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View Full Version : Frito Feet Anyone??

11-03-2000, 04:16 AM
I was sitting with a group of friends the other day, all of whom own dogs. My one friend and I started talking about how we love the smell of our dog's feet. Almost in unison, we laughed, "Oh, yeah! Frito feet! Our other friends all looked puzzled and said "What....????" They had NO idea what we were talking about! We said, "You know, that kind of corny, toasty, roasted smell, especailly on their front paws. Dont' you ever smell your dog's feet?" They thought it was gross and had no clue! My friend and I both said sometimes the smell is so strong we can smell their frito feet even when they're just lying next to you. "No, they said. That's gross. We don't kiss or smell their feet." How sad, I thought. Since I was a kid, I remember one of my fondest memories of my first dog was kissing and smelling her little paws as we slept in bed. My first whiff of frito feet. I understand it is a result of their licking their paws; the smell a result of the dried saliva. Anyone else know what I am talking about? By the way, in my family, the same smell on kitty paws is called "popcorn tootsies!"

11-03-2000, 06:35 AM
I know our dogs lick their paws (because it drives my parents insane if they do it when they're all in bed), but I can't recall their paws smelling that way! They usually just smell like dirt to me--they're country dogs, you know. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif I'll be inspecting their paws more closely from now on.

I do love kissing their paws--both the tiny Yorkie paws and the big Corgi paws. My sister once remarked that the Yorkie's paws were the size of stamps. I asked her what size the Corgi's paw was. She replied, "Commemorative stamps".

Your post will probably be the funniest thing I read today. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

karen israel
11-03-2000, 07:57 AM
OH GOD!! TATS!!! I AM LAUGHING SO HARD I'M GONNA RIP SOMETHING! I absolutely CANNOT believe you wrote that!! I saw the topic and lost it! I would have NEVER told a soul but YES! That is EXACTLY what Cody's feet smell like! Years ago when he put his back leg on my thigh I thought I smelled something like delicious Fritos. Knowing I hadn't had any, I took a whiff and MY GOD!! It WAS FRITOS! I wipe down his paws everynight and they still smell like Fritos!! No words can tell you how FUNNY I think this is! What a coincidence! THANKS! for the laugh at 9a on a Friday!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif LOL!! LOL!!!

11-03-2000, 08:09 AM
OH MY GOD!!!!!!! I must admit, I have never, ever smelled my dogs feet, for fear of smelling something evil that they may have stepped in (or for fear that someone would see me). Now am intrigued...will have to wait until I am alone with my furkids to check this out. Hubby would commit me for sure http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif He already thinks I'm not wrapped too tight for kissing them goodbye in the mornings before I go to work. Thanks for the belly laugh this AM TAT. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif

11-03-2000, 09:14 AM
This is too weird!! My dogs feet smell like Frito's too!! I actually find it a very comforting scent, when I can smell their Frito Paws... :-) And I do nuzzle and kiss teh top of their paws. They are soft and clean there. The bottom of the paws, I dont kiss LOL. Sometimes it makes me hungry, smelling those Fritos...

11-03-2000, 10:23 AM
I don't know about you people!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif I love my dogs a lot, but I must admit I have never, I repeat, never, smelled their feet!!! I'm not sure I want to. I have admitted to Lilly's cracked and rough feet, but I have never smelled them!
I think if I need to inhale the Frito smell, I'll go buy a bag!! And I'll be glad to share a few with my furry friends.

Thanks for a great laugh on a Friday morning!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-03-2000, 11:43 AM
Ok, I can't quit giggling at my desk, and my coworkers are going to think I'm crazy. I just sent my parents the following email:

"Please smell both of the dogs' paws and let me know if they smell like Fritos. There are a couple of people on a Pet Talk bulletin board that claim dogs' paws smell this way."

I'm imagining their faces upon reading it!

karen israel
11-03-2000, 12:29 PM
I am STILL LAUGHING! Only in Pet Talk.... Logan, you crack me up! Ask Helen to take a whiff for you!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Tho I doubt she will! I often thought of a Saltine cracker too! Here, all these years, I thought I was the only one! Smilla, you parents are going to either laugh or commit you! I swear..who would think.. It feels so GOOD to laugh this hard. THANKS! I'll never devour Fritos in the same way again!! I'll be eating Puppy Paws!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-03-2000, 12:47 PM
OK guys, stop, I'm peeing my pants! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
You know what I'm going to do when I get home this afternoon, don't you? I'll let you know if they smell like Fritos or not! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-03-2000, 12:49 PM
OK girls, you're continuing to crack me up. In fact, I've opened this site 2 times since reading about Frito Feet! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I just have to see what else you crazy people admit to.

I was thinking about it more....Lilly loves to eat and she constantly licks her feet and then smells them. Maybe she is a Frito fan and I never knew it! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

I agree with Karen. I will never think of Fritos the same way again!

11-03-2000, 01:18 PM
On another Bulletin Board I participate in, we discussed the same thing not long ago, but they all thought their feet smelled like popcorn!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-03-2000, 01:31 PM
Well, surprisingly enough, my mom was a real trouper and evidently gave the dogs' paws a sniff. She had this to report:

"NO! If Fritos smelled like their feet I wouldn't eat them."

I did say they were country dogs! I forwarded the whole exchange to my sister, who was quite tickled by it...though she did inquire whether or not we all had too much time on our hands! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

karen israel
11-03-2000, 03:42 PM
Ok, it is 440p and I am crying with laughter! This had to be the BEST TOPIC in a long time. Had lots of fun today! Smilla, your mom's reply was HYSTERICAL, kudos to her for doing it!! She must really love you like only a mother can! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Hey Happy...Hurry home and smell their feet!! Can't wait for your opinion!!! Carrie must be tsking, tsking at us Americans! (Canadians too!) Can't WAIT to hear from HER!!! THANKS FOR A RIB-TICKLING DAY! XOXO

11-03-2000, 03:58 PM
OK, now it's my turn! I'm the one who can't stop lauging!! If my post was funny, all your responses were funnier. Really, I'm on the floor; I think I'm gonna pee in my pants. You're replys made my day. The only other thing recently that made me laugh THAT hard was an attachment Rachel sent me on Halloween. It was of a big, fat, nasty faced carved pumpkin pucking out it's pits through its big mouth. She said it reminded her of my Star, "eater of all things," throwing up the squirrel. What a friend! Who knew that on this forum I would meet so many "canine comediennes.!" Oh Happy Day! Seriously though, I don't actually stick their paws up my nose to smell them; usually it's more of a pleasant emanation from a short distance. And you may be right Similla. Star and Cody have refused to reset their canine clocks to Eastern Std. Time. Revelee is a 4AM not 5!! What silly thoughts come into your head at that hour!. A little voice kept urging me, post....post Anyway, FYI, on a scale of 1-10, tonite the frito meter flashes for Star: 9 Cody: 10!!!
P.S.: Star and I start agility class Sunday. Wish us luck! (God give me strength and pray no rodents cross our path)

11-03-2000, 07:14 PM
Oh my god i thought i was the only one who smelled their dogs feet. But my dogs feet smell more like butterd popcorn than Fritos

I love that smell!!! People who don't love dogs must think we are crazy http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-03-2000, 07:16 PM
OK, the doggie feet actually smelled yummie. After having mowed the lawn, I was hungry enough to eat them. After tomorrow, no more though. Snow and COLD temperatures are expected, and they will be doing the three-legged dance for the winter again. Haul out the doggie coats.
Tatsxxx11 - Best of luck with the agility!!

11-03-2000, 10:10 PM
I admit, all this talk about dog feet, I just had to do it. I slipped into my daughter's room where Honey was sleeping on the foot of the bed and I smelled her feet!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif I DID NOT get the Frito sensation, but could kind of picture popcorn. Now I'm going to have to find Lilly and do the same thing. In fact, my little buddy, Dexter, is spending the night with us Sunday. I'll check him too.
I have never laughed so hard as I have over this topic!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif
Sure hope there isn't a hidden camera in my house. My ex might have some grounds against me if he saw that move!!! LOL!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-06-2000, 08:17 AM
I have to admit too, that on Friday night (after laughing my as* off all day Friday) I too went home and couldn't quit thinking about "frito feet". I waited until hubby was in the bathroom and quickly picked up one of Annie's paws and gave a quick sniff. BUTTERED POPCORN with a hint of Frito!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I reluctantly told my hubby about it and I thought he was gonna die laughing. Never did catch him giving it a try but I'm sure he's thinking about it. Too bad my dogs can't talk!!!!

11-06-2000, 08:45 AM
Maybe its a good thing your dogs can't talk. What would they say about you sneakily smelling their feet? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

***Save a life, ADOPT***

[This message has been edited by Sudilar (edited November 06, 2000).]

karen israel
11-06-2000, 09:19 AM
Couldn't wait to get home Friday! I took one look at Cody and lost it! And yes, I took another sniff just to be sure! More laughing! Of course, except for all of you, I kept this my little secret! Friends and family aren't as "understanding"! Teena, did you catch your husband in the act? Tats! How did the agility go???

