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View Full Version : Tribune to my doggy, SACHIA...

07-11-2000, 04:12 AM
Sachia was the best dog any owner could ever wish for.She was a black Lab cross Boerboel(a S.A breed)and died at the young age of 5 months. I would like to take this oppertunity to pay tribune to her :
Sachia my beloved
To me you were so dear
You gave me so much happiness
I wish you were still here

Every afternoon
You would greet me with a smile
It warmed my heart with courage
To go that extra mile

Untill death came
And ripped us apart
I miss you so much
Here in my heart

Sachia, my beloved
I love you, we will meet again in heaven.
********************************************* Monday, 17 July 2000 would've been her first birthday. I will cry in my heart all day.

07-20-2000, 03:26 AM
loosing your furbaby is a tough one..you have my sympathy..i just went through it twice in april..lost my 8 yr old dalmatian abbey, then 5 days later lost my 22 yr old cat tiger,..hope each day get better for you.. your tribute was very touching..thanks for sharing it..

07-28-2000, 03:53 PM
As I'm sure all of us who go through these topics empathize with you. I lost my 5 yr old cat, Norton (stray) almost a year ago. She was outside and a dog jumped our fence and killed her. Her sister Cali managed to get away in time, but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about Norton.

At the time, our dog Nikko (Siberian Husky) was playing next door with the dog that decided to jump the fence and get our cat. I often times wonder had Nikko been in our backyard that day, would Norton still be here? Would Nikko have protected her, they got along really well. I'd like to think he would have.

We now have two new kitties for Cali to mother and Nikko has taken a very special liking to them both.

We are a happy family again even with the loss of our beloved Norton.


07-31-2000, 03:58 AM
As soon as I read the post my eyes filled with tears. At the young age of 5 1/2 months old my puppy got parvo...it could have been too late if we had waited one more day. It was already serious. You have my heart and my friendship (if you want)

http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif Your friend http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif


07-31-2000, 03:59 AM
As soon as I read the post my eyes filled with tears. At the young age of 5 1/2 months old my puppy got parvo...it could have been too late if we had waited one more day. It was already serious. You have my heart and my friendship (if you want)

P.S. My puppy is fine I'm sorry that it didn't work out that way for you!!!

http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif Your friend http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif
