View Full Version : nothing much ...just stopping by..........

05-04-2003, 09:42 PM
well folks hubby and i had some much appreciated kid free time this weekend, so where do u think we went...........well we went to petcity, to check out all the latest kittie toys etc.
Well there were 10 lovely kittens there, a lovely assortment of colours, i was admiring them oooh and ahhhing and saying well that grey one and the grey and white one would be my pick, my husband said well u can have one for mothers day, (which is next sunday here in nz) now folks dont get too excited.........because even though i was so tempted, and my heart was beating fast, the adrenalin pumping thinking oooh a new kitty, my mature sensible side kicked in, yep i cant believe it myself, i said NO.

You are all probably saying WHY DID YOU NOT TAKE ONE, well because i know we cant afford another one, financially we would be strapped, i dont want the cats ive got missing out on what they need because i take on an extra, that would not be fair,besides folks i honestly think, that if i am meant to have another one, someway, somehow it will choose me sooner or later.
I feel it in my bones, that a starving little stray will come my way again one of these days, upon my doorstep.

i actually came out of there with only some free stuff, nice biscuits for my furbabies. amazing, there was an awesome cat tree type thing, which had a cute hammock, i was taken with that, but the real small one was 95 dollars , i hate to think how much this one was, maybe i can get hubby to make one up, hes a mechanical engineeer by trade and can almost build anything, ha better put him to work, and get those furbabies i have some extra special play things. lol. cya everyone.:)

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-05-2003, 02:22 AM
Carole, such a hard decision, but I agree - if the timings not right or it would be detrimental to your existing furry family then it's the right decision to make........ PLUS if a little stray happens to come along and "choose" you then the decision is taken out of your hands!!!!

05-05-2003, 05:53 AM
Isn't it nice to know that YOU can make that decision, though, without someone else saying NO all the time?????