11-06-2000, 09:35 AM

Not yet, but am sure he's curious. Just too macho (or sane?) to do it in front of me. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/redface.gif

11-06-2000, 10:04 AM
When I first saw this post I have to admit I thought that nobody in their right mind is going to be smelling their dogs feet! Far from tsking I thought, "Oh well, there's always one!"
How wrong I was! There are an awful lot of you nutty paw sniffers out there, are you sure there aren't laws against it?!
(Just in case you are wondering I haven't a clue what Frito's are, although I now know I DON'T want to eat any!!)
I also have not and will not smell my dogs feet - someone might see me! But you have all given me huge laughs with this so I'm grateful,if a little mystified!

I am going to read them all to my husband later and see if he is tempted to try it. If I can get a photo I'll have him under the thumb for years!!!!

[This message has been edited by carrie (edited November 06, 2000).]

11-06-2000, 12:30 PM
Oh Carrie, you must know about Fritos!! They are corn chips and much stronger smelling than normal torilla chips. People can smell them on you for hours. But, they are heavenly to eat, and lethal for our hips! So glad my puppies feet don't smell that strong!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

karen israel
11-06-2000, 12:31 PM
AH HA! I KNEW Carrie would finally reply!! I knew this would drive her nuts! Have never seen anything like Fritos in the UK. They are as Tats said, toasty, roasty Corn chips not be confused with "potato chips", shaped differently. They are a bit greasy but ..who cares..YUMMY!! If I knew they wouldn't smash, I'd send you some. Yep, Frito feet! You can't eat just one!!!

11-06-2000, 12:52 PM
I, too, was anxious to hear Carrie's reply! How VERY, VERY BRITISH!!!! You are TOO funny! As others have said, Carrie, frito feet are often commonly confused with popcorn tootsies (the kitty version of "frito feet") as the smell is very similar. Just think toasty corn. Now, I really am quite disappointed because I was CERTAIN YOU of all people, would have some scientific explaination for this intriguing phenomenon!! I've heard it was a scent created from their drying saliva; you know, licking their paws. Maybe you could research this further, and we can give this a real, scientifically based name!! KAREN: Thanks for asking about Star. She's been sulking all day because no one posted inquiring about her PHENOMENAL SUCCESS! Seriously, I was more exhausted and stressed out than she was!! (Nervous Mom's!) She is soooo crafty and independent minded!! What a little devil. Always wants to do it HER way. But very smart, and before you knew it, she was through that tunnel, over that hurdle, tipping that see-saw like a pro! In all doggie related classes, she quickly becomes the "ring leader" and "class clown" and had all the other doggies organized and defiant by the end of the hour. DOGS ARE SOOOO MUCH FUN!!! P.S. SHE SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!!! Yeah Star! Did you guys see the "Dog of the Day?" Her YLR is named Star too!!

11-06-2000, 12:54 PM
Well, I didn't mean to do it but I did... I was lying on the floor last night and Sue plopped down next to me a flung his paw on my face. It was Fritos alright...

For all of you culinarily myopic friends out there. These are Fritos (http://www.fritos.com/).

http://members.home.net/steak-daddy/images/suesig.gif Life ain't easy for a boy named Sue... (http://members.home.net/steak-daddy/sue)

11-06-2000, 02:29 PM
What a funny topic!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

I always thought my aussie, Graham, had popcorn paws...I just went and smelled them again and smelled popcorn but with a hint of freedo http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

I had never smelled my pugs paws until just now and I discovered that she's a popcorn paw http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Her lil paws (or stamps hahahaha, that was really funny, Smilla) are predomintally popcorn with just a sprinkle of freedo http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

I have noticed that my pug, Cassie's pads are as soft as velvet (she's 7 years old) and Graham, my aussie's pads are rough and scaley (he's about 6)...maybe it's a girl thing...or is it a small dog thing? Not sure, but both dog's feet sure do smell dreamy http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by AdoreMyDogs (edited November 06, 2000).]

11-06-2000, 03:07 PM
Both of my dogs have the roughest, scratchiest feet (1 male, 1 female). It plays hell on my clothes and nylons when I get home. It must be from all the running at the lake.

karen israel
11-06-2000, 03:15 PM
Still laughing hysterical!! We even have our new friend Steak doing it! And he sure looks like a macho guy to me!!! Thanks for the Frito website, never gave it a thought! Now Carrie can see, but not taste....Pity! This is way too funny!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Is it Fritoitis? Imagine calling the vet?

11-06-2000, 03:21 PM
What are you lot like??!! I actually have tears in my eyes now!!

Scientific explanation is what you asked for-oh, I'm going to enjoy this- and that is what you shall have! Dogs have small glands on the pads of their feet, eccrine glands. The secretion from these, mostly water, helps to keep the walking surface in good condition. The more common name for the glands is sweat glands or eccrine sweat glands. Dogs like to lick this off because of the taste and you are simply smelling your dogs stale body odour!! (I wonder if you enjoy each other's armpitts too!!!)

11-06-2000, 03:25 PM
Oh yeah, and fritos? Dorritto chips sound the same and I've always thought they were yuk too!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-06-2000, 04:20 PM
THANK YOU CARRIE!! At LAST!!! The voice of calm and reason. Body "odour?" (That would be British for pee-u!) Now remember everyone, check those footies tonite! Hey Steak!! Pretty good for a new comer!! Welcome. and "Hi" to Sue!! Send us a pic!

11-06-2000, 05:15 PM
Spot on Tatsxxx11!!

11-06-2000, 05:18 PM
Carrie: HUH???? Is that something like a plague on my house? Or am I just in the dog house? I think you're terrific!

karen israel
11-07-2000, 08:47 AM
Sweat glands (knew that) armpits? Jesh, you sure know how to take a girl's fun away! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-07-2000, 12:15 PM
Language barrier again, me thinks! "Spot on" is a common expression meaning "totally right", not, I promise, a mega nasty vibe in your direction!!
Karen,I just thought if you enjoy the sweaty secretions from your animals so much, why not each other? Just think what a different day at work you would have if you started by having a good lungful of your co workers Frito pitts!!!!

11-07-2000, 01:05 PM
all I have to say is gross, Carrie

karen israel
11-07-2000, 02:51 PM
For sure I'd rather smell the dog then some of the people in here! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif!!!

11-07-2000, 03:28 PM
Arm pits??? Yuck!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif

I am thinking that we might need another topic about now! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif(As I sit here thinking about eating Fritos!)

11-07-2000, 04:22 PM
I actually did have to go open a bag of Fritos!

***Save a life, ADOPT***

11-07-2000, 05:16 PM
(Since I couldn't delete this message, I just wiped it out--it was too gross!) http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Smilla (edited November 07, 2000).]

11-09-2000, 07:59 AM
Ok gang, thought we'd put this subject to bed but... last night I was watching TV and my border collie was laying next to me licking his paws. Next thing I knew, the wonderful aroma of Fritos arose. That is too wierd!!!!! Too bad my hubby's feet don't smell like that http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-09-2000, 02:44 PM
Oh Teena.. Didn't you know? Border Collies are known for their particularly strong essence of frito!!! Happy sniffing!

11-12-2000, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Steak:
Well, I didn't mean to do it but I did... I was lying on the floor last night and Sue plopped down next to me a flung his paw on my face. It was Fritos alright...

For all of you culinarily myopic friends out there. These are Fritos (http://www.fritos.com/).

Are you sure Sue isn't one of those Bear Dogs? He's gorgeous! And yes, I have been known to smell dog feet. This was the greatest topic I ever read. I was laughing at every entry. I'm not nuts, I'm not nuts -- there are other people who sniff their dog's feet and LIKE it. I just sniffed D'Artagnon's foot (cat) and didn't smell anything. Suppose he's not normal?????? (That would be an understatement. He also wasn't very happy I disturbed his nap to sniff his foot -- I got such a LOOK!) Shiloh, my JRT mix, doesn't much care for me messing with her feet as it usually means clipping nails, but I have smelled dog feet and I'm not afraid to admit it (although I wouldn't have before). Kudos on a great topic.

11-12-2000, 09:21 PM
Ok, I admitt I have not smelled my dogs feet.
I wasn't going to do it either.
Last night I broke down when Rocky,
my Akita was laying on the floor next to
me. I took a whif.
If you ask me his feet smelled more like
a pair of socks that have been warn
during the day.
I do not think I will be smelling anymore
feet anytime soon. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

11-13-2000, 02:01 AM
KYS, at last! I was begining to feel like the weird one for not doing it!

karen israel
11-13-2000, 02:16 PM
Ok, for the last time.. you don't know what you're missing!! Even my ultra conservative friend said, when I asked her if she ever smelled her dogs feet said, and I quote "You mean the Frito's smell?" HAHAHAHA !!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I do think you are OUTNUMBERED!!! LOL!!!

11-13-2000, 03:34 PM
Yeah Karen!!! More validation! Now, to put this topic FINALLY to bed, maybe Karen and Paul can use this question on the Pet Poll!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

11-29-2000, 11:24 PM
That might be really fun to see how many visitors to the site have actually smelled their pets' feet and what they smelled like. You could throw in a question of "accidentally/intentionally", too.

12-05-2000, 03:16 PM
alL i say is THEY DO :Þ :Þ ! ! !

