View Full Version : Mickey is getting neuteured!

05-02-2003, 09:07 PM
We schedueled an appointment for Mickey's neutering on Monday. (which is great because I got the day off so I can bring Mick in with my mom)

I know that this is basically a simple operation but I'm asking for your prayers that everything goes smoothly. Please!

Also, I'm a bit unsure about what's going to happen. He'll be staying the day there and then for the next 24 hours, he'll be a bit out of it, right? Should I try to leave him alone for awhile. I don't want to get him angry...any advice? I'm not even sure if what I am thinking I'm supposed to do is what I'm supposed to do. :p

Please help!

Thank you :D

05-02-2003, 09:51 PM
When Timber came home, she was so sick and drugged up she just wanted to lie on me and sleep. My poor baby, her eyes were all bloodshot :eek: I would reccommned just sitting with him calmly and stroking him and talking to him. Timber was so happy when I came home and she just got to sleep on me (and cut off my circulation!! :rolleyes: )

Good luck to you Mickey! Be a good boy :)

05-02-2003, 10:01 PM
hope all goes well!:)

when we got jewels spayed she fell asleep standing up, then fell over, then got up and fell alsleep standing up again. lol! when you first get him back you'll be able to tell if he just wants to sleep;)

05-02-2003, 10:08 PM
Oooh Good Luck to you, Mickey!! You're a big boy now!! And we'll be thinking of you, Primabella! Don't worry too much...it's a routine thing, and he'll be in there, and a few hours later he'll be home again. That being said, I remember how scared I was...I didn't care HOW many operations the vet had done that went smoothly, I didn't want anything to happen to my boy!! So hang in there, and update us when you can.

As far as energy goes, Malone was pretty much back to normal by the next morning. I don't know if this is typical or not. But trying to keep him sane and quiet for 10 days was almost a nightmare. I'm sure Mickey will let you know if he wants to be left alone, but he probably will be begging for lots of cuddling. :)

05-02-2003, 10:38 PM
Of course I will keep the Mickster in my thoughts on Monday, and you too--I know you will be worried!!
As far as what to do with him when he gets home, he will probably just need some rest. I'm sure your vet will give you any special instructions you need to make him feel better soon.
Kito was up and normal again the next day (except for manuevering his cone), and he was *supposed* to be calm for 2 weeks until his stitches came out--he was calm for a day or 2:)

05-02-2003, 10:40 PM
Good luck to Mickey! I'm sure he will be fine! I'll be thinking of him! :D

When Reggie/Smokey/Lady all were neutered/spayed they were really "out of it" when we got them home. Just wanted to sleep.

But nooooooooo my boy was WIDE AWAKE when I picked him up (same day too) and he was NOT a happy boy.....of course, he had that cone on his head too!

I'll be hoping Mickey will be a good boy and not have to be a cone-head! ;)

05-02-2003, 11:36 PM
When i got Daisy and Molly spayed, they were no where near tired! Daisy was back to her regular old self, wagging her tail, wanting to play fetch, but you have to let them rest for about 1 week before going back to the "regular routine". Molly went right back to barking like she usally does! But it could be different for males then females!:)

05-02-2003, 11:55 PM
Good luck Mickey!! You will be in my thoughts! :)

I was very young when my first dog got spayed... I don't really remember the "aftermath". And when we got Ruby she was already spayed... so I'm not much help there :rolleyes:

I hope all goes well!

05-03-2003, 12:42 AM
I just got Rusty neutered. He came out fine and was sooooo happy to see us. the people said we shouldn't play with him. Good luck to Mickey!!;)

05-03-2003, 01:17 AM

OUCH!!!!! poor fella! lol

05-03-2003, 06:54 AM
Angus was 10 when he was neutured. He was sleepy when he came home, so Mark had to lift him into the car:eek: (he weighs 116 lbs!) and help him out when they got home. He slept about much all night and was still a little tired in the morning, but pretty much like his old self the next day. So try not to worry about your baby boy too much;)
I'll be thinking of you both Monday.

05-03-2003, 09:23 AM
Hi Mickey,

Rocky here.

Piece of cake, so don't worry and you won't even
miss anything. ;)
Milk it, as long as you can,
so your mommy feels real sorry for ya.
Oh! I almost forgot, don't go licking at your
stitches like I did. It will take longer to heal. :rolleyes:

05-03-2003, 10:04 AM
hey prima!! hi mickey!! good luck to u mickster! he should be fine.. well he will but you know.. lol.. when we first brought cami back she was sooo sleepy... And just layed around in her cage.. she tried to lick it but when she would the cone on her head :rolleyes: would scratch her tummy. poor babe. about a day after all she wanted to do was play and be excited.. We had to leave her in the morning till the next day :eek: i was so sad!! Well another dog i know had got a hard lump where her stiches were.. i forget what its called... That is only because she got too excited.. its like a cluster of water or something beneath the skin and it makes a hard lump...??? I forgot it seems like forever ago.. lol :confused:

05-03-2003, 10:07 AM

But nooooooooo my boy was WIDE AWAKE when I picked him up (same day too) and he was NOT a happy boy.....of course, he had that cone on his head too

lol Always gotta be different, huh Nebo? ;)

I didn't care HOW many operations the vet had done that went smoothly, I didn't want anything to happen to my boy!!

