View Full Version : The Story of my Kitty,Gabby Lou Lou

05-08-2003, 06:26 PM
[COLOR=royalblue]My kitten,Gabby Lou Lou was born August 15,2002.Her mom was Momma Kitty.Gabby Lou Lou was the runt of the bunch.She wouldn't eat anything.:( You could see her ribs.She was suffering.One day , we came to find her dead in the backyard,because of a dog.The neighbors boxer had gotten her.It wasn't the first time he had either.I buried her in the backyard.I put a peice of grass on top of the dirt because she loved to smell and cat-nip it.I know she is in cat heaven now,watching over me. In honor of my kitty,Gabby Lou Lou 8/15/02 through 9/25/02

05-08-2003, 07:18 PM
OMG that is sooo sad. But now Gabby Lou Lou is at the Rainbow Bridge and is growing healthy and strong and I'm sure she is watching over you. RIP little one!

Miss Meow
05-08-2003, 07:31 PM
I'm sorry about your cat. It takes a long time to get over these losses.

If she was so weak, what was she doing outside, especially if the boxer had done this before? Did she get veterinary attention for her illness?

05-08-2003, 07:34 PM
They were inside a building--we also told the neighbors about it the first time.They tyed it up 24/7 enless they were watching it.

05-09-2003, 06:36 AM
Your poor baby! I'd also investigate the possibility that the boxer is being mistreated - that sort of behaviour is TOTALLY outside their nature and you know what they say - there is no such thing as a bad dog, BAD PEOPLE make dogs bad :(

May your prescious bubby rest in peace at the Rainbow Bridge! I know what it's like, I lost a six month old bubby to a dog and there is NO WAY I am ever letting Pixel outside now!

05-09-2003, 01:09 PM
Thank you all so much!!Well,the boxer could run up to 35 mph.He was a wild and hiper dog.