View Full Version : Vacuumn

K & L
05-05-2003, 10:12 AM
I bought this over the weekend and it's wonderful for cat hair on throw pillows, couches, chairs and all the hard to reach places. I don't know how I did without it before! It has the rotory brushes which the regular vacuumn attachments don't.


05-05-2003, 10:16 AM
I might hafta get me one of those.;)

K & L
05-05-2003, 10:19 AM
I got it on sale for $40 so it wasn't too pricey, especially for how it works! I got on one of my cleaning rampages (especially since this flea fiasco) and this thing was wonderful! I was able to get up on all the high shelves etc. I love it so thought I'd share the experience with all of you.

05-05-2003, 01:30 PM
I have a Black and Decker Dust Buster. It works okay on cat litter and stuff and has a brush attachment. But this thingamabob looks like it works even better. Like Jen said, I might have to get me one of them things too!!

K & L
05-05-2003, 02:06 PM
I was surprised at the power it has!

05-05-2003, 03:51 PM
My father bought us a Roomba for Christmas. I don't know if anyone has seen one of these but it is wonderful. It is a small robotic vacuum. You go around and pick up the cat toys and cords and anything else that could be vacuumed that you don't want to be and then just set the Roomba for the size of the room that it needs to do and let it go. You get these virtual walls so that it doesn't go into areas you don't wish it too. All our cats were terrified of the vaccum. But with this thing they don't stress at all. They just sit and watch it do it's thing. Besides, it has a small profile so it can fit under anything over 2.5 so it fits under the sofa and the king sized bed. I love that cause up till we had it I hadn't done under the bed in over a year. I can't imagine the amount of hair under there. We named ours Cedric just for laughs.


K & L
05-05-2003, 04:26 PM
WOW! That sounds great. I'll have to check into that one also.