12-20-2000, 03:49 PM
Yep, it's definitely true!! My Aussie Reo has definite Frito feet!! I try convincing my parents and sister, but they just think i'm making it up. Reo is 2 -well she turned 2 dec. 10. Thanks for making me laugh too! I saw the title and just had to click and further investigate!! Keep posting more funny stuff-i'm new and never saw this B4!!
Reo's ma

12-28-2000, 02:43 PM
That is funny that you mention this, I call my sheltie's front feet popcorn paws. She'll give a guilty look when I tell her she's got stinky feet but they do smell like Frito Chips, weird.

12-28-2000, 03:02 PM
Hi Vixis. Check out first post page 1 ref: "popcorn paws" and kitties vs. "fritos feet" and doggies. Tee-hee http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Daisy's Mom
12-28-2000, 04:31 PM
OMG this is so funny, you guys are hysterical. Yes I admit it, I have smelled Daisy's feet since she was a puppy and I LOVE the smell, it is my favorite smell in the world! My mother thinks I am crazy but at least you guys know what I am talking about! Mmmmm frito feet....

12-29-2000, 03:09 PM
Nope, we're never going to put this one to bed, do you hear me ---- NEVER!!! It is way too much fun to see who will admit to having smelled their pets' feet -- it's almost as addictive as puppy breath and the majority of us love that smell, too. Milk breath and fritos and popcorn.... there ought to be a song here somewhere.

12-29-2000, 04:25 PM
Amazing Smells of Doggy Life
(sung to the tune - apologies due the original composer - of Amazing Grace)

Of all the things that nature brings
Some things smell sweeter by far
It's not roses' scent of which I sing
But puppy breath the sweetest thing
Of all earth scents by far

Though puppy breath is oh, so sweet
As they grow, it goes away
But then their silly feet
Have their own scent, salty neat
That we sing of popcorn feet and frito toes!

The smell of a newly clean-washed pup
Who's been out drying, sleeping in the sun
Is one of those smells,
Shampoo, warm sunshine smells
That we all love so well!

01-02-2001, 06:12 PM
About Border Collies having especially smelly feet- how about Aussies?
Reo's mama

01-03-2001, 07:41 AM
I can't believe I haven't come forward. I never heard of smelling your dogs feet until this posting, but how could I resist testing out this phenomenon. Off I went to the couch where Hannah was residing as Queen (of the couch). I reached for a paw, only to have it withdrawn and tucked under her wide body. Another attempt brought the same result. The Queen is very touchy about anyone handling her paws unless she is in a trance from a full blown body massage. Anyway a tussle ensued, I was determined to get a whiff and she was determined not to let me close to her paws. I've since had a few opportunities and I'm still not sure what I smell, but too bad there weren't any pictures of the "I'm going to smell your feet." "NO, YOU AREN'T!" episode. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

karen israel
01-04-2001, 07:57 AM
LOL!!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Rach..I can just picture Hannah giving you the "what is YOUR PROBLEM?" look!!!!!!! What about Tucker's tootsies????? I can't believe this topic STILL crAcks me up!!!!!!!!

01-04-2001, 05:36 PM
At home during the holidays, my sister Nicki was on the floor with Katie the Corgi when she said something about Katie's fat paws. I asked her if she thought they smelled like Fritos. She looked at me for a second like I was crazy for actually thinking she'd smell our dogs' feet, but then curiosity overcame her just as quickly. She grabbed a paw and took a quick sniff, and then burst out laughing--she couldn't deny that Fritos(R) smell!

PS--Speaking of holidays, I hope everyone enjoyed theirs. I'm finally home, and now I've got the move to prepare for. Won't be posting much but I'll get back in touch.

[This message has been edited by Smilla (edited January 04, 2001).]

01-06-2001, 10:22 PM
Karen: You are so talented -- a song about frito feet and puppy breath -- too great!!! Thank you!!

01-07-2001, 01:41 PM
Hee hee, you said there had to be a song in there somewhere - I just found it, that's all!

01-08-2001, 12:51 AM
It's odd to think this topic is likely to go three pages long. Of course, I just keep adding my two little cents to it all. Shiloh would have a fit if she knew that the secret of frito feet was being aired on the internet. Dogs consider that one of the things humans are not to know about, you know. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif

01-08-2001, 08:47 AM
Yah, Hannah was real ticked off and implied something to the effect that if I wanted to smell feet, I should smell my own! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif

01-08-2001, 10:21 AM
My Shiloh equates it to smelling armpits!!! How rude!! LOL

Daisy's Mom
01-08-2001, 08:27 PM
Okay I might sound crazy but I think that the Frito smell is stronger after the dog sleeps. Is this just me or have any of you noticed it? I always called it her 'sleepy smell' and then I realized that was Fritos too!!!! Am I losing my mind?

01-08-2001, 09:29 PM
Daisy's Mom....I only had the nerve to smell their feet when they were sleeping. I tiptoed in when it was dark and took a whiff!! So I have no idea what their feet smell like when they're walking around.
This continues to be too funny....still glad my ex didn't see pictures. I might be committed. Of course, Helen had to share this discussion with him when she was at his house over Christmas, so he saw what I said! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif

01-12-2001, 12:48 AM
Trust the children to let out all your little secrets! Tell him we said he can't commit you without the rest of us and he has to catch us all first (Tee Hee). I'm working on another song, but can't decide if I want to set it to the tune of "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" or "Jingle Bells". I'll post it as soon as I can.

01-12-2001, 05:59 PM
I can't beleive you lot have been talking about your dogs paws for all of this time.
I just dont know what Fritos smell like, but On my next trip to the other side of the pond I will no doubt be carting some home for myself and my friend Carrie to try,
I'm now wondering if the Fritos empire will survive after the realease of your discovery to the likeness of the smell otf their snacks and your dogs sweaty paws. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

01-12-2001, 06:05 PM
I'd love to taste Fritos but nothing, NOTHING is going to make me sniff my dog's feet!!!

01-12-2001, 06:15 PM
I've been to England and Europe a few times and have been racking my brain tying to figure out something that compares to Fritos. I don't beleive there is anything. This is totally American. Someone has to box up a couple of bags of Fritos and send them to Carrie and Rachelle.

01-21-2001, 10:38 AM
How big are all you's dog's feetses?
REDNECK ALERT there...lol
Anyway my cousin's 2 Great Danes have feet that thump like a horse goes clop and if you try to smell them you get your head crushed or something!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
they have sweaty feet too, you can feel the sweat http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif) yucky
so i have not smelled dogs feet yet because i have a cold but i will soon

01-25-2001, 06:53 PM
OK I did it I smelled Bear's feet!!!! I wish I haddent!! YUK!!!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif I don't know what it smelled like but NOT Fritos!!! Nikki (BoxerLovers baby) has Frito feet though!! I love them!!! She also has had popcorn feet once in a while!!! I've smelt them then too!!!! On things for sure I won't be smelling my puppy's feet again!!!!!!!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by JKRJG24 (edited January 25, 2001).]

02-24-2001, 03:39 PM
I had to bring this topic back up to the top. I frequent two other message boards and the Frito Feet came up on one of them (Martha Stewart Pet Keeping). That's how we got one of our newest members here, Peanut Brittle. She asked on that site about Frito Feet, specifically. Now she's participating on this board too! Yeah!
Well, I was chatting on the MSN Golden Retreiver board Thursday evening, and something came up about dogs feet smelling like popcorn. I corrected that immediately and then later posted the link to the Frito Feet conversation we had. You can't not believe how many people have enjoyed our funny topic! I thought the greatest compliment was that one lady said "what great people post on Pet Talk".
You guys are great. And we've made a lot of people smile, and potentially gotten a lot of new participants here as well.
Thanks, Sandra, for starting the whole thing! I would have never known..............

02-24-2001, 05:03 PM
What a pal Logan! Now I know why they call it the "world wide web!" As we speak, millions of people across the earth are smelling their doggies' feet!" http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Actually, it's all the funny people on this forum that made it sooooo hysterical. I still go back and re-read the posts and laugh till I cry!

02-24-2001, 08:47 PM
I just had to register for your site when I read the topic. I haven't laughed so much in a long time. I have known for a long time that dogs' feet smell like Fritos and cats' feet are popcorn. Only fellow pet lovers would understand this but I sure have had fun reading your posts!!! Oh and I discovered one of your members is a neighbor of mine....what a small world...Ktreva52 hi neighbor!

02-26-2001, 12:56 PM
Kind of off the "frito feet" topic, but still in the realm of smells. My dog Tide is such a sweetie and when I kiss his soft muzzle I swear that it smells just like brown sugar!!

02-26-2001, 03:32 PM
It's great to have some new members - welcome all. But please, please stop and think! If all of you are going about sniffing different parts of your dogs anatomy we are going to start losing members pretty quickly as the authorities start to lock you up! I know I can't stop you from dog sniffing - I've tried and failed - just remember to check that nobody is watching before you begin any odour exploration!!
(I hope this goes on and on....it's a scream!)

02-26-2001, 05:22 PM
Well today it finally happened. My daughter came into my room this morning as Shiloh was still sleeping on my bed. My daughter said that Shiloh's head smelled like cookies. So here was the opportunity of a lifetime...I told her to smell Shiloh's feet. After she looked at me like I was crazy, she said they smelled like Fritos! LOL Another unbiased and unsolicited opinion! And on it goes...

***Save a life, ADOPT***

Peanut Brittle
02-27-2001, 07:33 AM
Oh what fun this is! I missed the Puppy Breath and Frito Feet song my first time through. That's fabulous.

