View Full Version : It's going to break my heart....

05-13-2003, 01:19 PM
I am almost 100% sure that I will need to re-home Ti Ti.

I just can't take it anymore. He will not leave Miley alone and has resorted to stalking and attacking her.

The breeder does not want him back but will assist in re-homing him if I would like. To tell you the truth, I am not sure the breeder was completely honest with me and so I will try to re-home him myself.

It is going to break my heart. He is a dear kitty but just doesn't know to leave Miley alone.

If it turns out that Juni Rose arrives and Ti is still around, then he will get another chance at staying, but I am officially offering him out now. It just isn't fair to him to have him bond any more with me...and poor Miley is afraid to come out of the bedroom now....

I would love to rehome him somewhere near me so that I can visit him from time to time.

Vermontcat is going to check with some folks in her contact area.

Wish us luck. Poor Ti Ti....poor Miley...poor ME!

You live and learn. I have learned.....;)

05-13-2003, 01:29 PM
Where do you live at? I know some people who are looking for a cat and would take very good care of him.

05-13-2003, 01:30 PM
Thinking of you all.

You are doing the right thing, you and the cats can't live in a war zone.

As both Ti & Miley need to be the boss, two homes sound like the way to go.

PS. I'm glad you are doing the rehoming, the breeder hasn't been very honest with you (Ti isn't an alpha cat, my bum)

05-13-2003, 01:39 PM
I'm so sorry this is happening to you, I know how hard it is! Emma used to do that to Callie, she was relentless in harrassing her and making her hide under the bed.
a new home will be better for everyone, evn though it is very upsetting now, it will work out for the best.
good luck:)

05-13-2003, 01:47 PM

Like I've said before, sometimes cats need to be only pets. Sounds like Titi is one of them. Don't feel bad. I know you'll find him a wonderful furrever home. I had to do that with Tucker and have never regretted it.

Good luck and please let us know how you make out.


05-13-2003, 01:52 PM
I'm so sorry to hear you have to go through this. Ti may need to be an only cat. I am sure you will find him a great forever home. I know he will never forget the love you gave him. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

05-13-2003, 01:57 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Ti will need to be rehomed. Good luck with finding him a home where he can hopefully be an only cat.

05-13-2003, 02:02 PM
He's a wonderful big boy. Don't worry about him getting a home. He'll do just fine. Is there a rescue for his breed?
I'm sorry this has happened to you after you great losses.

Looking forward to June.

Remember: isolate and integrate.

I had my foster Zazu here and thought he'd get on great with Snowy, but guess what after 2 weeks of isolation him and Snowy were just not a match. The kitten tormented Snowy (in the fashion that Snowy torments Mr. Jones) but there was no brutal fights. Snowy was getting ridden like a bronco and was crying all the time. Even though I was never going to keep Zazu (he really was my kind of boy) him and Snowy were just no goo together, so I pushed up the day of his homegoing, because he was healthy again (I just wanted to have him a little longer) and he's made it into the perfect home, with a little dog to torment.

p.s. Snowy is back to pestering Mr. Jones. :rolleyes:

Best of luck with the kitten,Sas.

05-13-2003, 02:06 PM
I can totally understand your need to make this decision and I know for sure that Robyn can too! You know it's really a strange irony when you think that just last June Gabe was being re-homed to Camp Vermont and was so happy there, living out his last days with his very best buddy, Graemer. Now one of your own must find another home. I hope that Ti will be as lucky as Gabe was in finding just the perfect home. I think it would be just wonderful if Ti lived close enough for you to visit from time to time. Maybe Pet Talk can help a kitty once again. The SOS has gone out. You know Sallyanne I find it strange that Ti's breeder didn't want him back. Gabe's breeder was the same way. I have never bred any animal but I know in my heart that if I did I would want them back in a heartbeat if they didn't work out at their new home. Strange... :confused:

05-13-2003, 02:29 PM
Well, the breeder that I used for Ti was not as great as my usual breeder for Abys. It was a long shot, getting Ti at his age, and having it work out. My guess is that the breeder didn't socialize him thinking he was going to be used as a stud. Then she changed her mind. I think he was let "act out" with another cat, however he wished and he is still thinking that that behavior is fine. I blame it on the breeder first, then his nature second. I will never know the answer. The breeder said she had no room for him. That broke my heart to hear that. It merely confirmed my thoughts that the breeder wasn't in it for anything but the money.

Ti will find a good home and if that home doesn't work out, he will be allowed to come back, for sure. I will keep trying until I get it right.

Ti may end up spending the summer on the porch (which isn't so bad.....it's a great porch...)

I will keep everyone posted.

05-13-2003, 02:54 PM
I'm so sorry it isn't working out. You are so kind and generous to stick with Ti to find the right home for him.

I hope things work out and you find a nice Vermont home for the guy.

05-13-2003, 03:08 PM
I am glad I found this thread. SAS, the person I mentioned would like to see some photos, she is not online though she used to be. She may be interested, she did mention her next door neighbor has 4 cats. I just want to make sure I know what you are looking for in a new home. Would you prefer a single person with no other pets or kids? I assume you would prefer that he is an indoor kitty right? Her place has a lot of windows and a river view too! I will PM you when I get more info.:)

05-13-2003, 03:18 PM
:( I'm so sorry SAS.
I know Ti will find a good home with you looking out for him, and it looks like VermontCat already has someone who might be interested.

I know it will all work out, and i'm sure when the kitten comes in a few weeks, it won't be as bad on you all.

Hang in there. You're doing what's best.. remember that!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-13-2003, 03:34 PM
Oh SAS, I'm soooo sorry it has come to this. You have been through so much in the last few months and I'm so sorry that Ti hasn't worked out the way you had hoped. :(

I sure hope you can find someone close by so you can visit him. And I sure hope Miley gets over her fright. It's sad to know that she is afraid to come out of the bedroom. Poor little Miley girl. :(

I wish you only the best of luck in re-homing Ti, and hopefully Miley will accept the new little girl more than she has accepted Ti. Hopefully Camp Vermont will soon be the peaceful, kitty friendly place it has been in the past. :)

05-13-2003, 03:59 PM
Sas, I'm sorry it has come to this, but you have think about Miley girl. :) You've had some time to monitor them and they don'tseem to be getting friends, so I think it's the right desicion you make. :) Ti is such a wondeful cat and I bet he'll easily find a good forever home. And hopefully you can visit! Have a good long talk with the people getting him and see if you can make arrangements to visit!

It's also a good idea to offer to take him back in case it doesn't work out! Now, look forward to June, the next one will probably get along with Miley! :)

Best of luck! :)

05-13-2003, 04:02 PM
Sorry to read this SAS, but sometimes it for the good of the community. Finding Ti a new home will be a win-win situation. You will all be happier for it and I do hope you can have visiting rights. You tried you best and that's all you can do.

05-13-2003, 04:26 PM
Sorry to hear that Ti was not a match for Miley.
I do hope you can find him a good home, best of luck to you!

05-13-2003, 04:43 PM
Hey VermontCat,

Ask your friends if they want a roommate :D :D :D ;) Just kidding. Their home sounds wonderful!! I'm sure Ti Ti will be very happy.

05-13-2003, 04:47 PM
Best of luck .... sometimes it just doesn't work out! :confused:

05-13-2003, 05:15 PM
Ohhhh I'm so sorry .. it must be so terrible for something like that to happen .. especially after getting attatched! :( Ti will find a great home I'm sure :)

05-13-2003, 07:14 PM
I am sorry to hear that Ti didn't work out Sas. Aby females are very territorial and if an older cat comes into the house they can get quite hissy over it all. It sounds to me like you need to inform someone of that breeder. Most breeders in Australia if the cat does not work out in your home are more than happy to take them back for rehoming instead of them ending up in a rehoming centre. I think it was personally irresponsible of the breeder to not tell you the truth about Ti and that it is not your fault or Miley's fault for that matter. He sounds to me like he needs a one cat household. Maybe he is the same as Noami's Oliver *I hope I got the name right*.

Don't feel badly Sas you are doing the right thing by Ti, Miley and yourself. You cannot live that way and neither can Miley. I know that you will miss him but I am sure you will find him a great forever home :)

05-13-2003, 07:27 PM
Sallyanne, I am so sorry that it has come to this. I have been where you are right around this time last year, in fact...as you know. I loved my Gabe to pieces, but knew he wasnt right for our household and circumstances any longer...and look at the happy ending Gabe had to his life!! He was meant to be with you and your family of cats in Vermont all along...and Ti will find his perfect place too. You did what you could do and that is all you can do, right? He will find the perfect home at some other "Camp" ;) and he will have a happily ever after, just like our Gabe :) Just hope his future owner is able to email you pics and stories about him, just as you did for me...i was very lucky to have found you!! Please keep us updated on Ti.

I personally do think that it may be better to try and have found a new home for Ti before the the new kitty gets here, so Miley doesnt feel even more stressed with a visitor. Anyway, good luck :)

Robyn (((((HUGS)))))

05-13-2003, 09:30 PM
If I can help at all, let me know. I know I'm far away....but if there's anything I can do.

I'll be praying for the perfect home for Ti. :)

05-13-2003, 09:56 PM
If I can help at all, let me know. I know I'm far away....but if there's anything I can do.

I'll be praying for the perfect home for Ti. :)

05-13-2003, 11:37 PM
Sallyanne, I'm so sorry to hear that Ti will need to be rehomed. :( I'm glad that you'll be trying to find his new home instead of the breeder because it sounds like she's not trustworthy. I also hope that he'll find a home close by so you'll be able to visit him. Maybe you could also tell the new owner about Pet Talk so he/she could keep us informed about his progress. Just remember that you've done everything possible for him and that it sounds like he needs to be an only cat. Prayers are on the way for a happy forever home for Ti, a relaxed Miley, and a peaceful house for you.

05-13-2003, 11:47 PM
I am so sorry Sallyeanne. YOU and the furbies will be in my thoughts and prayers.

05-14-2003, 03:42 AM
As I said before, I wish I lived closer. Ti sounds to me like a great pet and I would have LOVED to have him.

