View Full Version : Escapee Luna

05-15-2003, 04:25 PM
She scared the hell out of me today!

A couple of hours ago, I was talking to a neighbor in the stairways (I left my door ajar) but Luna must have sneaked out though and we didn't notice.

I only noticed she's missing when I wanted to feed her a couple of minutes later and she didn't show up as usual. I couldn't find her anywhere so I looked for her outside. Found her sitting in front of the attic door, one store above. Obviously she was afraid to walk down the stairs again, and I had to carry her down. Needless to say, now she always tries to sneak out whenever the door opens.

This incident really scares me 'cause in the middle of the stairways, there's this deep "abyss", three stores down... Since the day I moved here, I have these awful visions of Luna falling down there. :( And now the girl has really managed to escape and I didn't even notice her passing me by!

And she even seems to proud now to have been there! Or maybe she's been on her way to Virginia to see Lerah's Jack? ;)


05-15-2003, 05:41 PM
Kirsten! That certainly was scary! :eek: Glad she didn`t get to far and is ok!
Maybe if she gets scared when is comes to going down the stairs, if she gets out again, she will only wander upwards, which could be better than wandering out the door on the streets, and also you would know where to look. The stairwell sounds scary, does it have open staves or is it blocked in. Open would mean she could peer through and not jump on the banister, blocked in would be more problematic I guess, push come to shove maybe you could try some sort of netting?
Anyway, I`m hoping she will not make any more escape bids but stay safe and sound inside with her miowmie instead!


05-15-2003, 05:44 PM
Wow, I would've been very scared too! I'm glad you found her, and brought her back in safe. It was good she didn't go anywhere else! Last week, I brought Blueberry outside, and I was holding him. I brought him back inside later, and he was meowing really loudly. and also climbing up on the windows. I think he wants to go out again. I better watch him closer now!

05-16-2003, 05:13 AM
Yes, that's been scary! I didn't sleep well last night, I've got the most horrible visions of what could have been or of what could happen in the future! :(

I cannot place a netting, my landlords wouldn't allow that. They don't even understand why I don't want Luna to go outside and that the stairs and banisters are such a danger for her. I don't think she would jump on the banisters but she peers through the bars, and I'm afraid my clumsy girl might fall down. She wouldn't survive such a fall, 'cause she would land on an ancient sewing machine the landlord's wife has placed in the hall at the ground level for decoration. :(

I brought Blueberry outside, and I was holding him. I brought him back inside later, and he was meowing really loudly

Luna did the same last night, she definitely has an interest now to explore the world outside. :(


05-16-2003, 06:17 AM
What about getting a lease and walking Luna. Once she has seen outside, she might calm down ?

05-16-2003, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by Kirsten

And she even seems to proud now to have been there! Or maybe she's been on her way to Virginia to see Lerah's Jack? ;)

Oh Luna, uz need to b carful! I culdn't bare the thoght of u hurt:( U b a good girl an stay inside wher it b safe. I wants to c u 2, but not if it means you get hurt. Headbumpies and nose rubs:D

05-16-2003, 08:37 AM
Was it something we said? Or do we both own very silly and naughty kitties who always have their meowmies very worried????

05-18-2003, 04:38 PM
What about getting a lease and walking Luna. Once she has seen outside, she might calm down ?

I tried to get her used to a leash when she was younger, but she really hated it! :(


I wants to c u 2, but not if it means you get hurt.

Oh Jack, don't worry about me! My meowmie is taking extra care of me now and won't let me go outside again. It looks like we have to meet online for a while.

Kitty kisses and purrs,

who always have their meowmies very worried????

Seems so!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
