View Full Version : Puhleaze send our momma gud wishez. -Piper/K'Cee

04-30-2003, 11:25 PM
Huhlo Miz and Mizzer PetTalkers-

Dis is da Hyper-Piper. I hasta tell you I spinx my momma is lozin' her mind. Firstest of all, she's had her noze stuckiez in a book, studyin' for sumpin' called da GURR test. I dunno what she needz to GURR for and persabunnyly, I don't spinx GURRing is very produktive or funnie -- esp. when da BrattKat Sisser does it to mez. *THuMpZ* And it alzo occuried to me dat GURRing is not gud fur Mom's healf. Her tummy allsore is aktin' uppiez.

Nextest, I spinx she furgotz when the 12 dayz of my Burst Moose is. Yesterday, I gotz a BIG package in da mail. Now, I dunno how to readz but I do know my letters and those letterz were, "25 L B S - T I M O T H Y H A Y." When I asked mommie whut da package said, she told me "TO PIPER BUNNIE WIF LUV. ~Mommie" And guesses whut was in dat package? LOTS of hay! And a treat bazket and my very own hang-on-the-cage water bowl! Now, I don't hafta uze dat dummb bottle no morez!

AND someone made her an offer on her bigg fishez tank. And do you know whut she didz? She soldz it! (I spinx she needs a head checkie!) She didz keep her small aqua-airy-yum tho. I knew she likied doz big fishies so I asked her why she soldz it. She said, "As much as I loved the big fishies, I love you and kizziekat more. If we move, we'd never be able to take the big tank with us." I was kinda sadz for da fish and asked her why Gramma couldn't take care of them. Mom saidz Gramma likez fishies but doesn't like taking care of dem cos she don't know much aboutz dem. Then I askied momz about moving... she saidz probably Jewl-lie iffin' we doz. Except fer mez... I was movin' VERY soonz! "But I don't wanna movez! I finally trusts you guys now! I like it herez!" I saidz. And Mom scoopied me uppiez and told me she'd never rehomez me. I liked dat answer so I lickied her chin. Then Momz showed me whut she was talkin' boutz... LOOK! She ordered me a new houze!! It lookiez like diz:
She saidz it iz from da Leith Petwerks company and that she hasta order the "Chubby Bunny Package." I asked her whut dat meant and if my fur made my butt lookz big. She laffed and said Noz. Da Chubby Bunny Package was for the larger breedz....

QUIT Hoggin' da puter you Chubby Bunny!

Mom sedz I am notz a Chubby Bunny! *THuMpZ* Finish tellin' 'emz da story, Kizze--I gotzta go clean my roomz.

HI Miz and Mizzer Pettawlkerz, this is K'Cee. I think I should begin by fixing my brother's mistakes...

1. That should be the GRE test not the GURR test.
2. *sigh* That should be Burstday and/or the 12 days of Christmouse. I'm not sure which he's talkin' aboutz. :rolleyes:
3. The only thing I know about the move is that I have to get chips from the vet. (I hope they're the cheezy kind! I like those!) I don't know why I hafta get chips from the vet--there are some at the house!?

I'm not sure what this GRE test is all about but it doesn't make mom feel too good. Esp. this evening... she came home and her fav. fish Peek-A-Boo had left for the Rainbow Bridge. :( Peek-A-Boo was 7 years old so it was time but it was sudden.

Anyways, Piper and I justed wanted to ask for your good thoughts while Mom takes her GRE (or GURR :rolleyes: ) tomorrow. She'll be leaving at 5AM and won't be back until late. (She hasta go to someplace called Texsus to take it.)

Thanks everyone!

~Parsley wishes and Catnip Kisses to all~

04-30-2003, 11:31 PM
Good luck on the GURR test!!
I'll be thinking of you, and sending my good thoughts your way.
It will all be over tomorrow, and then you can relax and make your tummy feel better:)

What wonderful furkids you have, to type all of that for you:)

04-30-2003, 11:51 PM
NeBo here....gud job at tellingz uz whut iz going on! My mommy sez to tell yer mommy gooooooood luck on da test! If da "GURR" test involvez growlz Reggie wud do da best! :D

Piper, dat lookz like a NICE cage, even if itz for chubby buttz! Can you imagine ifz they made a cage like dat fer MY chubby butt? :eek:

K'Cee, watch out for thoze "chipz"........OUCHY! :o

p.s. Sorry to hear 'bout Peek-a-boo! :( 7 yearz seemz like a long time for a fishy!

