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05-13-2003, 06:36 PM
Hewwo everybwody on pet twalk. Rex hwere. Tis my first time to be puttin deese messages on dis site. Me fisrt like to say hello all dee pet owners and pwets.:) Oopsises I better go be eatin them crickets. dey look vurry tasty.

Lots Of Love

P.S. Let all of dem pets of yours type a lil message to the pets!!:D it is gonna be fun;)

05-13-2003, 06:43 PM
Cwickets?! Mum always said she wud like to feed meez and Fwisco some healthy bugs, but yuck, dat's just nuts! Good thing they awe very expensivez..

Anywhos, dis is my first time typing on here all alone..Fwisco usually types wif me..(He scares me doe, it affects my performance) Ya, so meez happy!

But mom sayz that I gots to go cuz I'm apposta be sleeping :rolleyes:...

~ IcArUs

05-13-2003, 11:23 PM
Hewo! Daisy here, dis is me first time talkin to all da pet owners and dare petz! Molly says hiz too...I wub going after cwicets! Mum doesnt lik it dat much though....Well, i gotz to go eats! Food!!!! Byez


:D :)

05-14-2003, 03:09 PM
Heyz Rexy! It'z Tweety and Dexter hewez! We tinks thatz cwickets ares stinkys! UH OHZ! HEWEZ COMEZ MOMMYZ!

05-14-2003, 03:12 PM
he yall itz whiskyz heres, alsos my firstz timez writing hewe, I likes it. My mom alwayz wantz to feedz mee mealz wormz, but Itz alwayz expenzives for hers, tuo. I wantz to try them thoughs. Ok guyz Ims offs to pla on mys wheeli.

05-14-2003, 03:25 PM
hey evurypet Rex hwere. I ate some of dem cicketz again. dey are vurry tastey. My mom keepz sayin to me dat we be gettin a syberian hamster. what is dat aposta mean?
Does de word hamster aposta mean food!?:D


05-14-2003, 03:31 PM
Hammiester? i neva heared that wordz beforz.......wut evu it iz do youz think a duckie couldz eats it??

P.S. my mum sez she iz goin' "QUACKERZ" wud does dat mean??


P.S. CONGRATS GCG!!!!!! You dont know how happy i is 4 u!!:D when do you get it?

05-14-2003, 04:31 PM
Hewwo all of Pet Tawk, tis iz Sally. I know I'm not appossed ta be on tis side of da board, but I had to join in on the ***PET*** Tawkin. ;) Ive had hamstaws in tis house befur, even now wez got sum...bad newz all youz pets, YA CANT EAT EM!! Aint dat annoyin fur us kitties! Mom wud go cwazie if I even twied!!

Get offa da puter ya dumb kitterz!
Heyz pet tawkerz and all da petz, its Fwoppsy-bunz. Excuse the kitterz' font, I cant even read it, an mom sez I'm a smarty-bunz. :D Now watcha tawkin bout CWIKETS fur?? EEEWWW! Dose are yuck. But eat watcha want, as long as it aint me heeheez. Anywayz, dis aint my fiwst time tawkin on pet tawk, but it iz my fiwst time tawkin to da pet tawker petz!
Sowwy Lady cant tawk too, but shez got diarreah. :( Shez not feelin gud enough to type tawday. Maybe she'll type anotter timez! Okayz, da hamz wanna tawk to you aww about eatin hamz...who wud wanna eat DAT fur? Eberbody knows dat carrotz rule! :D
Luv Fwoppsy

Heyz Pet Tawker petz! Watcha tawkin bout eatin us hamz fur? Wez vewwwwwy bad tastin! Twy eatin katz insted! :D Anywayz a hamzter iz a vewy smawt aminal dat iz a gweat pet. Weww, momz eatin dinnew wite now, soz we gotzta go! Dont eat uz hamz!!
Perrie an Speedy

05-14-2003, 04:56 PM
Hey Pwet! Rex hwere. I wouldent eat dem hamz. My mom showld me wat dem hamz look like and me i tink sey would be bettur off as apet. der wat i want for a friend! Wellz i bettur go. Mom gotz to go to da pet store to get de ham a ball and thingz;) OH! DAT MEAN I GET MORE OF DEM CRICKETZ WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOO!