I printed out the discussion last week and shared it with Beloved Spouse. He looked at me like I was nuts, "This was actually on the Web?" For months we had been commenting on how the dogs' paws smelled like Fritos.

A few days later he was playing with Peanut Brittle and he sniffed her paws (that were batting him almost like a kitten in the face). He said, "This time she smells like popcorn."

I thought it was incredibly cool. One of those "moments" of bonding. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif

02-27-2001, 08:39 PM
Lol, that's really funny. I don't think I have ever noticed that. I just had to call my dog, Reggie, over and smell his feet. Haha, it is true! Now I must go find Smokey and smell his paws also...LOL.~~wolf Q http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

*Pet Portraits*

02-28-2001, 02:22 PM
Oh and I discovered one of your members is a neighbor of mine....what a small world...Ktreva52 hi neighbor

Hi, neighbor and all my buds here at the site. Sorry I've been gone so long, but the 'puter doc said the mother board died in my system and I'm using the library one to post this. Miss you all alot, but may get to borrow a system from daughter. Hope I can get on the internet with it. Later all, Chris

Maggie's Mom
02-28-2001, 08:57 PM
Oh, my gosh!!!! How wonderful there are so many people out there who love their dogs enough to kiss and smell their dog's feet. Thought maybe I was the only one out there doing that. This website is absolutely wonderful!!!

Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
I was sitting with a group of friends the other day, all of whom own dogs. My one friend and I started talking about how we love the smell of our dog's feet. Almost in unison, we laughed, "Oh, yeah! Frito feet! Our other friends all looked puzzled and said "What....????" They had NO idea what we were talking about! We said, "You know, that kind of corny, toasty, roasted smell, especailly on their front paws. Dont' you ever smell your dog's feet?" They thought it was gross and had no clue! My friend and I both said sometimes the smell is so strong we can smell their frito feet even when they're just lying next to you. "No, they said. That's gross. We don't kiss or smell their feet." How sad, I thought. Since I was a kid, I remember one of my fondest memories of my first dog was kissing and smelling her little paws as we slept in bed. My first whiff of frito feet. I understand it is a result of their licking their paws; the smell a result of the dried saliva. Anyone else know what I am talking about? By the way, in my family, the same smell on kitty paws is called "popcorn tootsies!"

02-28-2001, 09:07 PM
Daisy's feet smell sweet to me, but I don't think I would smell Perrys, he lifts his leg then walks through it. Yukkkkkkk

03-02-2001, 11:50 AM
HEEHEE thats what my friends dog does, and my dogs feet are to furry for any smell to come thru



Luv My Brando
03-14-2001, 04:06 PM
Fellow Paw-Sniffers Worldwide,

Although I have been enjoying the "Dog of the Day" for many months now, this is my first day in "Pet Talk" and this topic of "Frito Feet" makes me want to come back for more!

I proudly join the ranks of paw smeller! Infact just recently I started smelling my dog brando's paws now and then, because I thought the smell was comforting. Kind of like driving through the country and smelling manure- it's comforting. Also sounds gross, but I know other people that share the manure thing too......(granted if the manure smell is too heavy, it's not pleasant)

I thought this was one of the funniest things said throughout the three pages:
(by tatsxxx11)

"Seriously though, I don't actually stick their paws up my nose to smell them; usually it's more of a pleasant emanation from a short distance. " -LOVE THAT!!

P.S. Has anyone begun the tally of Paw-Sniffers?

[This message has been edited by Luv My Brando (edited March 14, 2001).]

03-14-2001, 04:16 PM
Recently i tried smelling my dog's feetskies
againski, and it did smell a little like toasty fritos! I couldn't smell it before,
but i did now. And i told my dad about this site, and i told him to smell Poco's feetski-weetskies, and he said Yeah they kinda do! and i said There is a whole huge site of people that smell their dogs's feet (feets??) How do you think that sounded. LOL

03-14-2001, 04:20 PM
Great idea!! A "paw sniffer tally!" Just like our previous "favorite breed" poll!! Yes, yes. It does seem that "paw sniffing" is something many do, yet few are eager to admit to! Love your comment about the countryside and manure. As they say, it's all in the eye of the beholder...or nose! Remember, it's not the smell, per sey, it's the connection to the smell. Our beloved babies! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Peanut Brittle
03-23-2001, 01:41 PM
I think what's so nice about manuer is we smell the molasses in the grain.

Frito feet is comforting and I associate it with a warm, sleepy dog all curled up and squeaking a little when it stretches...

03-23-2001, 02:18 PM
Brando, I totally agree with you. When you put that quote from tats in your post I just about spit water out my nose! This topic just makes me laugh over and over again! When I'm feeling down, tuning in to Frito feet always brightens the day. I know what you mean about the "country smell" as I call it. I think it's because I associate it with pleasant childhood memories of riding in the car with my dad with the windows rolled down. We would be heading to the golf course and would be driving on these country roads in the early twilight time. There is a place on the way down to LA from San Jose that is overpowered by that smell, though, so it's gross. You have to roll up your windows going by that place!! But the light country smell is kinda comforting http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

03-23-2001, 03:32 PM
Oh, if I never do another good thing in my life, I have the pleasure of knowing that because of this post people world-wide took the time to muse over their love for their dogs, the joy of smelling their paws, and had a laugh. And for a brief moment, even allowed a few of us to stop and smell the roses; or... manure??!! Sometimes the simplest, silly of topics do cause us to pause and contemplate the deeper meaning of life!! LOL!

04-14-2001, 12:02 PM
My dog's feets smell like popcorn. Im new BTW.

04-14-2001, 03:14 PM
This talk is hilarious!!! about the manure thing...even if the smell is strong it is ok with me cuz i ride horses and i am used to it. i actually think its more comforting if its a little stronger but not too much. my dog, sneakers,'s feet do smell like fritos with a hint of popcorn. i emailed this talk to my friend and she pee'ed in her pants she was laughing so hard!!! keep up the humor! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

**~~Help Control the Pet Population...Have Your Pet Spayed or Neutered~~**

04-14-2001, 04:52 PM
Peanut Brittle....Your last comment was perfect. I always get an extra concentrated whiff after my kids give a stretch as they sleep. Don't you love it!!

04-14-2001, 06:35 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, SonnyLuver. I'm another one who enjoys a good whiff of manure having been raised on a farm. My husband just doesn't understand...City Boy.

04-17-2001, 06:57 PM
I'm smelling my dog's paws right now! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif The front paws smell like fritos a ton because he licks them a whole lot but the back paws smell like nothing, just cracked up little paws. Thanks for the best topic in a long time!

People who think they cannot buy love have never bought an animal.

04-17-2001, 07:22 PM
Hi Stephicat! Welcome! I'm the originator of the now famous "frito feet" post! Aren't you glad to have stumbled upon such a nutty group? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Glad to welcome you! If you like to laugh, enjoy sharing your love and knowledge of animals, and can use a little support every now and then, then you're already right at home! Check out the post "Cinder wants to keep the dog she found" in Dog rescue. You'll laugh till you cry! Sandra

karen israel
04-18-2001, 08:41 AM
This is as funny today as it was the first day it was posted! What would we do without our Sandra!!!!??? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Honestly, sometimes when I feel down and out I'll reread this and roar!!! And yep! Cody still has Frito Feet galore! I think I'll remember this forever!!!!! Love you Tats!!!

04-18-2001, 04:06 PM
Love you back my cherished friend Karen. And Cody too, of course!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

04-19-2001, 10:13 PM
I am actually crying now!! This is hillarious! I think my dog Samson used to smell like coffe when he was a puppy, but now his feet smell, pretty much, like Fritos! Yum, my mouth is watering!
Oh, check out this: http://petoftheday.com/talk/Forum12/HTML/000174.html




04-19-2001, 10:17 PM
Oh, I kiss Samson's feet, and smell them a lot. LOL! (It's true!)


07-09-2001, 10:09 PM
Sorry but I had to bring this topic back up for the new members, and I don't believe I have ever posted on this subject!!
Shai's feet DO smell like fritoes, but Kylie's don't!! They have no smell!!!\ :p :D

07-09-2001, 10:21 PM
Rachelle, Carrie's best friend told me in a chat recently that she brought Carrie some real Fritos from the good ole USA. But Carrie declares she will not smell Paddy's feet to compare the smell! :eek: Maybe a little prodding from us will help. Come on Carrie, if you're out there. Smell the feet and let us know what you think! :D

07-10-2001, 11:10 AM
Come on, Carrie, you know you want to!! Do it! Hehehe. Tell us if you think it's Frito or popcorn...

Daisy's Mom
07-11-2001, 12:23 AM
Oh come on Carrie! It's SO worth it!!! :)

07-28-2001, 08:31 AM
Ahhhhh, OMG, this is too funny! And "they" say we're crazy????? Carrie, are you out there????

Well, a dog lover friend of mine who has heard about the now famous Frito Feet thread, called me last night to tell me THIS.......

Has anyone seen the TV show Will and Grace? Well, it's really a cute show. My friend told me that last week the episode was about Will, I think, doggie-sitting his friend's St. Bernard, and lost him! Frantic to find the pup, he made a "missing" poster that went SOMETHING like this, and included the following identifying characteristics

Lost, St. Bernard, appx. 125 lbs., friendly and gentle, answers to the name Max. If kissed on his stomach, strong odor of corn chips can be detected!!

