View Full Version : Binx has worms???????

05-16-2003, 07:32 AM
This morning, during our am walk, I noticed some worms in Binx's, uh, well, his presents. I am POSITIVE they were in there, and not picked up from on the ground.....I kept the stuff in a bag, and I think it should go to the vets with us??? He was wormed as a puppy, but, they are here again! How did this happen? With all the white coat visits? With the tests? The stool sample JUST taken on Tuesday? Should I be hyperventilating???

Cisco's Mom
05-16-2003, 07:41 AM
Oh, I'm sorry for the yucky mor'n. I think Binx will be just fine as long as you take him and get him wormed. It must have been when they took his sample tues. they just didn't grt enough to see the worms. :( I hope Binx gets to feeling better real soon!!

05-16-2003, 07:44 AM
We have an appointment at 10 am!!! 1 hour 15 mins from now. I already called my sister with the GSD and Rottie to tell her, since the three of them were together alot this last weekend. I had planned to stop in and see them this afternoon....since I would be out near thier house. But, not if Binxy is wormy...boo hoo hoo...my poor little puppy doggie. What next????

Cisco's Mom
05-16-2003, 07:52 AM
I believe that they will just give him a shot for the worms and you will just need to watch for them to make sure the shot has worked. I'm sure the vet will give plenty of advice! Good Luck!;)

4 Dog Mother
05-16-2003, 08:10 AM
There are several types of worms that dogs can get. If what you are seeing is little white rice type things those are not actually worms but the larvae of worms. A lot of dogs get them - both Amy's Spot and our Jack and Snoopy had worms when we got them. In fact, as I think back on it, Taggert had been treated for worms when we got him and we had to give him the second dose and then have his stool checked.

There is several types of worms and your vet can tell you what type he has and where or how he might have gotten them. But as others has said it is nothing to worry about - just some medicine and all will be well.

05-16-2003, 09:02 AM
If they do look like rice than it is tapeworms larve & they can only be passed onto another dog by ingestion, so nothing to worry about there (unless the other dogs ate your dogs poop). It is the safest of internal parasites (just provide adequate food & water), ussually transmitted by ingesting an infected flea or rodent.
If it is another worm than yes they can be transmitted to other dogs through the pads of the feet & whatnot. Your vet will help you out. Good luck!

05-16-2003, 09:14 AM

Hope Binx gets better soon!

05-16-2003, 09:23 AM
No need to freak out! Same thing happened to me when Drake was about 7 months old. The vet gave us some pills to take and said the only way another dog could get it is by eating the poop.

05-16-2003, 10:06 AM
Sounds like tape worm to me. The only worms that heartworm preventatives like Interceptor and Sentinal don't take care of are tapeworms. They look like little pieces of white stuff and those are the segments that have fallen off the worm. Also, gross as it may be, pull up his tail and see if there are little pieces of ricelike stuff near his butt. As long as the worms are taken care of they are not a danger. Pretty routine stuff. Good luck and let us know ok? Way to go Binxy boy...got Mommy scared again! ;)

05-16-2003, 10:08 AM
Well, $125 later...Binx has a strange case of tape worms....they think...WHY CAN'T HE BE NORMAL? (Yes, I am a little frustrated). We got a super dose of pills, five!, to take today, then, the little packets on food three days in a row, beginning tomorrow.

Binx should be about the healthiest doggie ever by the time of the dog park trip...

The vet said not to take him to my sister's...just in case. So, he has to stay home and not get to play with his cousins :(

I will still go see her and take the guys for a walk, though. I am quite bummed about this whole thing.

05-16-2003, 10:16 AM
Well, I'm glad it's tapeworms and not something else. I guess $125 is ok...at least it's not alot higher from waiting too long and letting it get really serious. Hope you're all right binx

Cinder & Smoke
05-16-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Well, $125 later...
Binx has a strange case of tape worms...

Binx should be about the healthiest doggie ever by the time of the dog park trip...

... I am quite bummed about this whole thing. :(

Hey Binx ~

Way ta go, ya Big Dummie :p !
Ya bettur start layin OFF wiff da "strange-stuff" an stark aktin *normal* so MawMee kan enjoy yur growin up!

Glad itz jest a simpul case a wurmz, but yur Mom haz put up wiffa LOT since you bounced inta her life - mite be tyme to take a break an jest akt like a *Puppie* fur a welkum change a pace!

An whutz happnin wiffa Dawggie Skoowl!?
Izzint you takin Klassez now?
Letz hear sum Skoowl Tailz!

05-16-2003, 10:37 AM
Poor you and poor Binx! Lotsa medicine to help a lot of doggie! But he'll be fine again in a jiffy, don;t worry too much!

05-16-2003, 01:30 PM
Your right, with all the both of you have had to put up with, he should be the healthiest puppy ever!
I can symphatize somewhat with the $$, that 500+ a couple of weeks ago had me a little down too.
I'm sure he's gonna be just fine and be the big healthy boy you want soon:D :D

05-16-2003, 08:09 PM
Hopefully now Binx will be feeling better. Can't be any fun having those worms!
But it looks like you did everything correct. Just remember to take a sample back to the Vet to get it rechecked (after his medicine) just to make sure they are all gone!:)

05-16-2003, 08:25 PM
Poor Binx. Tape Worms? Poor poor Binx. Don't worry! He is a perfectly normal dog! It'll be okay.

05-16-2003, 10:09 PM
When Jake the Dobie use to live above my dad he had tape worms, & him & Max shared the same yard. The vet told Jake's owners to pick up the poop & then put boiling water with lots of bleach on top of the left poopy grass to help kill the worms. So we had to mark off an area where it was ok for them to kill my dads grass (it only took him 5 yrs to get grass to grow there), well Max never got the worms, & to be on the safe side we brought Max's stool to the vets after Jake was all better.

05-18-2003, 08:02 PM
Oh Binxy - why did you go and eat a measuring "tape"???
(kidding :D )

Hope you get better really soon ....... I bet it has to do with the teefies - now you CAN eat anything (almost!!!)

05-19-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Well, $125 later...Binx has a strange case of tape worms....they think...WHY CAN'T HE BE NORMAL? (Yes, I am a little frustrated). We got a super dose of pills, five!, to take today, then, the little packets on food three days in a row, beginning tomorrow.

Binx should be about the healthiest doggie ever by the time of the dog park trip...

The vet said not to take him to my sister's...just in case. So, he has to stay home and not get to play with his cousins :(

I will still go see her and take the guys for a walk, though. I am quite bummed about this whole thing.

Just to educate everyone a little:
Your vet must have either discovered another type of worm(s) or gave you additional medicine just in case because there is no "strange case of tapeworms". There are 6 different species of tapeworms but tapeworm meds kills all 6 species. It is just tapeworms or more. The packets you got are probably called panacur & that does not even get rid of tapeworms just hook, round & whip worms along with some other parasites. The pills you got are probably droncit which kills all 6 species of tapeworms. Glad to hear that you got him on the road to recovery. And like others mentioned I also reccomend getting another stool sample done after his meds are over just to make sure it is all cleared up. Interceptor ( a heartworm med) also prevents hook, round & whip worm prevention which is a good idea to get your dog on that.

05-19-2003, 12:15 PM

Have you considered purchasing Health Insurance on Binxter? It is really affordable and can come in handy as well!!

05-19-2003, 11:36 PM
Good thoughts and well wishes headed Binxy Boy's way!
I just thank God that you rescued him. He is a lucky lucky boy to have a wonderful person like you being his mom!

05-19-2003, 11:39 PM
Poor Binx, get feeling better soon!