View Full Version : Brag Thread.... Some of you will like this.. lol

05-09-2003, 06:27 PM
hey everyone.. i know how every one is about there dog.. well just u love them.. i guess.. lol.. well i just made this up so u can brag about your dog.... so this is the brag thread.. Brag all you want.... ;) ;)

05-09-2003, 06:31 PM
I don't have a dog but can I brag about my friend's dog?? Max is a 5-yr old Golden Retriever and is so handsome - all 110 lbs of him. I looked after him last year when my friend went away for a week and he was sooo good. He loves everyone and everything and I love him like he was my own. Everyday brings something new and exciting to him and I've never known a dog that just "lives to please". He really is something special. Gotta get a dog when I retire.

05-09-2003, 06:32 PM
Good thread! ;)

Timber can run for hours! :D She can run so fast and for so long! And I love her ridge on her back, I think it's so unique ;)

Leather is my big protector! :D She's a great guard dog, and I love that she has enough in her to attack if need be! I always feel safe when I'm with her :)

05-09-2003, 06:38 PM
Oh what a good idea for a thread! Kai may not be the most obedient...playful dog there is. But he's just as wonderful! One of my favourite things that he does is..In the morning, when I ignore my alarm clock...and fall back asleep..he comes and wakes me up. he knows what time I have to wake up..LOL actually he probably just has to pee..but good timing eh? I'm always on time for school cuz of him.. :D

05-09-2003, 08:39 PM
Cami is just the sweetest puppy.. she just lays next to you.. Follows you everywhere you go... She was licking me in my face b4.. lol i must have had salt on my mouth.. i would scoot away and she would run and pounce ontop of me.. it was too cute!! lol thanks i thought it was a good idea for a thread too. ;)

05-09-2003, 10:13 PM
happy is my special girl, loves the critters as much as i do, and as she gains her confidance back is becoming a fantastik flyball dog, last clocking at 4.1 seconds making her the fastest in our club, beating her older brother my only 1 tenth of a second! Ripley is the sweetist and cutest dog in the world! we always joke that if Ripley robbed a bank or bite someone, everyone would say"awww, isnt that cute!" he is a little "slow" but very reliable. shadow is a darling queen, her favorite place is outside relaxing the sun, or the shade. she is the dog I feel safe with, if shadow does not bark at something all th eothers are barking at, I know that the others are just being stupid! :p shadow is the only dog I take seriusly about anything, she is the one that does not always "cry wolf" so to speak:D and perky, is a rescue that went through several homes before finding us, she had run away from all her former homes, she has been locked outside th eyard befor here, by my apperently "blind" dad, she does not go anywhere, she sits in the driveway and waits. she is also a freestyle dog! she loves to dance and just be clowny! and misty is a bright little girl, she is 6 months old and I can control her with my voice, she will come to me from anywhere in the house, she will lie down and sit instently when asked, she can walk nice on a leash and has the most amazing focas! and last night she did recalls over all 4 jumps at flyball practice! she has never done jumps befor but she is so focased that she goes in a line over the jumps, never once went around!:D that is rare, it takes most dogs a long time to learn to go over th ejumps not around in a recall! even the most experienced dogs still go around sometimes!:p

05-09-2003, 11:48 PM
My Atlas is so gorgeous when he moves. We've shown him in conformation and he's gorgeous, but we recently started herding and he is so amazing to watch move!! I just love that he can win in the show ring and can also be a working dog. :)

Here's a picture of him gaiting in the show ring


and here he is standing


I just think he is so handsome! :)

05-10-2003, 12:16 AM
My Iguana, Iggie, knows what "chill out" means. Like if I bring her outside and she's acting too crazy, climbing everywhere and I really don't want her to get away, I say, "Iggie, chill out, girl." And she does... most of the time. Iggie also loves to cuddle with me and would sleep on me for hours if she could stay warm enough and/or I could stand the heating blanket for a long time. She also comes running (and I mean RUNNING) to you if you have food. Doesn't matter what kind... if you have it, she wants it. Oh and if she hears plastic, she thinks food. :D

Zoe, my dog, answers to some weird names... including: Lee Lee, Awwwwwww, Punkin'. Oh and she'll answer to all of the other dog's names too... she's so jealous!