OK, corn chips, not Fritos; stomach, not feet. (Maybe they thought "feet smelling" was too gross for the audience!! :D) But....Well, need I say more :D :D :D :D


[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

07-28-2001, 10:54 AM
Calls for a celebration!! http://www.plauder-smilies.de/beerchug.gif

07-28-2001, 12:32 PM
i dont get it..Simba's feet smell like flowers.Never do the smell like frito.. maybey it is because i give him baths so ofton. He allways smells like puppy shampoo.

Daisy's Mom
07-28-2001, 09:55 PM
So it's not just us! Frito feet are famous! Hehe. Congratulations on your 2000th post. How appropriate it was here!

Megan Stewart
07-29-2001, 12:27 AM
i will just say that my dogs feet ameel alout better when she has had a bath :p but after the bath ummmmmmm!!!!!!

07-29-2001, 03:52 AM
Rachelle did bring me a bag of Fritos - it took me three days to pluck up the courage to open them! I kept thinking, "If these smell like the dog and I put one in my mouth I'm losing my lunch!!"

I finally opened them...and ate them. I must admit that they were totally yummy - thanks Rach!

OK, OK ....and....they did smell a bit like the parts of the dog that are closer to the ground - BUT, and I must make this clear, I DID NOT smell his feet! I was just lying on the floor when he walked past me and I happened to be breathing in at the time.

So, although I agree with you all about the smell I DID NOT, NOT, smell Paddy's feet and remain sane enough to say I never will (Oh, I hope none of my family ever read this! They have been looking for a reason to disown me for years and this total madness would do it for them!).

07-29-2001, 09:53 AM
Ok Carrie, if you say so.

07-29-2001, 12:20 PM
After scrolling through this list, I had to try it out! Pup and Paula's feet DO SMELL LIKE FRITOS! Strangely, though, Boo and Buddy's feet smell like grass and dirt! Don;t you think their footsies would all smell alike when they live in the same house and all go outside at the same time?
P.S. My parents' cocker spaniel, Checkers, is over visiting, so I tested him too - his feet smell like what I would imagine wet, stale fritos would smell like :p !
Here's Checkers: http://wsphotofews.excite.com/013/F2/Lb/rp/lW40906.jpg

07-29-2001, 03:02 PM
Like I said, Kylie's feet don't smell like Fritos but I do love it when she puts her soft little feet against my face or arm. They are soo soft and cute!!! When Shai trys it she only succeeds in smacking me upside the head!

07-29-2001, 04:45 PM
Carrie, I'll leave you alone about smelling Paddy's feet.....but you really did do it late at night, didn't you? LOL!!!!!

I'm so proud of you for finally eating Fritos!!! Now you need them with some good salsa or chili....you'd want us to ship you some every week!!!

It took you long enough, Carrie, but I'm glad you finally gave in. I just know you took a little whiff of those feet...... :eek:


07-29-2001, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by carrie:
<STRONG>So, although I agree with you all about the smell I DID NOT, NOT, smell Paddy's feet and remain sane enough to say I never will (Oh, I hope none of my family ever read this! They have been looking for a reason to disown me for years and this total madness would do it for them!).</STRONG>

It's okay, Carrie, if they disown you, you can come live in Pettalkville! Have you seen that thread? It's at http://PetoftheDay.com/cgibin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=21&t=000134

Daisy's Mom
07-30-2001, 12:45 AM
Suuure Carrie, suuuure you didn't smell them purposely ;) Heehee, just kidding.

Checkers is adorable!

07-30-2001, 03:06 AM
Call me paranoid but I get the feeling some of you don't quite believe me?

As it happens Logan it was late at night when nobody else was around but that doesn't prove anything.

It still cracks me up to think of people all over the world following their dogs around trying to get a whiff of Frito feet!

07-30-2001, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
<STRONG>I was sitting with a group of friends the other day, all of whom own dogs. My one friend and I started talking about how we love the smell of our dog's feet. Almost in unison, we laughed, "Oh, yeah! Frito feet! Our other friends all looked puzzled and said "What....????" They had NO idea what we were talking about! We said, "You know, that kind of corny, toasty, roasted smell, especailly on their front paws. Dont' you ever smell your dog's feet?" They thought it was gross and had no clue! My friend and I both said sometimes the smell is so strong we can smell their frito feet even when they're just lying next to you. "No, they said. That's gross. We don't kiss or smell their feet." How sad, I thought. Since I was a kid, I remember one of my fondest memories of my first dog was kissing and smelling her little paws as we slept in bed. My first whiff of frito feet. I understand it is a result of their licking their paws; the smell a result of the dried saliva. Anyone else know what I am talking about? By the way, in my family, the same smell on kitty paws is called "popcorn tootsies!"</STRONG>

07-30-2001, 08:10 AM
I think the smell of puppy feet is perhaps one of the best smells around. Someone should bottle and sell it as a remedy for depression. It is impossible to be "blue" with puppy smell around! :)

07-30-2001, 08:34 AM
Carrie, if you remember way back, I admitted that I snuck into Helen's room late at night and smelled Honey's feet. I just couldn't resist!!! Its ok, we won't tell anyone..... :p

08-01-2001, 07:58 PM
Oh brother! Frito feet are everywhere!

Today while waiting in a fast food drive-thru line, I heard a radio commercial that I'm still chuckling about. In it, a couple was trying to convince each other to buy something by being super nice to each other. Besides "Sweetie" and "Honey" and "Snookums", one got called "Puppy Toes". :rolleyes:

I started laughing so much I could barely order my lunch! What is this world coming to? :D :D :D :D :D

Angie Hise
08-03-2001, 05:43 AM
My dogs paws totally smell like Fritos, but I have noticed that wet paws smell like unshucked corn. :D

08-03-2001, 08:08 AM
You mean Frito Feet is the topic that got SchnauserMom on board PetTalk?

Daisy's Mom
08-03-2001, 11:05 PM
Haha, welcome to Pet Talk, SchnauzerMom! This Frito Feet string is the best place to begin :)

08-05-2001, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
<STRONG>I was sitting with a group of friends the other day, all of whom own dogs. My one friend and I started talking about how we love the smell of our dog's feet. Almost in unison, we laughed, "Oh, yeah! Frito feet! Our other friends all looked puzzled and said "What....????" They had NO idea what we were talking about! We said, "You know, that kind of corny, toasty, roasted smell, especailly on their front paws. Dont' you ever smell your dog's feet?" They thought it was gross and had no clue! My friend and I both said sometimes the smell is so strong we can smell their frito feet even when they're just lying next to you. "No, they said. That's gross. We don't kiss or smell their feet." How sad, I thought. Since I was a kid, I remember one of my fondest memories of my first dog was kissing and smelling her little paws as we slept in bed. My first whiff of frito feet. I understand it is a result of their licking their paws; the smell a result of the dried saliva. Anyone else know what I am talking about? By the way, in my family, the same smell on kitty paws is called "popcorn tootsies!"</STRONG>

I would like to say that it was a very weird day that i started smelling popcorn :confused: i was passing my dog when she rolled over on her belly i bent down to rub her when i smelt the popcorn on her feet!
My mom wouldn't believe me and didn't dare smell my dog's feet. But oh well at least they don't smell like dirt! :D

08-05-2001, 09:55 PM
Jess, welcome! What a place to start - the Fritos feet! In your case, of course, popcorn toes. It's funny how some people, like your mom, just won't break down and sniff! :)

08-06-2001, 01:01 PM
Checked it out this weekend... and I concur.... frito feet it is!!!!!!!!!! :p

06-03-2002, 09:02 PM
Ok, so I know this is a very old thread, but I read it and just had to reply! This is by far the funniest thing I've ever read! So of course after everyone saying it was one of their favorite threads, I had to SMELL the dogs feet, just to see for myself:rolleyes:
Know what? YOUR RIGHT! They do smell like Fritos!
So of course, I ask Mark if he's ever smelled the dogs feet. :eek: What a look I got:eek: "NO, I've never SMELLED the dogs feet! I still don't know if he will, but, he thought it was hilarious! Thank you so much for finally letting me know what my dogs feet smell like! LOL!!:D

06-04-2002, 01:15 AM
When i seen this post i thought i needed to respond here....
When i was about 3yo my mom worked for city hall and was in close contact with a friend of hers who ran our local SPCA. Well one day the lady called my mom and told her about this cat down there and she needed to come and see him... You see Charlie was found at the local dump in a plastic bag with a rabbit and a fish tank.
Well we went down, they opened the cage and Charlie walked up onto my moms shoulder and well to make a long story short we ended up taking him home..
He was our world. We loved him so dearly, He was our baby and ment just everything to us. and he had so much attitude it was funny. We called him the million dollar cat because we spent about that much money if not more on him in operations and such since we got him. He was about a year old when we got him and he died when he was around 19 as we had him for 18 years.
Anyways i'm rambling....

Charlie would laydown on the chair and i would kneel down infront of him and i would ask him who was so s*xy(don't know if i'm allowed to say that word)... He would lift his paw for me to kiss.... He was so special to us.....

Anyways i do love the smell of Presley.. Just to lay next to her and smell her.. her paws her hair everything.. she is so wonderful...

