View Full Version : Litter training troubles

05-05-2003, 08:20 PM
I'm trying to train the rats to use a litter box. Icarus was doing very well at first, but he seems to be backtracking :( Suddenly he's decided that he wants to pee on all his comfy cloths, and then he started going on his cage entrance, and now he's just going all over the place in the back part of his cage. His litter box is now untouched :(

I took out all of his used bedding and put it into the litter box, hoping that he would pee in it, but nope, he won't.

I did the same with Frisco. Frisco also has decided to pee on his comfy cloth, the one that he sleeps on too! :eek: He's decided to use his entire bottom floor for going to the bathroom..He atleast has a more accurate shot than Icarus :rolleyes: He just goes through the bars of his cage and incedentally it falls into the box :rolleyes:

Any ideas on how to get them to use it more often? I even tried putting in litter from each of the rats cages in to the other, hoping it would make them crazy over the other rats pee scent and start peeing in the box to get rid of it..But it hasn't worked :(

Desert Arabian
05-05-2003, 08:54 PM
Good luck training them.....even if they did use the litter box they would still pee in other areas of their cage, that's how they mark their territory.

05-05-2003, 09:14 PM
Icarus doesn't mark his territory though..Just Frisco..Icarus is good that way I guess, he will only pee if he needs to, Frisco just pees in little bits everywhere whenever he wants. He's very territorial :eek: Icarus isn't, he's just a little friendly sweetheart :)