View Full Version : New pictures

09-04-2001, 09:05 AM
Hi everyone, I am back at work after the long weekend (I can't WAIT until we get our DSL hooked up at home). Here are some new pictures of Graham at our new place.




In this picture, Graham was reading about Cassie, got terribly bored & fell asleep.

A dog and a weeping willow tree...a beautiful combo.

Here is Graham showing one of his ouchies.

Dixieland Dancer
09-04-2001, 09:40 AM
He is beautiful. It's nice to see he can lay back and enjoy the nice summer days! Tell him Dixie and Dusty say hello! :)

09-04-2001, 10:12 AM
What a sweetie! Grahm is adorable. Do you know what kind of dog he is? Looks like maybe part Rottweiler.

09-04-2001, 10:18 AM
Thanks :)

I don't think he's part rottie, he's pretty small (46 or so pounds), and he was born with a naturally docked tail, but I could be wrong. I am pretty sure he's got aussie in him, although he's very, very mellow (unlike australian shepherds). I have had a couple of vets and several friends tell me that he had alot of signs of chessapeke bay retriever, and I have had some people tell me that he looks part pit bull. I really have no idea.

[ September 04, 2001: Message edited by: AdoreMyDogs ]

09-04-2001, 10:34 AM
It looks like Graham really enjoys his new home ;)

09-04-2001, 12:20 PM
Great pictures! Graham is so handsome!!! :)

09-04-2001, 12:28 PM
Leslie, the pictures are beautiful. Your new place is so pretty outside. I'd probably be outside all the time if it was that pretty here :) Graham reminds me a little of Lolly in the weeping willow picture :)

09-04-2001, 12:39 PM
Gee, I guess Graham feels right at home! Dang! He looks HAPPY!!!!! By the way, did I miss something? What is with his shaved hind quarters and stitches? Did he have a little surgery?

Congrats on the new place and when KayAnn sees these pics she will *gasp*!!! Guarenteed :D!

09-04-2001, 01:09 PM
Hehehe...Aly, I think Lolly and Graham have very similar coat markings. I have always thought that. Even that little white spot on their chests are the same!

Angel, Graham had some growths removed, they were all safe lumps, but I did not want them getting bigger so I opted to have them removed. The thread can be found under the 2 page topic, "bump?" posted originally by Bridget (Daisy's mom).

09-04-2001, 01:44 PM
Glad to see Graham looking like he is happy and content and that Sir Jury didn't dampen his sweet disposition. (Sigh of relief)

The pictures are beautiful, Leslie.

Daisy's Mom
09-04-2001, 01:52 PM
Graham is just so beautiful! He seems to have settled right in; he looks very much at home! I am glad he feels better after his Sir Jury! He looks great :)

09-04-2001, 02:02 PM
Leslie, Graham is so beautiful, I love his coloring. I guess he loves his new home sweet home. I thought only California dogs were so layed back. :D :D :D

09-04-2001, 02:54 PM
Yay Mr. Graham!
Back home and loving it I can tell!!
Glad to see that you never quit smilin'! :D

09-05-2001, 08:02 PM
Leslie I love the picture where he got bored reading about Cassie! LOL! By the way, how is sweet little Cassie doing these days with her new best bud Ritz? Any adventures to report?

09-05-2001, 09:26 PM
LOL! Angel u guess right! My jaw dropped and i **gasped** and then i was like GRAHAM!
I got tears in my eyes hes a beauitufl dog! I love Him! This year if we do go to Mi we definatly gotta meet Leslie! I wanna see Graham boy! I wonder if him and Sim would get along?? Simba gets along with calm laid back dogs, and also when he is away from his won territory. Leslie we need more more more more more more!!!!!!!! ;)

09-05-2001, 09:58 PM
Leslie, Graham is adorable!!!! Give him a big hug from me!!

09-06-2001, 09:51 AM
KayAnn...for sure we have to meet! Graham usually fares very well with calm dogs who don't try to "hump" him. He is dominant but he really loves to play with dogs as long as they are not overly dominent themselves and they don't continue trying to hump him. He also likes smaller dogs (50 # and smaller) better then the larger labbies/goldens...etc. He actually has played great with a bernese mt. dog (120 pounds) and GSD's, rotties, and other large and mellow dogs. It's just the overly active and happy ones (labbies, goldens) that he has little patience for. He's a bit of a grouch sometimes :) Judging from what you say about Simba's personality, him and Graham sound like a perfect match!

Just let me know when you are going to be in MI next time. My schedule is slowing down somewhat, so I would be more likely to have time to meet :)

And as for Cassie...she's doing great. She and Ritz are starting to play but she is not very playful herself and Ritz is an absolute wild man :) She gets grumpy and sick of his puppy antics sometimes, and to escape she simply jumps onto the couch because he is not even close to being big enough to get up onto the couch by himself. Ritz misses Graham more then Cassie does. When I bring Graham over to my moms house to visit, Ritz just licks him and licks him, and follows him and gets all submissive and goes belly up hoping Graham will think he's cute and play with him. Ritz LOVES Graham :) Cassie could care less about Graham.

09-07-2001, 03:23 PM
Leslie, is Troy near Detroit? I have both sets of grandparents and some aunts, uncles, and cousins in Detroit. I try to make it up there at least once a year. I LOVE Michigan.

09-07-2001, 04:10 PM
Graham is a beautiful Furkid!!! Great pics
of your new place.I love all the pics,but the
picture of Graham under the weeping willow tree is truly a GEM !!Thanks for sharing them.

