View Full Version : 1st day :D

05-18-2003, 09:42 AM
I started work today (waitressing). My wants me trained for June so I'm doing a little at a time till then. Anyway it went better then I thought. I was so nervous when the 1st person came in, my hands were shaking :o You should have seen my hand writing, it was soo messy..There wasn't a ton of ppl, but not a few either. I only made like 13.25 in tips, but I'm proud of it :D A few ppl didn't tip like this man you seemed really pissed off about something :x I mean they got a free meal (some of them, and they didn't even tip..)
I think I could have been more outgoing but I was pretty nervous. My mom says it will come. I went to this table and asked if they were done and one of them said yes, so I took her plate and went for the other and shes like "Oh, shes not done.." I was like Opps! sorry.. lol I must have looked like an idiot ;D
Other then my feet are killing me it was pretty fun :) Once you get going you don't even notice your tired..oh well I'm happy to be home now to sleep. It's a 6:30AM shift to about 11 or so..

05-18-2003, 09:47 AM
lol I must have looked like an idiot ;D
I doubt you looked like an idiot!
congratulations! you will do great, just have to get used to it and you won't be nervous! I remember my first job, not waitressing, but, it is hard at first. and some people are always going to be jerks, so don't let them get to you, most are very nice!
good luck to you!

:) :)

05-18-2003, 10:05 AM
Sounds like you had a good first day. (Your feet get used to standing all the time) :)

05-18-2003, 02:56 PM
Good stuff! Congrats! :D

Do you have to take people's orders? If you do, I could never do it lol. People talk so fast, I have no clue how someone could jot that down so quickly :eek:

05-18-2003, 03:07 PM
Good luck! Best wishes to you -- waitressing is tough work. More power to you!

05-18-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Do you have to take people's orders? If you do, I could never do it lol. People talk so fast, I have no clue how someone could jot that down so quickly :eek:

Yup. I had to do everything lol. I thought I couldnt do it either but you start to right in point form like if someone ordered an Explorer with overeasy eggs bacon and orange juice id put
Exp. O/E bacon and OJ and it saves a lot of time but the cook had trouble reading my writing :o I feel bad for her lmao.

05-19-2003, 07:33 AM
you will get better about the writing ! how is the new job going?
soon you will be waitress of the month!

05-24-2003, 11:55 AM
Second day today :) I feel so much better after just having the one day behind me. I was kinda nervous at 1st but I got over it. There was 2 french ppl and one german but they understood enough english to order and such. I did pretty much everything myself except when a bunch of ppl came in and I haden't cleared a few tables (WHY do they pick the unset ones out of ALL the clean tables?! lol theres one unset and they go there :o)
These golf ppl get a coupon for a free meal only without the juice, so I tell them that and like 2 seconds later when I'm taking their order I say "So what kind of juice would you like?" And they're like "Ohhh we get juice?" I'm such a spaz!! lol I just kinda joked to them that I'm new and it was to early or something. And another guy I couldn't understand, I kept asking "Pardon?" Or "sorry?" lol poor guy..I'd just smile and nod for some of it :o Atleast my writings improved, the cook could read it this time without me telling her lol :x The ppl I work with are really nice too which is good ;) AND I made like 25 bucks in tips this time..like everyone tipped..I had to split it with the other girl cause I was taking her tables though, but its all good :) (yes, I'm bored so I thought I'd bore you all with my job life..haha)

05-25-2003, 02:26 AM
not boring us at all! in fact I was just looking for this thread to ask how your job was going... but today was only your second day? you work one day per week? (sorry just curious)
well you sound like a wonderful, nice waitress! continued good luck!

05-25-2003, 09:51 AM
You'll get better with the writing soon! I know I can't write that fast, my writing will be really messy too. I know that first days can be hard, even though I've never worked before:p . and wow, 25$ in tips! Good job!