Charlies Picture (http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=742836&uid=520956)

06-04-2002, 05:58 AM
What a beautiful story about Charlie. :) He had a marvelous life after a rough start. I love his "paw" trick too!! :D Did it smell like popcorn by any chance? That's what some people say!

06-04-2002, 06:52 AM
Charlie was so adorable!! Thanks for sharing that wonderful memory!! I could just picture it!!

06-04-2002, 09:10 AM
What a wonderful story, I love dogs and cats with attitude, (oops Carrie, sorry, I know I should be alpha instead of Daisy lol) There is nothing like burying your face in fur, nothing in the world.

06-04-2002, 09:39 AM
LOL!!! What a thread. :D

I've never really been able to smell Kia's feet. If you touch her feet, she'll pull them back thinking she getting her nails trimmed. If I put my face by her foot, she'll press it against my forehead and push me away as if to say, "Mom.. you are NUTS!"

;) :p :D :rolleyes:

06-04-2002, 06:37 PM
I don't think this thread will ever die! I guess we all just love fritos to much. (haha)

06-04-2002, 06:45 PM
I remember a day when a few of us wished it would die!!:D Still, a classic!!:) Can't resist dragging it out for the newbies!!

06-05-2002, 07:22 PM
Rosie and Anna's feet DO smell like Frito's... lol.. - Rachel

09-07-2002, 07:16 PM
Thanks for sending me this thread, Niina - I am now a fond toe-sniffer. Grasshopper gets a kick out of it when I pick up her little toesies and sniff 'em. Yeah, it is kind of a cross between Fritoes and popcorn. It's a nice smell, like puppy breath. Cats (Grasshopper is a cat) have those Fri-toes, too.:D

09-07-2002, 11:01 PM
Ok, so I am laughing sooo hard I think I may cry!!

I have never smelt Deisel's feet....ok wait a minute here he is looking at me...

Deisel come let mom smell your paw, I'm told they smell like fritos.

Maybe a little like fritos but I smell dirt....

Ok so he was digging again!!! I just looked at his dirty paws and he is now looking at me like I am crazy.

Where's Phoebe...come Phoebe let mom smell your paws.


Aspen and Misty
09-08-2002, 12:43 AM
Hee hee. Chewy's feet smell like frito's. I made my friend brook smell them, my dad smell them and my little brother smell them. Hee hee they all think I am crazy :D . BUt thats ok. I constintly call Chewy frito feet. He's my lil frito feet sweet heart.

09-08-2002, 02:08 AM
Turner, Popcornbird - isn't this the coolest thing?!? I can't get over how cool our furbabies (feline and canine, anyway - any reports from ferret or mouse people?) feetsies smell!! I guess I'll have to go visit my best friend so I can sniff her doggies feet. I only have sniffed kitty paws so far. Boy, am I ever going to build my reputation as being a wee bit eccentric!! I can just see her expression when I pop in and ask to see Patrick and Poly, plese! Can you just see her face when I lift a paw and take a whiff?!?!? ROFL!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10-20-2002, 06:23 PM
OMG I got sent to this thread becaused of a question I asked in health and I have been sitting here reading all the different posts and laughing so hard I am crying! My husband and I used to go to Mexico on vacation every year ( my Parents were down there for the winter) and we would set up our small tent outside my parents trailer. Well after walking around all day doing the " Tourist" thing we would go back and climb into the tent and relax and the first thing I would do would be to pull my shoes off and Alan would look at me and laugh and tell me MY feet smelled like fritos rotflmaooooooo and what was so bad was that he was right now Im sitting here thinking I must have doggy feet lmaoooo
The problem is that Tuckers feet smell like old stinky gym socks and I dont even have to bend down to smell them! when we all go to bed at night Tuckers stinky foot smell fills the room until we have to get up and turn on a fan!

Yall are tooooooooooo funny and this Thread needs to come back to life again rotflmaooooooo


10-21-2002, 05:57 AM
You sure your not part kitty? Or puppy? This is a fun thread, for sure. I know the first time I found it I was roflmaoooo, too!!!

12-03-2002, 01:41 PM
I'm bringing it to the top, yet again. A Frito Feet post came up on the Golden Retriever (MSN) board, yesterday, as a matter of fact, and I had to give the link to this thread, as I had done once before. I just went all the way back through and laughed myself silly, once again!!! LOL!!! :D

Sandra, everyone of your "almost 7000" posts have been delightful, but this one takes the cake!!! :)

12-03-2002, 02:22 PM
when this came up yet again a few months ago i, too, laughed myself silly re-reading the whole goofy thing...then went home and had my newbies (daughter-in-law and her two teenage sons) start sniffing...my five dogs(including the one my mother left here when she moved to TX) and their three dogs. Here we are, all five of us on the floor sniffing eight dogs' feet comparing them and laughing and in walks a friend of the boys... I think he was sure we had been sniffing something else besides dog feet:D :o :p ;)

12-03-2002, 03:07 PM
I remember seeing this a while ago too, but I don't think I've ever had Frito's to really know what they smell like, but, I do actually smell my dogs feet as well, so I guess thats good enough huh?

12-03-2002, 03:12 PM
:D When my parents were up for Thanksgiving, I had my mom sniffing the dogs feet! I couldn't believe she was doing it:D
But she agreed......they have frito feet!

Aspen and Misty
12-03-2002, 07:24 PM
My dogs haev frito feet LOL. :D


12-03-2002, 07:29 PM
I told a co-worker about this yesterday. He didn't believe me!! He said that if I would smell my dog's feet, then what ELSE would I smell?? :D What do you want to bet that he went home and smelled his dog's tootsies?? I'll have to ask him tomorrow.

12-03-2002, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Logan
I'm bringing it to the top, yet again. A Frito Feet post came up on the Golden Retriever (MSN) board, yesterday, as a matter of fact, and I had to give the link to this thread, as I had done once before. I just went all the way back through and laughed myself silly, once again!!! LOL!!! :D

Sandra, everyone of your "almost 7000" posts have been delightful, but this one takes the cake!!! :)
I tried to find the thread on MSN - can you give a link? I wanna see what got you laughin so hard!!! I love to laugh!!!!! And BTW cats have frito feet, too! Grasshopper's are definitely corn-chippies!!!

12-04-2002, 12:40 AM
I was looking for this thread and couldn't find it b/c Kim of kimlovescats comments on it. I have bookmarked it now!!

01-28-2004, 08:01 PM
I had to revive this thread.
Tonight I got an email from one of my shiba groups, titled "Does your shiba smell like corn chips?"
I immediately thought of this thread, and linked it in my response!!!

Here's the original message:

Ok this probably sounds so dumb lol! But was wondering if maybe this
is just Yoshi or perhaps the Shiba breed in general.
Decently often I notice that Yoshi smells like Corn Chips or Fritos.
I also notice that it happens most often when he's really sleepy.
Anyone else notice this with their shibas? I think it's so cute.

I think we may have a future pet talker:)

01-28-2004, 08:13 PM
I'm glad you revived this thread! Now I know I'm not crazy, and I can finally admit one of my deep secrets that I have never before shared with ANYONE! :D I love smelling my dogs' feetsies and giving their feetsies kisses! When they are dry and haven't been walking in something icky that is. I have never mentioned it to anyone before, or ever done it in front of anyone. I have always thought they had a very distinct toasty-like smell, I think fritos is the perfect description of it.

I once cautiously mentioned to my mother that I actually kind of like the doggy odor, the natural doggy smell. A wet dog can still be a bit strong, especially if they are in bad need of a bath :p, but I love to bury my face in their fur sometimes and just breath in their natural doggy smell, the same smell I suppose some people think is really stinky and would be appalled to put their face near it. Granted if they are really dirty or have been rolling in something it's not the same :p

Now I can finally admit to some of these things without being thought of as a wacko, at least not totally! :D

01-28-2004, 08:18 PM
Ok, the only thing I do with Duke's feet is tickle them :) However, just last night, I was smelling his doggie smell in his fur. It always makes me happy to do that. I think I'll just smell his feet in a while to see if they smell like that, too.

01-28-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
Now I know I'm not crazy, and I can finally admit one of my deep secrets that I have never before shared with ANYONE! :D

Don't you love this place? Me too! :D Yeah, I love my little corn chip feeties. Sometimes with three the whole room smells chippy. :D

01-29-2004, 02:54 AM
Did you know that kitties have frito feet, too? My daughter's doggie is a Fila Brasileiro (I just looked up the name again) - I loved nuzzling her soft coat when I saw them last. I'll have to turn her (mt daughter) on to the "Frito Feet" experience next time I see her!!
Not only do I love to bury my nose in Grasshopper's (my cat) soft fur and breathe in her catessence, but I learned from Roxy (my daughters dog) how delightful pupper-essence is, too!
Sniff on, fellow fur lovers!!:D :D

01-29-2004, 08:35 AM
I missed this thread? I have always loved the smell of Nicki's paws! I thought I was weird and never admitted it to another soul!

