View Full Version : YES!! My money troubles are over, for now

05-07-2003, 10:28 PM
My buddy from work, was finally was hired by some sort of a constructing company earlier today. Its great news because I get all his hours at work!!! & I'll be getting 7 weeks of full time hours too... I'm so happy for him & myself. He has promised me that he'll continue to work the Sat shift with me, because I'd rather not work with some other part timer (the others drive me nuts).

I thought this day couldn't get better, but damn was I ever wrong, I just got this news at 10pm & I was so excited & thrilled that rob ended up kicking me outta his room, I wouldn't stop talking & bouncing at the end of his bed... hehehe

Well the bad news I got today broke my heart in 2, set it on fire, put out the fire with &!$$, & then stomped on it a few dozen times, was that I failed one of my classes. Which means I don't get to graduate from college :(

He was the only teacher (cop) that didn't understand that I had to work my @$$ off to be able to live in the city to attend college. All my other teachers allowed me to hand in things late, & marked me a bit easier (grammer/spelling wise).

I have to register to try to get into the online class that started yesterday. I's gonna cost me a bit under $200.00 to take it.. I have to try to talk the college into allowing me to pay them off slowly, cause I'll be broke for a few weeks.

my stress & nerves have been through the roof all day, & now they r a bit at ease. I'm so glad I because such good friends with my buddy at work, becauser whats happening is that he'll be schedualed for work & I work them for him & the other people can't complain!!!! damn we make an awesome team :)

05-08-2003, 04:03 AM
that's great news about the job/hours. But I am sorry about the class. But hopefully you can do the class online like you said and you'll be able to graduate. Good luck.

05-08-2003, 08:39 AM
I had a funny feeling he was gonna fail me, he refused to let me do the 2ed test & gave me a 3/20 on the only assignment. I really don't think he liked me.