View Full Version : Bonding

05-10-2003, 04:31 PM
The rats have been outside all day because we've been having a garage sale :) They are pretty insecure when outside, so Frisco actually let Icarus share his cage! :D

And they are inside right now, and they are still sleeping together!

I think there is still hope to socialize Frisco. I'm hoping that he will take Icarus in as a little brother :)

I'm going to take them outside in the cage everyday so that they will get used to eachother more ;)

Do you think that after almost seven months that there's still hope for them to be friends???

05-10-2003, 07:09 PM
*MeoW* Willow heere... I am *So* happee your ratties are bawnding! I'm purrty sure they will *love* eachother...