Good luck with re-homing Ti and I hope PetTalk will help another kitty like it happened to dearest Gabe.

05-14-2003, 08:41 AM
Oh SAS, I'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs*

Wishing the best for you, Miley, and Ti.

05-14-2003, 10:00 AM
I just can't see this working out but I will give it every chance possible.

I just now notified the local paper that I wanted to run an ad for Ti. I will see what kind of response I will get.

It is not an emergency situation, but I would love to see Ti find the perfect home. My home is not the perfect home for him. He loves to be cuddled and hugged and played with..... and he is oh so gentle with me. He is a love bug for sure....but not with other cats.....maybe if he met his match, roughness wise, he would change his tune a little.

Anyway, it will work out. I now feel as though it will be fine once I find the right family to take him.

Come on Juni Rose.


05-14-2003, 10:12 AM
Sasvermont! I have a potential perfect only-cat home for Ti!

05-14-2003, 10:17 AM
Let's hope this will work

05-14-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Karen
Sasvermont! I have a potential perfect only-cat home for Ti!

This sounds promising and not too far for a visit if it works out???

05-14-2003, 11:30 AM
I PM'd Sasvermont ... we'll see! I'm hopeful!

05-14-2003, 11:41 AM
Fingers crossed for Karen's potential new owner working out.


05-14-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
Fingers crossed for Karen's potential new owner working out.



05-14-2003, 12:43 PM
Oh, SAS, I am so sorry to read about Ti-Ti. Do you think ANYTHING would change with the new kitty coming into the picture??? If not, know that you are doing what is best for Ti-Ti...finding him his purrfect forever home...you aren't abandoning him!!! Good luck. Everything crossed here for a happy ending.

Steffi N
05-14-2003, 07:53 PM
Sallyanne, I can only imagine how hard this is for you. I hope that everything works out for the best.

05-14-2003, 08:23 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Ti must be rehomed. You are doing the right thing for both of them, as they both want to be the boss. I will be thinking of you, Ti, and of course Miley.
All paws crossed that Karen's potential owner will be a great home for him. :)

05-14-2003, 08:50 PM
I PM'd Sas that the person I was thinking of has one of her neighbor cats as a part-time cat so she doesn't need a new cat at this time.
I will keep looking and I think that the newspaper ad is a good idea too. Maybe Karen has found a good match?

05-17-2003, 04:28 AM
Any news about Karen's potential new owner ?

05-17-2003, 08:58 AM
SAS, you have given this your all, but deep down inside you know that all problems cannot be resolved no matter how hard you try. In this situation, a rehoming seems to be the way to go for the good of all concerned. Thankfully, he has you to give him a better chance to make the next situation work out for him. Actually I glad the breeder did refuse to take him back. She surely would not have done him justice in finding him the right home. Please do not feel guilty about doing the right thing for Miley and for Ti.

05-17-2003, 09:29 AM
Sasvermont said she is waiting until after his last shots, (on the 19th) to make a decision about my friend taking Ti.

05-17-2003, 09:37 AM
Oh Sallyanne - how sad this - I'm sending HUGE {{{HUGS}}} across the miles tgo all three of you. xxx

I'm hoping something comes of Karen's friend - fingers crossed.
You're in my thoughts and prayers.


05-17-2003, 11:25 AM
Well, I was in touch with the girls in Boston about Ti. I certainly have not ruled them out.

Ideally, I would love to have someone nearby adopt him. I have an ad in the paper starting today, for a week. I really want the ideal home. Of course, I don't know what that is....I just don't want anyone surprised about him. I would like to have the person adopting Ti, to see him first. I would also like to visit the home where he will be living. I know that sounds like a bit much, but I don't want him to be moved over and over again. It isn't fair to him to keep switching owners.

I feel a little bit like I did when Gabe arrived and I was going to place him up here. It just so happened that Gabe was no trouble and he stayed. If I thought there would be a change in Ti and Miley, I would keep him.

Right now things are quiet. Ti is on the porch, having been outside on a leash all morning. Miley is still in bed.....under the covers....and has the run of the house sans the porch.....she prefers the bed these days.

So, I will try my best to find Ti the best home. It may be in Boston. Who knows.

Life is quiet here....for the time being... Thanks for asking...



05-17-2003, 01:23 PM
Still thinking about you .... thanks for the updates! ;)

05-17-2003, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Ideally, I would love to have someone nearby adopt him. I have an ad in the paper starting today, for a week. I really want the ideal home. Of course, I don't know what that is....I just don't want anyone surprised about him. I would like to have the person adopting Ti, to see him first. I would also like to visit the home where he will be living. I know that sounds like a bit much, but I don't want him to be moved over and over again. It isn't fair to him to keep switching owners.

That sounds like an excellent plan and one that should you be able to execute it (and I think that there is a strong possibility that you could) it would give you the comfort level which you deserve in this situation. I think Karen and her friends will understand that. Ti is a remarkably beautiful cat and in the right circumstance has a wonderful personality. It is just a matter of hooking him up with a loving person who has the right home for him.