05-01-2003, 12:06 AM
From Kylie Kitty and KeEgIe Munster

we wishes you real gud luk tomorrow on yer GurR test, Miz Tonya
MomMiE tried to send you a card onda puter but she couldn't get it done!!! :(
we send you lotz of kissies and luck
Kylie and Keegie

and we are sory about Peek - a - Boo.
:( hugs to you

05-01-2003, 12:18 AM
Fingers and paws crossed here for you. And prayers are being said, too. GURR is probably a better acronym for it than GRE as I recall. Best of luck on the trip and on the test itself.

So sorry to hear about Peek-A-Boo, what a painful shock. {{{hugs}}}

Lovely cage!

05-01-2003, 12:27 AM

I'm glad you finally found a cage you like! It looks great to me!!!:)

Sorry about Peek-A-Boo-- our time with them is never long enough. :(

05-01-2003, 07:32 AM
You are probably gone by now, Tonya, but best of luck today!!!! Good story telling, Piper and K'Cee!!!! :)

So sorry to hear about your fish. :(

05-01-2003, 07:43 AM
Good luck Tonya, please ask Piper & K-Cee to write back when you return and probably take a well deserved rest. Maybe the gurrrrr will turn into a purrrrr;)

05-01-2003, 07:44 AM
Yep, I'd say your gone by now, but I'm wishing you all the luck in the world:D

Sorry to hear about your fish Peek-A-Boo:(

05-01-2003, 09:10 AM
Yes, I think Tonya has been on the road a while by now.

But you know how it works......if all of us Pet Talkers gather around - shut our eyes - and send Tonya our prayers - she is going to do just fine on her exam.

Now K'Cee and Piper - when Momma gets home she is going to be really tired and she will need to rest. So you both be real good - o.k.?

HUGE hugs to you Tonya!

Cinder & Smoke
05-01-2003, 09:54 AM
Hello, God ~ ??

Hi God!

Hope we're not too late wiff dis...

Kuld You spare a few minnitz an ride along wiff Missy Zipp-Kat whilst she moturz ober to Texsus an takez dat GURR Test?

Try to keep her frum steppin onna GO-peddul too hard inna traktor kar
(she duz dat when she'z nerbus...) :rolleyes:

An we'd all like it iffin You kuld sit wiff her durrin da test ~
Jest keep whispurrin in her earbone that it'z jest a lil *quizz* an she *knowez* allua ansurs...
an that YOU're there to make sure she Duz Gud! :)

We all knowe she'll do jest *fine* onna test...
But YOR're Help will mean a LOT to her, God!

Thankz fur Helpin, God!

Oh yeah...

Bout her Phisshie, Peek-A-Boo :( ...
Kuld You fix him up wiffa Nice lil puddel of fresh waddur
unner da Rainbow Bridge?

Thankz a Bunch, God!

/s/ da Prayer Pupz

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-01-2003, 02:32 PM
Yep, just like Phred - late. :rolleyes: So you're either in the middle of taking the test right now, or you're done with it and hating yourself for all the answers you know but forgot - or so you think you forgot - and got wrong.

I'm sure you'll do just fine, and I want to thank K'Cee and Piper for letting us know about this. They are the bestest critters to have around.

Good luck!

And sorry to hear about your fishie, but I didn't even know that fishies lasted anywhere near 7 years! :eek:

Oh, and by the way, just for those of us who don't have a clue - what is the GRE test? Gurr test I can unnerstand, but GRE - no clue. ;) :rolleyes: :D

Cinder & Smoke
05-01-2003, 03:10 PM
"GRE" = "Graduate Record Examinations"


Sorta like a *Tell US EVERYTHING Ya Knowe* test!


Link = GRE General Test (http://www.gre.org/gendir.html)

Hope Zipp's *Tendur Tummie* iz holdin up OK!

