....ah what a cutie~!!:D

05-18-2003, 03:20 PM
OHhhhhhhhhh it looks like you guys had soooo much fun!!

Congrats on the donation amount! :D :D

05-18-2003, 03:25 PM
I'll be checking your album later. Good job on the raising money :D Glad you guys had fun - and the pictures are great :D

05-18-2003, 03:28 PM
Will I went through your Album n' I just love this picture :

Thanx for taking a Dobie picture~! :D :) :p :cool:

05-18-2003, 03:45 PM
Great pics Amy! Congrats on raising so much money for such a great cause!!!

05-18-2003, 03:49 PM
All great pictures, looks like everyone was having a good time!:D And the Buster Mascot Border Collie is sooo cute!
I also like these two from your album

We have had such a busy day!


05-18-2003, 04:41 PM
Aww great pics!! I really love the 1st one ;D

05-18-2003, 05:20 PM
I have to make sure Bella doesn't see this one! She'll be afraid that it will give me ideas!! :D :D :D

Now it's on to view the rest of the pics!

05-18-2003, 05:21 PM
Thanks so much for sharing the pics! I really enjoyed them, and all of those pups are soooo cute!:D

05-18-2003, 05:46 PM
Thanks for sharing those pictures! It looked like it was a lot of fun!

Our Humane Society just started and they are looking for new ideas....I know I will definately tell them about this maybe we can get something going here.

Thanks Again...:) :D :)

05-18-2003, 11:20 PM
Oh I loved the pics! Hehe the purple poodle looks funky

05-18-2003, 11:28 PM
Wonderful photos!! :D It looks like you all had such a great time! Do you know how much money was earned all together?

05-19-2003, 08:08 AM
$332! That is great!!

I just checked out your album and LOVED the pictures. The pictures you posted are AWESOME!! Looks like everyone had fun: human and canine alike!! Nebo and Lady looked great and I just loved Lady's toenail polish!!

05-19-2003, 08:53 AM
Hey Amy! You came thru. ;) :D

A little overcast but it looks like you guys had nice weather for the event. How did Nebo and Lady like "Busters Backyard"? Did "Buster" get adopted?

Glad you guys had a good time. :) Thanks for the pics!

05-21-2003, 12:34 AM
Thanks everyone!! :D

Unfortunately, I don't know what the total raised was......there was a LOT of people there.....and each entry fee was $20...combined with pledges and money from vendors...I bet they raised tons of money! I'll let you guys know if I find out.

I don't know if "Buster" was adopted...I hope so...she sure was a sweetie!

Yes, Lady and Nebo *did* enjoy Buster's Backyard...they loved the pools, and digging in the sandbox for treats!

05-21-2003, 11:55 AM
it looks like you had fun, Tikeya and Oscar would have. I wish they had a strut your mut here in kelowna. but they dont. :mad:. oh well. I am glad you raised over 300$. good for you.

Dakota's Mommy
05-23-2003, 11:28 AM
Ah, Nebo's so cute! I loved the pics, especially the ones with Nebo in them and the one with the Dane (go figure huh)! So glad the fundraiser was successful, thanks for sharing the photos!

05-23-2003, 03:57 PM
Great pics, thanks 4 sharing! GSDgurl, is that an albino dobie in your pic?! Whatever it is, freakin cool!!!