Molli, my other dog actually listens to me. She is a very good dog, very obedient. When she first started sleeping with me on my bed, I'd call her up next to me... she'd come and lay next to me, but the wrong end was sharing the pillow! So I kept telling her to "turn around," and she eventually learned it. Now, she shares my pillow... the right way. :p

Rosie, my other dog, knows, "Show me what you want." If you say that to her, she'll either hit or food bowl or water bowl. She also relates the words 'give' and 'want' to getting a dog treat.

Bart, my other dog can stand on his back legs FOREVER. One time I was holding Riley, the hamster and Bart stood on his back legs at least for 2 minutes... no joke.

A.J., a rat, learned his name the first day I had him.

Ah, that's all for now! :)

05-10-2003, 09:10 AM
Atlas is soooooo gorgeous!!!!

Let's see--Kito--well, he's just so cute--he always looks like he is thinking, like he's always plotting his next move. He runs so soft--like he is almost floating--he looks just like he is in the show ring running around with me, and he loves to "sing". Abbey--she is so agile--now that we have the woods behind us, she loves to run and jump over everything, and she always comes when I call her back, and she is such a lover girl--she just wants to kiss everyone. And Riley--he's so cute too, but he is so inquisitive--always with the ears and the head tilted when you talk to him, and every time you get anything out, he sits all proud because he thinks it is for him:)

05-10-2003, 06:45 PM
My dog - i'm constantly thinking about them and every conversation i'm in ends up being about them.

I treasure Simba with all of my heart, he's my angel, there would be no "me" without him. He started out rough, being abused previous, coming in our home scared out of his mind, biting my mother, growling that everyone whom came near him. We didn't give up. We loved him since day one and now he's the best anyone could ask for. He knows millions of tricks and will do anything for me. anything. He's my first dog, and the best at that. He's happy to please. He even puts up with Nala, a puppy, that i wanted for years. He controlled his natural behaviors when visiting my brother's kitten. He's like one big fluffy tissue for me, always there for me when i need him. No person could ever fill my heart like he does. He's more photogenic then any anorexic supermodel. He has the most gorgeous eyes that i love to lye down and stare into. He never fails to make me smile. He never fails to stop me from crying. He never fails to make me live day to day. I don't think i'd still be here if it wasn't for him. He's such a great dog it's hard to describe everything that makes him unless you were to meet him yourself. He is my true love. :cool:

Nala is still a pup but knows when to stop, most of the time. She brings the laughter into our home, always tumbleing over something. With her overly large floppy ears, clumbsy huge paws and skinny body, she's cute yet funny looking at the same time. she's very smart, knowing "Hungry" "Outside" "Paw" Sit" and several others already. She was another dream of mine, always wanted a "puppy puppy" - since we got Simba at 8 months. She casn be annoying, but she's still little pup, she'll learn. It didn't take her long to walk on a leash and not too bad with the accidents in the yard. She tells us most of the time when she needs to go out. She's adoralbe, and we love her.:)

05-10-2003, 06:59 PM
my beanie is so cute! i am gonna get a pic of him soon. he is possibly a mix. but he's one of those mixes that you just can't tell weather they are pruebreed or not....he can sit,stay,shake,and when you tell him"bang" he'll roll over like he's dead. we are working on waving now. he loves his toys and will follow only me. although he is scared of apsolutly everything!!!...i still love him....and even though he is 6-7 years old he could play fetch all day long....

when we found an un-weaned kitten he motherd it like he was its mommy.

he sleeps "under" my bed instead of "on" the bed:rolleyes:

05-10-2003, 08:36 PM
I really like this thread!:p

I think that Prince is really smart. He is six months old, and he know quite a few tricks. Not like one of our DOTDs who know around 70, but it is pretty good for pup! He knows how to sit and stay, lay down and stay, say "Hi", "high five", and he knows some agility commands such as "hup" or over, and "weave".