Wunder if she packed Mistur Piper inna pockit
an took him along fur Gud Luck?
Four lil Wabbit'z Feetz inna pokit otta bring sum Gud Luck! :D

We'z gonna keep allua Pawz Krossed fur da resta the day!

05-01-2003, 03:27 PM
Piper I love your new house. Any one who says your bum is chubby is just jealous. Thanks for showing us a picture of the new house; a split level. WOW!

K'Cee, good luck with the 'chips'.

Tonya, you are probably on the way home by now. Have a safe trip. Think of all the fuzzy love waiting for you. I'm sure you did fine on your test. (fingers crossed)
So sorry to hear about Peek-a-boo. I'm sure the rainbow bridge has a special pond for fish where he can swim. Maybe Sophie will stop by and chat with him.

05-01-2003, 03:35 PM
Have been thinking good positive thoughts all day for Zippy.:D

Trying to picture a cool & calm Zip, just spilling out all the
right answers to everything.:cool: :cool:

Phred, isn't the GRE a kinda pre test for graduate school ?
Anyhoo, have been sending positive, good thoughts. :)

p.s. I am sorry about your fish, Peek-a-boo.:(

05-01-2003, 04:30 PM
Thanks for checkin in Piper and K'Cee...Your Mommy's probaby heading home by now~ Still, we're keeping her in our thoughts and wishing good things and keeping our paws crossed...I'll bet she's gonna do grrrrrrrrreat!!!!! And Piper, them's some new digs!! In Boston they call that a "double decker!!" :D


I'm so sorry to hear about Peek-A-Boo!:( Connie's right. I'll bet there's the most beautiful, sparkling pond imaginable at the Rainbow Bridge. Swim your little heart out, dear Peek-A-Boo.

Hugs to you Zip!!!!!:)

05-01-2003, 05:04 PM
Just found this thread, and although, you're done already (I think), I'll pray you did wonderfully!

Nice new cage, Piper!! Very cool!! :D

Let us know how it went Tonya.

Take care!

Kelly and the furkids....

05-01-2003, 05:31 PM

I only gotz litter but Kizzie gotza duckie and catnip!

Anywhoze, my momma dudn't really knowz how they scorez dat test. She spinx dat da writing partz if worf 6 pointz, da verbal part 800 pointz, and da maff partz 800 pointz. She sedz she didn't doz too gud on da verbal partz and only scoredz a 430-440. But she saidz she scored a 610 on da maffz partz. Whut were tryin' to figure outz is how dat happenedz!?! She wuz an english major fer gudness sakes! :rolleyes:

We wont'z know da scorez frum da writing partz for a few weekz. We spinx she gotza 5 or 6 on dat part.

Thank you guyz fer all da well wishes! I gotzta see iffin' I can steal Kizzie's duckie now.

And Mizzer Phred, thanks for da 'un-leaded' foot prayer... momma wasn't too zippiez today ... grammaw was in da carz! :cool:

Cinder & Smoke
05-02-2003, 09:28 AM
Glad yur MawMee gotz back in Gud Shape!
We wuz startin ta get Krampz frum allua paw crossin! :p

An prezintz! Neetoe! :)
Don't be too unhappie, Piper - you got dat BIG box of Timmie Hey -
lil K'Cee is jest ketchin up.

We dont unnerstan dat test scorrin... :confused:
Wunder why da Writin Part iz onlee wurth 6 pointz, anna maff is wurth 800!?? Mebbee da Writin pointerz are BIG pointz?

But den - 5 or 6, outta a *possibul 6* ~
Iz Purdy Darn GUD!!!! Way to GO, Zipp! :D

Originally posted by zippy-kat
... Momma wasn't too zippiez today
... Grammaw was in da carz! :cool:

Dat wuz nice of Granmaw to ride along!
Havin a ko-pilot along onna long motur trip is kinda kumfortin!

05-02-2003, 09:43 AM
Hi zippy-kat,

Haven taken the GRE and the GMAT, I can understand exactly what you went through. The most important thing to remember is that most graduate schools do not only take into account the absolute score, but rather the relative score is more important. So if everyone else didn't do so well you will be considered a good candidate.

Having spent plenty of time in grad school (still there), some schools are no longer placing much weight on the GRE scores. So in the mean time enjoy the duckie and the catnip :D :D