View Full Version : Update on Buddy.

05-08-2003, 07:45 PM
I just got back from talking to the guy with my mother. We told him about the digging poblems and the fence, he said he though the holes were from our dogs. He also said he got scared when he saw Nala romping around in our yard [this was befor he knew she was ours] He wants to get the fence fixed, he wants to get the yard fixed but he doesn't have the time and the money. The reason he got the dog was because it was actually his sister's froim up north. She wanted to keep him but couldn't because when the people found out she owner a Pit Bull they wanted to raise in insurance on her house [how dumb!!] So, the guy took him. He's really sweet and the guy is too, or seems to be.
He wants to build a dog run, but doesn't know if that'll will stop him from digging either. I asked if it was allright if it would be ok for me to come over and take Buddy for a walk, he said that would be fine. He's going to keep the back sliding glass door unlocked so if Buddy is inside when i want to walk him i could get him. He's also going to leave me a leash. I have off tommorow soooooo can you guess what i'm going to be doing?? :D Buddy's only 1 years old, such a sweetie.

I have to admit, i was scared going over there. Scared more of the guy not the dog.:p

05-08-2003, 07:55 PM
I'm glad this guy is open to letting you walk Buddy and give him the attention he deserves. Your neighbor sounds like he had the best of intentions in helping out his sister anyway....

Buddy is one of the most handsome pitbulls I've ever seen! His eyes just make me melt! He sure looks like a bit softie!!! :D :D :D Let us know how your walking adventures with Buddy go---he may not be used to the leash, huh?

05-08-2003, 08:08 PM
Aww, he's so cute :)

05-08-2003, 08:42 PM
Awwww, poor guy!:( Wish I could help him out! Sounds like he loves the dog, just doesn't know what to do with him! Bummer!

That's awesome that you're going to walk him! Are you going to take him for walks every dad? He's such a beautiful dog!

05-08-2003, 10:10 PM
at least now u know the dog isn't being neglected. the guy is doing his best, but just doesn't have the money. Its very nice of u to help him with the dog & its nice of him to let u help care for the dog.. it shows that he loves the dog

05-09-2003, 02:52 PM
Glad you went over there. The people in my neighborhood aren't half as nice! :mad: Buddy is great. I hope you guys had fun :D I'll be expecting some pictures...;)

05-09-2003, 04:10 PM
I'm so glad you went over and talked to him Kayann--you will be doing Buddy such a wonderful service--who doesn't want walks every day!!!!!
It sounds as if they guy means well, but maybe doesn't have the time for the dog right now--at least he isn't neglecting Buddy.

I noticed you mentioned something about home insurance?? Our policy goes up if we get a Pit Bull or a Rottie--weird, huh?

05-10-2003, 11:09 AM
Buddys owner seems real nice and you are great for being so courageous in going to see him about Buddy. Looks like it is winners all round, Buddy gets walks and a friend and the guy get a helping hand. I hope the walk goes real well, please keep us updated.:)