View Full Version : Specially Designated Pooping Area?

05-02-2003, 07:44 AM
Years ago I knew a breeder who had taught her toy poodles to go potty in a specific area of her yard. She would say "up the hill!" and off they would go and that's where they'd do their thing. My daughter is probably going to be adopting a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog in the future and is thinking about training him/her to a specific area of the yard. Do any of you have dogs that are trained to one spot in the yard? If so, was it hard to do that? My Bella usually goes pretty much in the same area, give or take about 5 feet, so it makes pooper scooping pretty easy. I never taught her this and I think she just goes back to the same area because of the smells there. What do you all think?

05-02-2003, 08:03 AM
I love the idea! I should have trained mine when I first got them but after 10 plus years it's a little late.

I think you have to take the dog to the designated spot EVERY TIME, rain or snow or sunshine, until they get the picture.

I spend too much time on search & scoop since my 4 use the whole yard ---- and 2 are walk'n'drop types.


05-02-2003, 08:35 AM
Neither Angus or Roxey go in the same area, but Huney does. Needless to say, we never taught her this, she just did it on her own (Keisha was the same way too, maybe a chow thing?).
I don't know anything about a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, but I don't see why you couldn't train them to do that.

05-02-2003, 08:46 AM
I tried to do this with Nebo as a pup, but I kind of slacked on it so it didn't really work. He still tends to go in the same general area...problem is, there's more then on general area he prefers. When he's in the dog run he does always go in one spot though.

Wow, a GSMD?? I LOVE swiss dogs, and those are absolutely gorgeous! I've only met one irl......he was huge, and a total sweetheart! I'd imagine they would be pretty hard to find?

05-02-2003, 08:58 AM
Perry and Daisy always go to a designated area, we walk out with them and they run down to the end of the patio which is cement and they go there. However Perry likes to lift his leg in different places, the tree, post, fence etc. etc. But for pooping it's always in the same place and I usually tell them to wee wee or poo poo, they know what either means. It's much easier to pick up and wash off the cement.

Cinder & Smoke
05-02-2003, 09:42 AM
Dad'z mumblin...
"Now, why dint *I* thinka that idea!!?" :(

And NOW he wuntz us to do WHUT!???
Oh, *sillie* Daddy! :p


05-02-2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
I don't know anything about a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, but I don't see why you couldn't train them to do that.
Anna here is a picture of a Swissie. They are very similar to Bernese Mountain Dogs except their fur is shorter and their lifespans are a little longer. They grow to be about 130 lbs. and are supposed to be terrific family pets.


05-02-2003, 01:44 PM
Very beautiful Pam. Thanks for the pic:)

05-03-2003, 08:51 AM
Most everyone knows I had a horrendous time housetraining Hannah. And Tucker (although it only happens rarely) will avoid the unpleasantness of cold and snow by making *stinkies* in the house. So around here we are just thankful that everybody goes anywhere OUTSIDE!

05-03-2003, 09:34 AM
WoW! Beautiful dogs.

I think a bathroom area is an excellent idea, If you
have the patience.
I taught my first 2 dogs, and also comes in
handy for traveling.
I did not have the patience to do it
with my future dogs, since I was working
full time. :(

Rachel, I know the feeling. lol
I had the same problem with Pepper and Rocky.

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-03-2003, 09:52 AM
I've never heard of anyone training their dogs to do this. It sounds like a good idea.... when I get my doggie I will have to remember this thread...

[originally posted by mruffruff
and 2 are walk'n'drop types.