05-14-2003, 05:16 PM
Odiz here! I justz want to sayz that I luv talkin' to allz of you!;)

05-14-2003, 08:43 PM
oohhhhzzz......so eyez cant eats da hammiesez?? oh wellzerz...i will settle for sum cawwotts!!!!! dem sho iz gooda aint they Fwoppsy?!?( sawyz if i speled it wong i new att dis tuff)

Pickle [COLOR=green]

why wont the color work on her name?!?!?!?!?

05-14-2003, 08:52 PM
Hey all, Alielle here, I just wanted to say that those crickets sure sound tasty, but they're too fast for me to be bothered with chasing them. Mom hand-feeds me my mealworms every night, no chasing down prey for me!

Oh yeah, and here's a new picture of me! I'm fourteen inches long now, so nobody can call me a runt anymore!!


(Actually, she's still pretty small for her age, but don't tell her I said that)

05-15-2003, 01:38 PM
Hi Alielle, This is Cheeko, You look very priity. I am at home right now I had to get away from Spring she annoys me, I wish I could just open a window and make her fly away. But then again I'd miss her to much. uh oh I have to go she is calling now eep!!!!!!

05-15-2003, 03:26 PM
Hi Cheeko!! diz iz Pickle Aginz

I want to tellz you not toz get rid of Spring..u will miss her lotz..I miss my brother Pudge...he waz kinda killed by a big nanimal one nitez...Love Spring whilez you can:D and why doez ya'll kepp saying them crickets is good? i really dont see how...AAHHHH MOMMY!!!!:eek:

05-15-2003, 08:18 PM
Hewwo evurypet. Dis is Taffy!! you dont wearlly know who i am cuz My mom doesnt talk bout me lotz. Butz to wefresh ur memoryz Im a peakinease yorkie iv gotz black fur and big black eyez! im vury vury small and im 2 yars old. I have picturez of me. otay i better goez becauze i gotta see rex be eating dem crickets

Hewwo petz. My namez is Honey! My mom also doez not tawlk bout me much efier. She promised she would morez ofen. I am Honey im a lot of mixed (small dogs) wich make mwe a small sized dogg I am a gurl jus like Taffer Im beige wif a pretty coat. Im 9 and a half yearz old. I have pics tho. Me gotz to go bye!

05-15-2003, 09:42 PM
Abby *DAwg* Heere.... I comez on ta sayz *Hi* to all da luverly pet tawkrz petz! Nise to meet yaz! Crikitz do *NawT* zound furry gud... I betta one of dem *SillY* Catz wood eat onez... *Gawd* no's wut *THEY* eat... Ohtayz da Kitterz are Kikin me awf nowz... Nise to Meet yaz! Abby *DAwg* Sighnin owt...

*purrrrr* Hey all pet talkerrrrs.... Willow and Popeye Herrrrrrre. That silly dog doesn't know what she's talking about... Us cats arrrre verrrry smarrrrt! I think we would actually eat one of those Crrrrrrickets if I could catch one... Okay, meowmie wants to have the computerrrrr back.... *HeaDBumpieS* ~The CATS!

