View Full Version : Pit bulls in the news again

05-06-2003, 12:27 PM
I saw this a few nights ago on our local news, and just found it in print

Altoona Police are looking into the incident of a dog that bit a postman in the area of Spruce Avenue and 3rd Street.

As a result, the Post Office stopped service to the homes in the area. The dogs have been put into a kennel until after the investigation.

I saw the dogs on the news, they are 3 beautiful pit bulls, and one of them bit a postman the other day, and the postmaster ordered that mail delivery be stopped on that street.
Apparently it has happened once before, on the same street (I'm not sure if it was the same dog or not), and the neighbors of course want the dogs to be destroyed. I'm sure it was the owner's fault--why was the dog out unleased at the time the mailman was to come?? I know Kito wouldn't hesitate to take a chunk out of our mailman if he could, that's why he's inside!!!dumb people:mad:

05-06-2003, 12:33 PM
Idiot people, and poor dogs. Hopefully the owners care enough to try and get them re-homed rather than destroyed. I'd take their puppies in a heartbeat and they'd never have an opportunity to bite a postman again.

05-06-2003, 04:33 PM
Grrr.....i hate people like that!!!:mad: I hope they dont put those dear sweet dogs down.....:(

05-06-2003, 06:19 PM
Oh, I see the logic here ....... ONE dogs bites the postman, so ALL the dogs must be put down.

WHAT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Grrrrrrrr - :mad: :mad: :mad:

05-06-2003, 06:22 PM
I am Mom to a Lab and love all Retrievers. But, when a Lab or Golden bites, it rarely makes the news! ANY dog, even those labeled as most gentle and non-aggressive, is capable of biting. I hate the fact the one breed is so maligned and singled out. :(

05-07-2003, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
I am Mom to a Lab and love all Retrievers. But, when a Lab or Golden bites, it rarely makes the news! ANY dog, even those labeled as most gentle and non-aggressive, is capable of biting. I hate the fact the one breed is so maligned and singled out. :(

That's very true....The worst bite I ever recieved was from a golden retriever, but I wasn't even taken seriously when I tried to get something done about it! (I didn't want the dog destroyed ar anything, just for the people not to let it roam the neighborhood unsupervised.)

05-07-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
I am Mom to a Lab and love all Retrievers. But, when a Lab or Golden bites, it rarely makes the news! ANY dog, even those labeled as most gentle and non-aggressive, is capable of biting. I hate the fact the one breed is so maligned and singled out. :(

I agree! I just wish some people would inderstand this! I think I am going to write an article, and send it in to our local newspaper. I hope then people will understand Pit Bulls, and all the other so called 'vicous dogs'.