View Full Version : My secret is out!

05-10-2003, 08:01 PM
I was over at my SIL's house today visiting a mutual friend. We were talking about cat adoption and I was telling her about the differences in fees between the Dearborn Animal Shelter and a rescue organization.

I told Heather,(the friend) in a whisper, about Doogie costing $70 including neutering, testing, and all his shots, and then about how much the rescue organization charges.

Well, my SIL, :mad:who happened to be EAVESDROPPING from the other room, asked Heather (after I left) what I needed $70 for. Heather, the poor girl, :( was caught in the middle and told her we were discussing adoption fees. Well, SIL grilled her, telling her I owed her $200 for Casey's care (on her credit card) which I admit I do (out of $375). She told Heather that she was worried about me getting thrown out of my apartment for having too many cats (at one time I HAD 7 cats until Casey died). My landlord couldn't care LESS how many cats I have.

I'm sure I haven't heard the last of it. I don't know WHY I feel intimidated by my SIL. She's done alot for me, I know. But I never take in more than I can handle.

It seems like a never ending battle.

05-11-2003, 05:41 AM
OOPS ! too bad she had to get ahold of the information. I, also like to keep certain information away from certain people. But just try to ignore her (even though it is hard).

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-11-2003, 06:13 AM
Hey you know what they say - you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your relatives.

My husband's cousin phoned from S Africa last week, and aked if he could borrow $600. He hasnt worked in a couple of months, and he already owes us $1000! (It's not like he is going to be out on the street either - he still lives with his Mum and Dad) We discussed it and I told my hubby that, quite frankly, I would rather donate the money to our local shelter. At least it would be put to good use and I KNOW his cousin will never pay us back. (But if the cousin had been asking for money for his PETS I would have forked over gladly!):D

05-11-2003, 10:58 AM
I've decided, after not sleeping very well last night, that I'm going to say nothing to her. I saw her this morning and she was so sweet to me, wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. I'm also not going to short myself monetarily. I'm going to pay her $50/week for the next 4 weeks until the bill is paid in full. Then she can't say anything to me. If she asks about Doogie, I'm gonna tell. I'm 50 years old and can do what I damn well please.

Miss Meow
05-11-2003, 05:57 PM
I think you're doing the right thing by paying her asap. It'll give her one less thing to bitch about (and like it's anybody else's business anyway, what's she doing telling other people about your financial deals? :rolleyes: ) At least you got Doogie :)

Hey, how is the rowing going?

05-11-2003, 06:09 PM
Miss Meow,

That's the one thing that really pissed me off. She was telling Heather something that is nobody's business.

As far as the rowing goes, I've only been out once. The weather has been impossible. I was supposed to row on Thursday but my wrist hurt so bad I figured I'd rest it. We planned on rowing again yesterday morning but it was thundering and lightening. Maybe this is God's way of telling me I should try another sport. :D

Miss Meow
05-11-2003, 06:35 PM
Nah, just His way of welcoming you back ;)

Try ice massage for your wrist (I've been getting tendinitis or some overuse thing in my left wrist from cycling, and it can take ages to heal). Fill polystyrene cups with water and keep them in the freezer. You can tear off the top bit of a cup to expose some ice and rub your wrist area with the ice for a couple of minutes. Yep, it's cold and uncomfortable sometimes! But do it twice a day and it should help reduce inflammation and help it heal quickly.

This is good for any area that's overused, such as lower back, elbows, knees etc.

I've got a good stretching book if you want me to send some hand and shoulder stretches. That might help too. PM me your address if you want me to send some over. (How come every year you age it takes twice as long to get fit and twice as easy to get injured!)

05-11-2003, 06:53 PM
How come every year you age it takes twice as long to get fit and twice as easy to get injured!)

Ain't THAT the truth!! You know you're getting old when your knees crunch going up and down stairs. Old age, can't wait!! (NOT!!)

Another saying I use is "God created best friends to apologize for BAD relatives" LOL!!

That's a great idea about the cup in the freezer. My wrist is fine now. I was wondering about whether rowing would bother my wrists. I've had problems with them for years. My ulna bones are too long. I've had cortisone shots in them and before I began rowing, they were fine. My orthopedic surgeon said I could either have physical therapy, traction or surgery. He said surgery would NOT be pretty. He suggested I just deal with them, so that's what I've been doing.

I'll PM you with my address. At this point I need all the help I can get! ;) Thanks!!

05-11-2003, 09:06 PM
:( I'm sorry about your sister-in-law...

What is it with family's attitudes on cats? We were talking about how I got to bathe a kitten yesterday at the shelter and I couldn't get to the part about how good the little guy was before I was jumped on by my parents! Then, when I was trying to tell my in-laws and my grandmother today, I was attacked again!!! Its like I can't say "It was so cute" about a cat without them thinking I'm going to take it home...

Jeeesh! People really need to mind their own business!!! :mad: