View Full Version : hmmmm...another dog?

05-06-2003, 04:50 PM
I was wondering if people would suggest getting a third dog? I have the time for a puppy, and was either intrested in getting a lab or another golden.....does any1 have any input on this?


05-06-2003, 05:08 PM
Can you afford another dog? I'm not trying to be insulting, this is something my family is working on right now. If we go to the Chi breeder I found (Her references are all checking out, so it's looking likely) all of the expenses not including the puppy and neuter are likely to still run about $800. Fortuantely we'll be selling our other house soon, so we'll be able to give the little one a good start, it was just a lot to think about before we decided to sell the other house.

As for those two breeds...go for another golden!

05-06-2003, 05:10 PM
Thanx for the input! Yup, we can afford another pup!:)

4 Dog Mother
05-06-2003, 06:04 PM
Well, we have five now so I guess I have some thoughts on that. If you really feel you have the time and energy to train a new pup, I so go for it. When we got Taggert, I forgot how much energy it took to keep after a pup to get it to do what you want it to not what it wants to. He still barks more than I like - he has a stubborn streak a amile wide! And of all of them, and he is the only one we took to obedience school and the only one who looks straight at me when I same come and goes the other way. But if Ihad it to do over again, I have no doubt I would. The love he gives us, the laughs we get from his antics are something that have brought great joy into our lives.

Having 3 or more dogs, makes some things more difficult. Taking trips become more of a problem - not everyone wants 3-5 dogs invading their homes and lives. If only there is one of you to take them on walks it is harder but not impossible. Watching 3 dogs at a dog park takes a lot more effort as they all go in separate directions. Every time you buy a new toy or rawhide you have to think about how everyone will react if there isn't one for each one. Is your vehicle large enough for 3 dogs?

Although many people suggest this to me before I make a decision and I rarely do it, it might be a good thing to make a pro and con list of why to or not to add a dog to your family right now. Good luck with your decision!!!

05-06-2003, 06:07 PM
Thank for your input! I definatly will think about it! Thank you!:)

05-06-2003, 06:18 PM
I agree with everything - can you afford another dog (Yes, you can), do you have time to work with the puppy, is your car big enough for another "monster", ...... all those things apply.

But in the words of Mugsy - "what's one more"???? :D

Good luck with your decision, and if you do get another little pup to love - better post pics!!!

P.S. 4(5) Dogmother - I think YOUR Taggert and my Captain are related!!!!! He also just looks at me and walks the other way when I say "COME"!!!

05-06-2003, 06:19 PM
Thank for your input! I definatly will post pics if i get a pup!:)

05-06-2003, 07:40 PM
I want a Golden Retriever some day soon, too! My dad says that when my Sadie girl turns 9, and she's 7 now, I can get another pupps! I really don't want her to get any older, though.:( I love her so much!

Good luck with getting your new pup, and keep us updated!:) ;)

05-07-2003, 07:35 AM
It sounds to me like you have it all thought out, so I can't imagine why it would be a problem.
Our third, Riley, was not planned. We thought about a third one, but were going to wait until we were into our house, had the yard done and fenced, and all settled. But I found him 3 days before we even moved:)