01-29-2004, 09:07 AM
Seems this thread is always treated to revival, at least once yearly!:D Kohala, as kids, my brother and I referred to kitty chip footies as "popcorn paws;" the doggies had the Frito feet!:D Just yesterday I was sitting with Star on the couch; well, she was laying down. She was in that "paws in the air" postion. I couldn't believe the eau de Frito essence wafting through the air! I was 2 feet away from her! She must have been basting them big time!!! My vet (a confirmed, "closet" paw sniffer himself) told me the scent comes from something in their saliva, that as it evaporates, smells like corn chips, Fritos, popcorn! And as we all know, doggies love to lick their feet! I couldn't get enough of that heavenly doggie perfume!:D

01-29-2004, 11:30 AM
i really dont think my dogs feet smell liek anything. :o

01-29-2004, 12:23 PM
I remember awhile back reading this! When i first joined! Yes, Yes, i admit to it! And i must admit for my mother too! She is always there with cami saying "Lemme See those little frito feet" I told her about it a while ago! LOL! So, Count cami in as a frito feeter! :p

01-29-2004, 02:57 PM
Would that be frito feeter or frito footer :confused: Try saying that a few times real fast :D I have 24 frito paws in my house right now :eek:

03-24-2004, 11:37 AM
LOL LOL I just had to hop on here to add a funny little anecdote. Now that I have a dog, I have the joy of smelling frito feet! My mother-in-law is out here visiting Aaron and I, and I told her about Priya's feet smelling like fritos. She kind of gave me a funny look, but that was about it. Well, this morning, Priya was lying on the couch next to her and she lifted one of Priya's front paws and stuck it right up to her nose and sniffed. She looked at me with an amazed expression on her face and said: They DO smell like corn chips!!! :eek:
We both just started laughing so hard. She couldn't believe it! Of course, I told her about this thread and had to show it to her, so we've had a good laugh this morning!! It's so nice to know there are others out there that are sniffing dog's paws....:D LOL LOL

03-24-2004, 12:03 PM
This is one of those threads that never dies:eek:

03-24-2004, 12:06 PM
Wow, you people are weird. lol. :D

I think Daphne's feet just smell like sweat. Not that attractive. I don't make a habbit of smelling them either. :p

03-24-2004, 12:43 PM
Oh, Wolfie, get with the program!!!!! It's not sweat, it's corn chips!!!!! :D :D :D

03-24-2004, 12:46 PM
I got my mom hooked on smelling Kia's Frito Feet! :D

03-24-2004, 01:59 PM
I believe it was discovered earlier but with cats it's more like popcorn, dogs definately fritos ;) hmmmmm, do birds feet smell of anything in particular Logan? * mumble mumble... weird indeed *

03-24-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
hmmmmm, do birds feet smell of anything in particular Logan? [SIZE=1[/SIZE]

Oh Laurie - a hysterical mental picture has popped into my mind of Logan smelling Roger's and Milly's feet. Oh to be a fly on the wall at her house now......:p :p :p

03-24-2004, 02:07 PM
Well I can say that my cats feet definately DON'T smell like popcorn.. ;) :D :p

More like pine litter and poopie.. :eek: :rolleyes: :D

03-24-2004, 08:31 PM
I just went for a refresher foot sniff, and Grasshopper's feet just smell like warm fur now. I wonder if the frito thing is stronger when they're younger?:D
She "mrf" 'd me, and yanked 'em away, too. Old grouch!:p

02-06-2006, 07:03 PM
Hello, All! It's been almost a year since I last posted and I've just spent the whole day catching up on some of the posts and ran across Frito Feet. Gad, that was such a funny thread.

How is everyone?? Phred, I saw you'd been in the horspidal--hope you're feeling better and better every day!

I'm still hangin' with two dogs and two cats, but most of the "personnel" have changed. lol D'Artagnon is still around and nearing 12 years of age. Then, there is Chen Po, looks like a Russian Blue, who wandered into the house almost a year ago (come March). He'll be two-ish in May. No idea how old he really is, but the vet thought about 10 mo. last March.

Dog-wise, I have Lys (I pronounce it "Lease") a Jack-Russell--something--cross. Can't decide if the 'something' is Chihuahua or Italian Greyhound. Her ears do very like the IG and she's very slender like either breed. There is a picture of her on Dog Potentials (http://www.dogpotentials.com) on the Mixed Breed page. She's a hoot!

The other dog you'll see on DP is my boy. RX. He's the Border Terrier on every page, but that's his puppy picture. March 10th, he'll be two years old. Be interesting to see what he does this birthday, 'cause last year he got out the door and got hit by a car. Fortunately, it was an SUV and he rolled underneath it and was dazed, but came around in a short time and has been perfectly fine since.

So, I'm delighted to be back and see I need to catch up on posting! I'm like WAAAAAAAY behind everyone. Logan, missed you! Missed all my good friends here. Later, Christi

02-06-2006, 08:24 PM
Hi Christi! So glad you bumped this thread up, It surely was a hoot!

02-06-2006, 08:44 PM
...in the thread. Figured it was about time to revive it. Almost two years!! Glad you enjoyed it, Kay. We do bring up some funny stuff in Pet Talk! Brought back so many memories and names of folks I hadn't heard anything from in so long! Hope everyone is still here.

Later, Christi

02-06-2006, 08:50 PM
We have had a lot of people come and go... there are still quite a few of us "oldies" here - Logan, K9Karen, Sandra, Pam, Anna, lbaker, Shais_mom, Rachel posts occasionally, etc, etc...

I'm always happy to see some of the "oldies" come back!

02-06-2006, 09:08 PM
Molli doesn't like my touching her little paws but I love kissing Sam's huge paws!! His paws don't really have much of a smell. Sammy's paws are just so fun to kiss because they're so big! lol... *i know i'm weird*

I've never sniffed my kitty's paws. She'd cut off my nose with her killer nails! lol

02-06-2006, 10:03 PM
...Jackie (Jackie's Daisy & Perry)? Daisy the Bassett's Mom--Daisysmom, I think it was. I've somewhat kept in touch with Logan over the time away. Missed everyone else, though, and thought about you often.

Dab, that is so funny about your kitty! Yeah, Chen Po is the same sort of way. When I try to pet him, he tries to bite my hand. I don't think he's being mean, just goofy! He was allergic to fleas last year and I think he wasn't sure what to think of petting, as I'm not sure where he came from. He was a wandering minstral when he wandered into my life. Traveling salescat, don't ya know.

RX likes to hang out in the mud too much. He's such a pig for a terrier. lol Wouldn't want to sniff his toes at all!!! But, Lys, yeah, she's got the frito thing going! YAY!! Not going there with the cats at all. lol

There are just certain threads I'll have to avoid, as if I can. Was so sorry to see that Su lost her Shiloh, too. I have a hard time reading about the doggies that are ill or having problems. Of course, that is almost impossible to do, since you get drawn in and then you want to know what the outcome is. And, of course, every prayer is needed and helps, so, I'll doubtless read them, cry with them, and pray with them.

You know, we ought to take some of those threads and turn them into a book. Did you see where that man with Marley is on the top of the best-seller lists with his book about the wild dog?? Guess Marley was quite the "el destructor" all his life.

So, who else is sniffing doggie toes and kitty toes these days?? Have you had your frito-feet fix today??


02-06-2006, 10:11 PM
eww. I'm 100 miles away from Autumn and am currently almost gagging at the thought of her feet. Somebody actually likes that smell! :eek:

02-06-2006, 10:13 PM
When you get a chance, make sure no one else is watching, and take a little sniff! You'll be amazed. Have you read the entire thread, yet? It's a hoot!


02-06-2006, 10:48 PM
Oldie Moldy here..Hi Christi! Good to have you back! I came across your name a while back and wondered how you were. I just thought about this thread today,,hilarious you should bump it..I was laying on the bed with Logan (K-lo = Canine Logan-not OUR people Logan who she's named after) and she had her paw right under my chin, and sure enough..Frito Feet! Just as yummy as Cody's was!
Welcome Back again! Stay for a while this time!

02-06-2006, 11:02 PM
:rolleyes: only on Pettalk!
I used to love the smell of my RB Rosie's feet. They weren't exactly Frito feet, but they were a warm earthy smell, and I loved her big ol' rottie paws! I miss that smell...these two stubborn siberians don't like their paws handled, but I'll try to sneak a whiff soon--

02-07-2006, 02:18 AM
Good to be back. See, your thoughts brought me back and I just HAD to renew this topic. It's such a fun one.

Read a lot of the threads before I posted. Read the one about Samantha and her meningitis episode (if you can call it an "episode" with all the stuff she went through), read about Phred's heart attack, and some of the others, but this one really reminded me of "home." lol

Hope those Sibes will let you get a whiff, Cyber. I checked RX's feet and there was no smell at all. Oddly enough. But Lys' smelled right. teehee

Gonna get to bed. Been burning the midnight oil too much of late.


02-07-2006, 05:50 AM
Oh my word :eek: :eek: :eek:

ive always thought my dogs paws smelled like Doritos... but i thought i was crazy. LOL

02-07-2006, 09:36 AM
...you a dog person and a Pet Talker! If you're crazy, you're in excellent company!! lol


02-07-2006, 09:45 AM
OMG!!!!! :eek:

Christi, it's you!!!!!! Can you remember when I printed out a long thread for you and mailed it to you when you couldn't get on the internet? I can't even remember which thread that was, right now, but I know I did it! LOL!!!!!

