View Full Version : My friend is getting Mowgli!

05-16-2003, 01:26 PM
Remember the rat that I wanted sooo bad??? Well, I asked my friend, and she said she would take him! I had to write a HUGE lost yesterday during socials class of all the foods that I feed, foods that you can feed, foods you can't, foods to be cautioned with, games and a million other things lol.

Poor rat is going to need alot of care, his fur is dull and coarse. I told her to feed him a bit of oil, and he'll definatly need some seeds to get his fur back to it's shininess! Poor little guy..

Isn't that great?! :D I'm so happy!

She won't be keeping the name Mowgli. Knowing how she prides herself on her evilness, it will be something evil lol. I've already suggested the name Cerberus...But she wants that to name her future doberman :rolleyes: I figure it will be something off of resident evil *her entire life* I've been trying to get her on this site for a long time, but I'm sure she will once she gets the ratty :)

05-16-2003, 02:16 PM
good! i hope he lives a happy life. don't forget to check up on him every once and a while.;)

05-17-2003, 10:22 AM
Bad news; her dad has decided that she can't have the rat :( She says she will probably go and get it anyway, lol. She's not the kind if person who abides by rules..I'll keep everyone updated..:(

05-17-2003, 10:01 PM
My parents don't know I have my rats either, so go Mowgli! Don't forget how social rats are, make sure he gets a friend to live with.

05-17-2003, 11:54 PM
Yes, I told her there are baby rats at the pet shop :) There aren't any at the shelter, and boy, are these little things cute! :D They are the kittens of the pregnant baby rats I was talking about before :(