09-07-2001, 05:01 PM
Aly, I estimate like 20-half hour to Troy from Detroit.....But, then agian it all depends on the traffic! Do you plan on visiting your grand parents sometime? Because if it is sometimes during july, Leslie, You and I may could like meet each other?? My parents said Troy is like 40 mins from Fenton (where i stay)

09-07-2001, 06:15 PM
If there's a Detroit-area reunion, then count me in!!! Toledo is just about an hour and 15 minutes south of Detroit!

09-08-2001, 04:43 PM
Leslie, Graham is one of the sweetest looking dogs I've ever seen! What a precious face. That pic. of him sleeping and bored....I want to kiss those sweet little feet! :) Big kisses to you Graham the Man! What a handosme, sweet boy you have Leslie! Sandra

09-10-2001, 10:25 AM
I sure hope you will not get sick of more pictures. My husband and I signed a 1 year lease on our apartment because we needed more time to sell his mothers' house and find and buy a house, but we both love the area so much in our new apartment that we don't know if we want a house anytime soon because we may have to give up all this nature! We live on a nice pond, and it is very natural in this area. About a mile away there is a huge state park/nature preserve that is very large (40-50 sq. miles) and I have been spending 2-4 hours there every day because it is so incredibly beautiful and natural. Graham and I are in heaven. Here are a few nice shots of Graham in the lovely park that is called Bald Mountain.

Graham spotted a few deer ahead. He is sure wishing I would let him off the leash and allow him to run after them.

Here is Graham on a marsh trail. I just took this photo yesterday and it had been raining all weekend so the marsh was rather swolen with water. The wood was very slippery and when I walked on it it moved and water gushed out of the cracks wetting my feet. I had to keep Graham off lead incase he saw something around one of the blind corners and decided to chase it, sending me flying into a marsh :)

This is Graham trying his very hardest to do a Simba Lou Wonduh Mutt impression...what do ya think, KayAnn? http://wsphotofews.excite.com/032/tE/vG/sY/Zr69903.jpg

09-10-2001, 11:39 AM
Your pictures are beautiful!!Living where
you guys do now would seem like being on
vacation all the time.(Without the packing)
Graham is georgous!!Reminds me of my
daughter's dog in coloring & personality.
One question please; How on earth do you keep
Graham's teeth so white?? I'm serious, Do you
brush them or do anything special??

09-10-2001, 11:48 AM
Graham looks so relaxed and happy in his new home! He's a great, beautiful pup. :)

09-10-2001, 12:11 PM
Thanks :)

Lizbud...I brush Graham's teeth daily to every other day. I also carefully scrape his teeth with a nifty tool I bought from www.drsfostersmith.com (http://www.drsfostersmith.com) (I will try to upload the pic of the tool). Graham's quite tolerant and will allow me to scrape his teeth.

Also about once every month or two I give Graham a smaller, raw beef bone to chew on. It really helps clean up those chompers.

Aly, Troy was about 1/2 hour away from Detroit but I moved to a city called Auburn Hills ( I just updated my profile) which is north of Troy (Detroit is south of Troy) so now I am maybe 50-60 or so minutes north of Detroit. Please, anyone that would like to meet, let me know when you are in the Detroit area and I will try my hardest to clear my schedule so I can meet. Graham loves meeting new people and so do I :)

09-10-2001, 01:07 PM
omg!! Leslie, my sister Cathie works in Auburn Hills Mi!!! She works at a place called Jable Circuit!
She drives from Fenton to Auburn Hills everyday!!! I would be very happy if we could introduce SimMutt and GrahamPooch!
I bet they would get along just great. They both seem to have the same loving personalities, i think i would be more exicited meeting Graham then Simba would!! and of course if we do go to MI this summer, ill bring my digital and snap snap snap snap snap snap away!!!! I really hope we can meet, it would be such fun!!! :D

Dixieland Dancer
09-10-2001, 01:26 PM
Great pictures! We love seeing them!

09-10-2001, 02:23 PM
Great pics!!! I love the sweet Graham boy. And I don't think you can get much better than nature dog pics.

Leslie, I'm not sure when exactly I'm going to Michigan next, but maybe I can arrange it to be when you go KayAnn, and we can meet Jessica too!

09-10-2001, 03:22 PM
We could have our own lil pettalk meeting!!!! :D It would be so much fun! Id love to meet Reece boy!
Jessica, Have you ever been to Ceadar Point?
I went there this summer and had a blast!
Of course we werent thinking good (well we kinda were) but we went on the water rides first thinking we could dry off by the time she got in the truck to go back to MI. Lemme just tell ya i had blisters on my feet because of my shoes were soaked! :o

09-11-2001, 07:47 AM
Cedar Point was voted to be among the best theme parks with the best coasters in the U.S. I think it's a great park but I can only do so many circle rides before I begin to feel kinda icky :(

09-11-2001, 08:11 AM
We live about an hour and a half from there, so I used to go to Cedar Point a couple times every summer as I was growing up, but I haven't been there in about five years. My husband lived only about a half-hour/45 minutes from the park as he grew up, so he used to get season passes.
Last I heard, adult tickets were over $32 for one day!!! Might be a major reason why I haven't gone in so long! :rolleyes:
I am fine on the coasters, but, Leslie, those circle rides don't agree with me either! I almost got sick on the Witches' Wheel!

I am close to Detroit, so any time the out-of-towners could plan to be there, I can make it, too!