Exactly how I feel. :)

Thanks everyone. :) I'm not *too* worried, it's more my sister. She is freaking out over it. :rolleyes: I'm sure all will go well. And thanks for the tips. Knowing Mick, I'm sure he'll be a bit drained but once you pick up that ball, he'll bounce right back up and wanna play :p

Thanks again and yes, I'll keep you guys updated! :D

05-03-2003, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
Well another dog i know had got a hard lump where her stiches were.. i forget what its called... That is only because she got too excited.. its like a cluster of water or something beneath the skin and it makes a hard lump...??? I forgot it seems like forever ago.. lol :confused:

A hard lump? Don't get me worried now!!

I'll keep an eye on him though. I don't want him licking at it or whatever he may do. :)

05-03-2003, 10:11 AM
lol im sorry prima.. Thats only if he is jumping off the walls!! i forget wat its called.. lol.. it will go away with some treatment and if it does happen its no big problem.. ;) mickey will be fine.. give mickey some kisses for me!! :D

05-03-2003, 10:12 AM
lol okay :)

05-03-2003, 10:27 AM
I'm sure Mickey will be a good little boy:) We've had about 3 or 4 cats spayed or neuteured (we only have 1 cat now)but i was never too worried. We've only had 2 dogs Jessie (my old yellow lab)was spayed when we got her and Ringo will be neuteured in a few months(he's not old enough yet) so I've never had a dog neuteured.But I can't wait for Ringo to get neuteured because ,this is embarassing but he humps this one stuffed animal toy of his I take it away when he gets too friendlywith it though:p :rolleyes:

05-03-2003, 11:01 AM
After a good night's sleep and lots of loving from his Mommy, Mickey should be feeling fine and frisky! As has been said, the hard part will be trying to keep him from over doing it for a while! We all share your fears about the surgery. No matter how minor, we all still fret about our babies! But try not to worry. And you can count on us all to be sending you and Mickey our positive thoughts and prayers for a complication free surgery and a quick recovery!!:)

05-03-2003, 11:13 AM
Thanks so much tats :D

05-03-2003, 11:16 AM
Aww Mickey, you'll be fine! When Lady got spayed, she was just very sleepy and tired. Good luck to you Mickey!:)

05-03-2003, 12:33 PM
hey Prima.....Mickey will be fine, he'll do great. When we got ours spayed/neutered...they had to stay over night at the vets, b/c thats just how our vet does it, but when we went bac to pic them up they sure were happy~! Also I think angry b/c we left them....lol. Im sure he will be grogy, tired, etc. I'll keep you n' Mickey in my prayers......keep us updated~! GOOD LUCK MICKEY~!:) :p :D

05-03-2003, 12:53 PM
Thanks :D

I don't know if he'll be staying overnight. Hopefully not. My friend told me she almost started crying when she left her boy at the vets. He was whining for her to come back. Mickey's whines make my heart break :( I hope he'll be brave.

05-03-2003, 12:57 PM
Sweet Mickey, Carina and I wish you a very quick recovery after your trip to the white coats.
Don't worry too much, Primabella. He'll be fine and the vet will tell you how to take care of him.
All my dogs came back home the same day after they were spayed, sleepy but without any problems.

05-04-2003, 09:24 AM
Great :) Thanks a lot :D!

05-04-2003, 11:28 AM
I hope everything goes great at the vet's offive tomorrow, Primabella! Mickey, you be a good boy, now!;)

I was too little to remember when Sadie was spayed, so I can't really give you and advice, sorry!

Again, good luck, I will keep you and that adorable boy in my prayers!:) ;)

05-04-2003, 12:09 PM
Be brave mickey! Kai hasn't been neutered yet but I'm sure everything will be fine. Before you know it, mickey will be back to his old self.

05-04-2003, 08:54 PM
Good luck tomorrow lil Mickster! I hope you and Mommy don't stay up all night worrying!!! Remember, no food from now on, and no water after Midnight!!!

05-28-2003, 07:21 PM
Mickey is really cute! My dog Jack is also getting neutered, but it will be next Tuesday and I am as nervous as you are about it, but trust in God and all will be fine. I will say an extra prayer for Mickey!