This is the BEST thread of all time, in my opinion, on Pet Talk. What fun we had!!!! I haven't been sniffing any feet, lately, and I don't know what Zipper's feet smell like, but I assume they are just like Honey and Lilly's and smell like Fritos! :D

Isn't Sandra going to be delighted when she sees this thread revived? :)


02-07-2006, 09:58 AM
I remember the looks I received when I went home from work and started sniffing dog feet! Next thing you know the whole family was doing it. Not too long after that another thread asked what kind of sound our dogs made when barking. Again, next thing you know the whole family is trying to imitate each individual dog bark. They no longer think I'm crazy when I mention PetTalk. [well, not ALL the time, sometimes talk about Thursdays makes their eyes start to glaze :rolleyes: ] HI CRISTY :D

Dixieland Dancer
02-07-2006, 10:11 AM
This is the BEST thread of all time, in my opinion, on Pet Talk. What fun we had!!!!

I agree... It was the best thread ever!!! :D My family thought I was off the wall when I had them sniffing the dogs feet to tell me what they thought they smelled like. Just recently, my son was laying on the floor with Dusty and mentioned his feet were smelling like Fritos again. I never thought they stopped smelling like fritos at all! ;) I love the smell of the dogs feet! :cool:

Anita Cholaine
02-07-2006, 10:18 AM
How could someone dislike smelling and kissing this beautiful sweet paw??


I think Anita's feet and and their smell are one the most beautiful things in the world...

02-07-2006, 10:45 AM
Hey, Logan, I was going to email you to see if you'd sniffed any Frito Feet lately??? lol :D

Yes, my Dear Friend, I recall the print-out and could't tell you what one it was, either, although, I suspect it was likely this one. :)

Got so screwed up when I was working at WalMart and just a couple of months before they fired me (long story, that), my schedule wouldn't allow me much time for personal things. Been spending a lot of time this last year or so learning about internet marketing and building websites (I have two). lol

But, I never forgot my friends here! Hey, there!!

Teehee, Anita has a lovely paw! How did you get her to tolerate you taking a picture?


Anita Cholaine
02-07-2006, 11:04 AM
I've just realized that this thread is from the year 2000, and why it had been bumped:o Welcome back, Christi! I had never seen you on PT (yeah, I'm quite new here...) but I'm glad to know that you're here! ;)

PS: It wasn't that hard to take that pic of Anita's paw! She was sleeping, with her paw in that way, so I think she did not even realize that I was taking the picture...

02-07-2006, 03:56 PM
Dab, that is so funny about your kitty! Yeah, Chen Po is the same sort of way. When I try to pet him, he tries to bite my hand. I don't think he's being mean, just goofy! He was allergic to fleas last year and I think he wasn't sure what to think of petting, as I'm not sure where he came from. He was a wandering minstral when he wandered into my life. Traveling salescat, don't ya know.

lol.... Chen Po sounds sweet, though. Yeah Oreo only bites and scratches when she gets playful. Kittens.... :rolleyes:

02-07-2006, 06:59 PM
Welcome back, Christi!! You do have a lot of catching up to do!!!!!
Glad you are well.

This was a great thread. I sure do wish I still had Frito feet to smell :( .
Well.......maybe someday......again.

02-07-2006, 07:08 PM
Welcome back, Christi!! You do have a lot of catching up to do!!!!!
Glad you are well.

This was a great thread. I sure do wish I still had Frito feet to smell :( .
Well.......maybe someday......again.

Oh, I am really sorry about that. :( Maybe one day you'll be ready to get another dog? Frito Feet are always waiting for you!

02-07-2006, 08:43 PM
I agree with you Logan, this was the best thread of all time!

I remember when I first joined and was reading this. I went in to smell the dogs feet and tell Mark about it, all he could do was laugh at me:o

Christi, I don't think we've ever met but it's good to see you never forgot about PT (I don't think any of us ever could!). Welcome back!

02-08-2006, 01:27 AM
I always thought this was the best thread ever, too. In fact, I owe Frito Feet a huge depth of gratitude because that's how I became so friendly and close to Sandra. I still remembering being at work and roaring with laughter! I thought I was the only person who thought their dogs feet smelled like Fritos but was afraid to mention it! Phew! What a relief!

02-09-2006, 12:45 AM
...thanks for the fantastic welcome back, y'all!

Sudilar, I was so bummed when you lost Killian, and then to come back and see you'd lost Shiloh, too. It was so sad and I really felt for you. {{{HUGS}}} I know you can never replace your "heart dog," but maybe, one day, not far down the road, another little face will appeal to you and you can get a little brother or sister for Kili and Shi's memories.

Very nice to "meet" you, Anna! I certainly hope to get to know the newer folks better and say lots of hi's to my old pals here.

Dab, these kitties are just plain silly! Of course, I have a business appointment tomorrow and D'Artagnon decided to get nutso and rip my hand up a bit. He's my older kitty and when he's in a moooood, he's in a mooooood! lol

Not sure if the dogs sometimes think they're cats, or the cats sometimes think they're dogs, but these guys are a hoot to be around. Maybe they're all dats??

Glad to be back and appreciate the very warm welcome home.


07-06-2007, 10:45 PM
Just saw this thread in Pet Poll so thought i would bump. Where is everyone that has posted on this thread??? :confused:

07-07-2007, 07:27 AM
Just saw this thread in Pet Poll so thought i would bump. Where is everyone that has posted on this thread??? :confused:It was made in 2000. People always come and go.

07-09-2007, 07:46 AM
My original "frito footsters" are gone now as well Sudilar, :( but I have two new rescues that after re-reading the thread have now had their feet sniffed. Sure enough, Lucy is a frito-footer. Little puppy Poon still just smells of puppy paws but her day will come, I'm sure. :)

07-10-2007, 08:02 AM
With my Cody gone, Mz Klo has taken up the slack. When she naps with me and her footsies are in my face, I want to take a bite out of her! (*runs out for large bag of fritos*)

07-30-2007, 01:27 PM
Guess what... Cassie Cat was sleeping with me around 3 this morning - as she shifted positions I got a whiff of her feet, and sure enough - popcorn toesies. I started to pick up her foot to double-check, but she gave me a nice little swat with it instead.

07-30-2007, 08:12 PM
I was just cuddling with Fozzie... he has the cutest little frito feetsies! =D


04-28-2009, 03:18 PM
and lately they smell like vacuum cleaner dust. That smell that you smell when changing the vacuum cleaner bag. Kind of musty? Whatever..I love the smell and seek her out to sleep next to me. It's so comforting, that smell, I know she's near. Smells like love. If I could bottle it and sell, I WOULD be rich. I thought she was unique, now I know others feel the same :-)

04-28-2009, 11:05 PM
Had another Frito Feet moment tonight! Yum!

Jags mom
04-29-2009, 11:32 PM
I wish my dogs had frito feet, while their is snow on the ground they stink to high heaven, kind of like a mens locker room filled with stinky socks. and in the summer just dirt. mind you i still kiss 'em, and pretend I'm biting them, like what most people do with baby's feet. But my dogs are my babies so its the same thing.....right?
I do draw the line when that look like this

08-20-2010, 09:21 AM
OMG.I was just searching the net and picked this name for the feet smell of my Isis. When I saw that other people use the term Firto feet I almost lost something laughing.Yes,I have to confess that I smell her feet!!! I love the smell and I will fall asleep to the smell of her paws.It is some kind of cult thing or something.It is what these dogs give out to keep their owners mellow lol. I love the smell and thanks to all of you who have come out of the dog house to share!!!!

09-23-2011, 01:59 PM
Check out today's cat of the day...Her name is Popcorn and her human gave it to her because someone else came in and smelled popcorn just as she was getting acquainted with her new kitty and trying to think of a name for her, LOL!


I am glad that I was not the only one who was reminded of the "frito feet" thread started over ten years ago when I read this cat's story...

09-23-2011, 03:26 PM
I miss Casey's Frito feet.

09-23-2011, 11:18 PM
All 5 of my greys have been poop-paw magnets- they step in it no matter how tiny the bit is that is left on the ground. I never sniffed their paws, for that reasons :D. Cassie though, she keeps her feet clean. Every so often I will smell her front paws at bed time, and her fur. She has that rich smell on her feet and a little on her fur :).

I didn't know there was a name for it!

01-09-2013, 11:45 AM
So newer folks - have you ever sniffed your dog's feet?

01-09-2013, 01:36 PM
Well, when this topic was first created, I did not own a dog. Now I do. And boy, oh boy, my doggie's feet stink within a week of her having a bath. Not so much in the summer, but lots in the winter. I am not sure they stink like Fritos though. Whatever the stink is, it isn't pleasant. Fritos do not come to mind at 2 AM when I roll over and the dog is RIGHT THERE, feet and ALL!


01-10-2013, 10:06 AM
So newer folks - have you ever sniffed your dog's feet?

Yes lol. I asked my boyfriend to a while ago and asked if he thought they smelled like fritos. He said gross and wouldn't smell them :rolleyes:

01-11-2013, 02:03 PM
Funny enough, when I was doing the "Ask the Vets" show today with Dr. Ernie and Dr. Jeff, Dr. Jeff had a technical issue and dropped out with less than 2 minutes to go, so I just has a minute or so left and ask "Why do my dog's feet smell like Fritos," and he gave an interesting sneer, and said, by the way, that it is important to know what you dogs and cats feet smell like normally, especially so you know if something is wrong .... if they smell strongly of grapes, or of yeast, it indicates a certain type of infection! But Frito Feet or Popcorn toes are normal!