View Full Version : Transition to closed litter box

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-18-2003, 01:04 AM
I want to change Ally to a closed litter box. (Despite already having a very deep one with a "lip" around the top, my kitchen floor is like a beach when I get home from work!)

Has anyone changed their cat's box from open to closed?

Should I just replace the old one with the new one, or leave the old one around for a while as a backup?

05-18-2003, 07:46 AM
You should leave the old one around for a while if you don't want your kitchen floor looks like a... litter box! (if ever your cat doesn't like his new litter box...)

Many cats love covered spaces so I think your cat will choose the new one...

However I read cats feel better if they can watch around them while they do what-they-have-to-do :D

Finally, your cat would prefer to have his new litter box in a corner of the kitchen... for his privacy ;)

05-18-2003, 12:55 PM
Well, I also think it depends on the cat.
My three had covered litterboxes, and didn't mind it (i just switched them right to it).... when I had one covered and one not.. they prefered doing one "job" in the uncovered and one in the covered.. :rolleyes:

We're back to uncovered because Mozart is a tall kitty, and he can't maneuver very well with a lid on it (and will tend to stick his butt out the opening!!! :eek: ) (oh Gosh, Poor Mozart.. he'll never get a girlfriend if I keep telling all the girls what he does!!)

We even have big litterboxes.. can't go any bigger or Bach and Eliza won't be able to climb in!! :D

If Ally is picky, you might keep the old box around, but you could also just watch her. Put the new box down, take away the old, and show her the new one, and let her see there's litter in there.. then if she shows no inclination for wanting to go in there, you can switch to the old again (Or just take the cover off!)

05-18-2003, 05:39 PM
Currently, in our cat room, we have one closed, and two open litter boxes. We have a mat under all boxes, but I am considering going to all inclosed.