View Full Version : Oz learns to Burp?

05-05-2003, 11:05 AM
My two lil’ nephews are somewhat scared of dogs. They’ve been intimidated by my cousin’s humongous Labs and their somewhat aggressive Aussies in the past. Whenever I get the chance, I try to get Oz around them, so they’ll become more comfortable with big dogs. I hate to think of them, growing up being afraid of dogs. Well this weekend we had a HUGE breakthrough. Before this I’d keep Oz on a 30 ft leash and they really wouldn’t approach him. At best they might throw a toy from a distance. I still had Oz on the 30 ft leash, but this time the 4 year old, Kyle, not only approached him, but was interacting with Oz. Yeah!

First he was playing with about a 3 ft paper tube with Oz. He could play with Oz and still keep his distance somewhat, so that helped him get a lil’ comfortable. And Oz was playing so gentle with him, much more gentle than how he plays with me. Then Kyle asked if he could feed him, so Mom went and got some hot dogs and I had Oz do his tricks for him. Kyle really seemed thrilled with the fact that he could throw the treat to Oz and Oz would catch it in the air. I think he was still a lil’ wary of getting his hands near those big teeth. So the catching thing turned out to be a big plus.

After that he and Oz were like *this*... Best buds... So Kyle was leading him around the yard and carrying on a lengthy conversation with Oz about the importance of Batman.:) Oz followed him around, attentively listening. If he could of talked, his side of the conversation would have probably been that Lassie was way more heroic than Batman.:)

The icing on the cake came when Kyle was trying to teach Oz to Burp… The ultimate compliment from a 4 yr old boy... Oz didn't quite ever get the hang of it, but he found it fascinating enough to give Kyle the Collie Nose Nudge. I think they’re bonded for life now.:)


05-05-2003, 01:01 PM
Aww way to go Oz! :D

05-05-2003, 02:57 PM
How cute!!!
Oz is such a wonderful dog to be so patient with your nephew--I think he deserves a few more hot dogs for that!!!

I have cousins who are terrified of dogs--mine don't really help the matter, but I hope they are exposed to some, um, calmer dogs soon.

05-05-2003, 03:23 PM
Hiya Prima and LovemyShiba!

mine don't really help the matter, but I hope they are exposed to some, um, calmer dogs soon.

Yeh sometimes Murph and Maddie can be a lil' too hyper for them
too. They just get so excited, whenever they see kids. But for the
most part, they don't seem to be afraid of M&M. Their small size
being less intimidating I guess.

Oz did a really good job of staying calm. I do see how lil' kids can
easily get bitten though. As Kyle got more confident, at one
point, he was teasing Oz with his hand. Waving it around, back
and forth at Oz's mouth. Oz didn't do anything, but I was real
quick telling him, not to do that. I'd seen on a TV show that
that's how they train K-9 police dogs to attack. So then I was
paranoid that he was gonna think it was okay to go up to any
dog and do that, since Oz didn't react. I tried to explain why
that wasn't a good idea, but he's the kind of kid that'll do the
opposite of what you tell him, cuz he's gotta see for himself. Errrrrrr...


05-06-2003, 04:39 PM
Awwww, thats so cute!:D :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-06-2003, 05:54 PM
Such good news..
I couldn't imagine growing up and being afraid of dogs.!!! I am so glad Oz is teaching them that dogs are friendly and fun!!
*way to go boy*:D

I think it is so important for parents to teach children to care for animals and keep them introduced to them... and how to handle situations around them. It is so tragic when a child gets scared and kicks or freaks out when a dog was just approaching to be friendly...

05-06-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by ParNone

After that he and Oz were like *this*... Best buds... So Kyle was leading him around the yard and carrying on a lengthy conversation with Oz about the importance of Batman.:) Oz followed him around, attentively listening. If he could of talked, his side of the conversation would have probably been that Lassie was way more heroic than Batman.:)

That's one of the cutest things I've ever read!! :D Hehe. What a GOOD boy you are, Oz!!! It's adorable to watch kids and dogs interact! (usually!)

My neice, Savannah, gives everyone *hugs* constantly. A while ago Nebo was laying on his bed and Savannah came over and sat by him, then leaned her head back against his belly, like he was a pillow (he rarely lets me do that lol) She decided to leave, but before she left she had to give him a hug.....so she leaned over and hugged him...umm...she leaned to the wrong side. She gave a nice big hug (and maybe a kiss?) to his butt! :p

05-07-2003, 01:15 AM
Way to go Oz! Thats so cute

05-07-2003, 05:35 AM
Good job, Oz!! I bet you are so proud of him!!

That was a very cute story. Good mental picture of Oz and your lil nephew!