View Full Version : Cremation?

05-11-2003, 10:58 AM
Does anyone else cremate their deceased:( pets? We do, for the purpose of bringing them wherever we are. Like if we have to move, we don't leave 'em behind...

05-11-2003, 11:23 AM
I have always gone the route of the mass creamation with no ashes returned. This is not because I did not love my pets, but we simply did not have the place for burial nor did we ever have the extra funds for the extra cost. I have never, and still do not, regret the decision. The dollars saved would be used to help the living, whether mine or others.

05-11-2003, 06:28 PM
I've lost 2 cats in the past 2 years. My first cat, Marina Mar, was cremated in a mass cremation. Now that I think about it, I regret not having it done privately and taking her ashes. There was a special bond between her and I. But at the time, I couldn't afford the extra $150.

Casey went to the Rainbow Bridge on December 14, 2002. I had him privately cremated. The vet wouldn't release his cremains till the bill was paid. Which was fine with me. It took me a while to save up the money, but he's here with me now and that in itself is a real comfort.

05-11-2003, 06:37 PM
i plan on having both dogs and both cats cremated, the ashes returned, then when the time comes for me, i'd like all of our ashes mixed together and to be sprinkled in lake michigan. i have an appointment with a lawyer to set up a trust for the animals maintaince if i predecease them. both dogs are high maintaince and both cats are young, so i bought extra insurance through work for my estate so they can continue to have the same way of life till their time comes.

05-11-2003, 06:46 PM
I've had private cremations done on my three that have gone to the RB. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the kitties, but I'm thinking of planting a tree and putting them with the tree. Chris's dad was cremated and he would like to take them out to where he had his cabin on a beautiful lake. This happened to be the same lake we took George to the week before he died. He just loved it there. So we thought it would be nice to scatter George's ashes and Chris's dads ashes out there at the same time. That way they can be together.

05-11-2003, 09:47 PM
When Keisha died, it happened so suddenly we just burried her. I regret that we didn't have her cremated, and would definately have our others creamated if god forbid something happened to them.

05-11-2003, 11:39 PM
Personally, I don't believe in having any animal or human cremated. Any soul that passes on deserves to have its body buried. No matter how much you love someone, I just cannot have that done to a loved animal or human's body. I prefer to have it in one piece, buried and put to rest in peace. I certainly wouldn't want anyone doing such a thing to my body when its my time, so why would I ever do it to a loved one, whether human or animal?

05-12-2003, 08:19 AM
For my guinea pig, Cookie, we did a mass cremation. But for my aunt's Rotties, Dakota & his mom Sundance, and my Yorkie, Chewie, we did cremations.

Cisco's Mom
05-12-2003, 09:24 AM
I have my two cats buried in the backyard with little markers. When the time comes for Cisco I will have him cremated. My mother currently has my father and grandmother whom both have been cremated. My mother also wants to be cremated and so when the time comes I will have all of them. I will put Cisco in a really nice doggie ern and keep him with me until the day I die.

05-12-2003, 09:33 AM
The two cats I've lost as a child are buried in my parents backyard with crosses marking their graves.

I feel lucky that we had the option to do this.

05-12-2003, 09:53 AM
My westie was cremated and both of my current pets and all future pets will be cremated. I will be cremated when I’m gone and all of our ashes will be scattered together. :)

05-12-2003, 12:51 PM
I chose private cremation for Buddy and will do the same for
all my other critters. I have chosen cremation for myself also.
All of our ashes will be scattered together in a beautiful remote part of Indiana that I have picked out.
I have discussed this with my children many times & know that
they will abide by my wishes. I have no wish to be put into the
ground, or have a permanent marker of any kind.

05-12-2003, 05:06 PM
I don't even want to think of it, but when the time does come (hopefully many many healthy years from now), I would like to cremate my dogs, so they can be with me.

05-12-2003, 05:43 PM
I have also chosen cremation for myself. I had a will made up with all my wishes. I want my cremains to be scattered at Bolton Lake in Connecticut. It's a place I spent every single weekend as a child and it's also where I have my fondest memories.

I have also provided for all my cats, should they outlive me. After my will was drawn up, I let my friends know so they'd be prepared. I have seen too many pets wind up in shelters because people die and their relatives don't want them or can't take them. That will NOT happen to my furbabies.


I also don't want to be put into the ground. I have requested no funeral, no service, no flowers. I want people to have a party to remember me, and in lieu of flowers, I want trees to be planted in my memory. Anyone wanting to make monetary donations, can do so to an animal rescue organization of their choice.

05-12-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
I have also chosen cremation for myself. I have requested no funeral, no service, no flowers.
I want people to have a party to remember me
Anyone wanting to make monetary donations, can do so to an animal rescue organization of their choice.
Donna, I've also requested the above for myself, and Mark says he will abide by my wishes. I guess making a will and making it formal would be a good idea though.