05-16-2003, 03:18 PM
Taffy Hwere again. Just a lil weminder dat all of petz on de pet of the day "pet talk" are loud to be postin as many times as you want to:)

05-16-2003, 03:29 PM
hey everybirdie! how are yas? :D dis is tiki!
jus thought i would stop buy to say " hi!" so HI! :D hehe
pickle, so sorry bout your brother!:(
hey cheekoz! hows it goin?:D

kisses and tweets,


05-17-2003, 10:20 AM
wowz meez iz typing meez own message! I'z never talkedz on herez before. I'z dont eat cricketz but i'z love toz chase themz. crickets iz the littlez squeakerz rightz! Momz sayz itz timez for meez to go...(yawn)...ahhz I iz a littlez sleepy though....(yawn)...

byez byez



05-17-2003, 03:56 PM
hewwo Rex hwere. My Mom just finished cleanin mwy cage. She fed me 9 of dem criketz and lemme tell you dey were being yummy!:D I be vurry happy wif a clean cage now..Im gonna go enjoy it buh byez

05-17-2003, 04:01 PM
hi wex! how ar yoo? Tis iz thelmer. i just finised runing arond the room it was so much funn! my litle toes ar gettin tired of typin so good by everyone!

05-17-2003, 04:29 PM
Helloz everbuddy, Frisco here :) I seez that everwun is talkin' bout crickets? Well, my mommy wants to get me some meal worms or crickets cuz she says that she read they are good for us rats! But they are so darn-tootin' expensive, so she says she pazzes..:D

I would love to get a hold of a spider though...every time I go chase after one, mom quickly grabs me..Sometimes by my tail!!! :eek: She says it is nezzesary cuz a spider might be poizanous...What's dat word mean???

I saw what Icarus wrote...little stinker is scared of me! HAHA! Dat's cuz I'm so big and intimidatin'! Dat's right...anywhos...mom's getting mad at me cuz I'm apposta be sleepin' at dis time of day :rolleyes: See ya allz around! :D


06-05-2003, 03:57 PM
Hewwo Evuryone! Tis iz Rex hwere! My mwommy gotz me a new aquarium! Its being BIG! tis like a jungley place! she be puttin dem pictures of them on hwere tonight! well I gotzta go tay? Twalk to yous Later!

06-05-2003, 09:27 PM
Hiiz! tis is mayz! Iiz is newz to pet talk. (yawn) mom sayz i'll love it! meez and sally are like sisters, (yawn) excepts when we plays! seez Iiz is just a kittens. wellz Iiz is gettin sleepy (yawn) bahbyez

m a y
zmayz m


06-06-2003, 07:08 AM
Mye name is Pixel, Im a kity kat and I luv to chas the inseckts. Can I chas al the inseckts wiv u guyz? Plsssss it wil be so funn.

06-06-2003, 10:07 AM
Prrr...I am a cat as weeeell prrrrr....My name is Saaaara....prrrr....I would watch out, I find the thiiiiings that you chaaaase try to bite you prrrrr.....stupid rats....ouchies, my noooose...

06-06-2003, 11:06 PM
Meow! Hi Sara .... wil you play wif me? I dont get biten bi the inseckts cos i bit dem first haha

06-08-2003, 11:06 AM
Canz Iiz joins u? whatz an insectz mom sayz that they r annoyings....


06-08-2003, 01:12 PM
Suuuuuree Pixel, would loooove to play with you prrrrrr...

I don't know about buuuuugs, but the rats bite meeee prrrrr...

Right in the nooooose.....

So I am afraaaaaid off them prrrrrr....


08-02-2003, 08:29 PM
ewwo ebburrybody tiz iz REX!! Mwy Mommy tookz some of them pictures of me! Alot! She will be puttin dem on hwere vurry soon!

08-02-2003, 09:23 PM
Hiyz everbuddy dis is Rolo and Scooter. Whatz iz all uff dis tawk about cwickets???? YUCKERZZZZ!!!! Hehehez......no cwickets forz usz! Soz, howz eberbuddy doin? Wez isz purddy gud. Wellz, wez iz offffffffffffffff (Rolo, stopz pushin' da f button:rolleyes: ) to eatz sum carrotz, BYEZZZZ!

Rolo and Scooter
*Stops pushin' mez, I wantz toooooz type!!!!*