View Full Version : Oh my, he sure is getting feisty!!!

05-05-2003, 06:39 PM
He's growing so fast! :eek: :D





05-05-2003, 06:44 PM



Here is Houdini. She's PO'd she has a little brother, lol. :p It's the infamous...."Urrgh, not again! " look, hehe


Cheetah and Dylan


05-05-2003, 06:44 PM
OMG - the cat the rat picture are hilarious! I never would have thought you could get those two species together. Shows you what I know. Great job Luckies4me. More pics please.:D

05-05-2003, 07:13 PM
Totally cute:)

Steffi N
05-05-2003, 08:35 PM
Little Ewok, you are so cute. I'm happy you are growing big and healthy. Loved thie pic of you and Rattie in the cat bed.

05-05-2003, 11:11 PM
Yay we just got back from Petsmart! :D I only spent 50 bucks this time, hehe :p I got Ewok (name may be changed :rolleyes: ) a litter box set for kittens. It's a shallow litter box, and it came with two free squeeky mice (Dylans new favorite toys lol), a seperate kitty dish for food and water, some box liners and a scoop. So I figure it would last me awhile since he is such a tiny kitten. I can't wait to start potty training. I bought some Tidy Cat scoopable litter which makes me come to a question.

What cat litter does everyone use? I am thinking of trying the slilica kind, would that be safe though? It's excellent at soaking up water and urine. I am just curious what everyone thinks the best brand is. I don't mind spending a little extra money if the product is better. Sort of on a kitty litter expedition hehe. :p

I bought the cats a new toy, one they have had before but haven't had for awhile. It's the toy that is plastic, with holes cut out of it with a little jingle jangle ball inside they can try to get, with the feathers sticking out of the top and with a weight on the bottom so that is bobs back and forth. They love to pick it up by the feathers and carry it around in their mouth. :D They are all high on catnip right now as well.

Then I got some Science Diet kitten food for him...I noticed it's now called "Kitten" instead of "Growth". Well I got a four pound bag as that should last a while. I also bought four cans of the wet food but it only comes in two flavors. :confused: The one I got was Liver and Chicken. Not like Friskies wet food that's for sure. I think they should have more variety. His milk cost 12 bucks! It's so funny how much you want to spoil them, you know? Hopefully he will be a lot easier to wean than River was...she wanted her bottle for a long time, even got into the habit of stealing Dylans bottles. We lost a lot of "nipples" because of her.

So wish me luck! I am going to put him in the litter box in just a bit after I feed him his din din. He seems like he wants to eat, so I may offer him some wet food, what do you think?


05-05-2003, 11:17 PM
Oh ya and what is really funny is DYLAN got VERY frustrated with the new cat toy, because he couldn't get the ball out lol. We tried explaining to him that it's a cat toy and that the ball is supposed to be inside, but he just got made and threw it at the wall lol. Babies! ;)

05-06-2003, 02:49 AM
The little kitty cat with the rattie is so hilarious. :D

05-06-2003, 06:09 AM
I love him!!! You are sooooo lucky! I can't wait to see more pictures.

05-06-2003, 08:51 AM
Thanks! More pictures to come shortly. :D

I put him in the litter box last night but it was a no go. I did make him potty over it so his pee fell into so there will be scent next time he goes. ;) Well off to work!

05-06-2003, 08:54 AM
What sweet pics!!
This one is my favorite:

K & L
05-06-2003, 08:54 AM
This is way too cute!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-06-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
He's growing so fast! :eek: :D

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: The rat is as big as the kitten!!! Or should I say the kitten is as tiny as the rat? ;) :D

I'm not too familiar with rats, except the ones that you see occassionally roaming the alleyways in Chicago, but is the rat big or is the kitten small? But of course it's that the kitten is small because it's just a teeny tiny widdley baby kitten. ;) :D

He is just too precious. Thanks for the pics! :D

Miss Meow
05-06-2003, 05:46 PM
It's like Dr Seuss - The Cat and the Rat :D

He's cute, very, very cute! How did you go with the canned food? Our little ones did big stinkers with the processed food, so good luck!

05-06-2003, 08:58 PM
Well I just got home from work. What a sad day. Two euthaniasias and a seizure dog. :(

Miss Meow:
Anywho, I haven't tried the wet food yet but I am going to try it tonight. He just got a big bottle so now he's passed out. :p He's milk drunk. lol As soon as he wakes up I am going to stick him in the litter box and then see if he wants to have some wet food. Then if he does I will offer him some soaked kitten kibble tomorrow. I just want him to start using the litter box so he can have more free roam around the house. He is going to be leashed and halter trained so he can go outside with supervision, unlike Cheetah and the others. They only go to the backyard and right in the front, they never roam, but still. So I have made the decision that he will be an indoor only kitty, with supervised out time.

Our clinic kitty is 20 years old so we might make him our hospital greeter. :D He already goes to work with me all the time so...we'll see.

This week is going to be so hectic. I have two new rescues in, not feline but birdies. :) One is a robin who I am rehabbing until he is able to fly. He's just a baby. The other is a lovebird who's breeders were going to euthanized because he has a broken leg. So I said I will take him. He may need his leg amputated but I am sure he will do fine. He has a lot of spunk andis only a baby. He's so tame as well so he will make a great pet for someone. I will just be fostering him through the exotic bird rescue as it's very hard for them to place lovebirds and they called me today to see if I wanted to foster him. :) He needs someone to take care of him while his leg heals. Who knows we may end of keeping him lol. He's just such a sweetheart.

Well I will try to get some pics of the kitter katters tonight, but for sure you will see some new ones tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a pic of him going potty in the litter box or eating some food. :D

05-06-2003, 11:12 PM
He's a sweetheart. :D I also love the rat and the cat pic. :)

05-07-2003, 11:48 AM
as Ewoks taking a little cat nap right now. He just had his bottle and is now relaxing in my bed. :)

Enjoy pictures of Houdini, Mystic and Cheetah! :D

Mystic pics:


For only his momma being a Bengal, he sure did get a lot of the breeds features!


Mystic and Houdini:

05-07-2003, 11:52 AM


Houdini stalking Mystic:


05-07-2003, 11:58 AM




05-07-2003, 12:00 PM
What cute pictures! :D

05-07-2003, 10:13 PM
All of your cats are beautiful. :)

05-07-2003, 10:27 PM
Houdini and Mystic are GORGEOUS! Also the kitten is absolutely 100% ADORABLE!!!

I never thought I would think rats were cute ... haha... but yours sure are! They look they even have personalities!!!?:D