View Full Version : Have you ever heard of this?

04-30-2003, 02:21 PM
I have a German Sheperd mixed with Lab. He's 9 yrs old and when he was a puppy I would get him the hard rubber toys. My girlfriend gave me a VERY soft gator that her little dog didn't like. Well it made a squeeky noise and I think Rex thought it was alive. He carried it (still does) every where and even slept with it. I can't tell you the times I found it on my pillow! 9 years later he still has this gator, not a tooth mark on it! He's very gentle picking it up to carry it, and if you squeek it he comes and gets it. We call it his baby, and he knows it by "baby" all these years. He's a good dog and has a respect for other living creatures. Any one ever hear of this with other dogs before?

04-30-2003, 02:31 PM
What a sweetheart! No, I don't really know of any dogs who are extremly gentle with their toys, but Mickey does love to bring his Mr. Bigglesworth around with him so I hope it will become a favorite toy of his as he gets older.

Your boy is very cute :D

04-30-2003, 02:36 PM
I had the same thing happen with tikeya. I gave her a toy that was a base ball that screamed "going, going gone" when you smash it to the ground.

well she has JUST gotten spayed and was going through a FAKE pregnancy. She was sooo sad when any one hurt her "baby" lol thats what we called it as well. lol...

my brother would trow it to the wall to make it talk and tikeya would Mope and sadly grab it and take away and try to breast feed it lol..

here is a pic..


We took her to the vet because she grew breast and was producing milk. The vet said that she was going throug a fake pregnancy because the hormonal imballence in her system from the sergery. we were like okedoky ...

Hes fine lol I think It is cute..

04-30-2003, 02:52 PM
Cute pics!!!

Killian has a large stuffed Wolf that cost my Mom $50 (it was my daughter's puppet). He has taken it over. He is not gentle with it, though. He loves to shake it and throw it in the air. It is losing it's stuffing. LOL

Shiloh has her favorite big stuffed ball. She doesn't chew on it, but she does play rough chasing it throughout the yard.

04-30-2003, 02:55 PM
My girls usually ending up ripping their stuffies to shreds!! But, my Lab Star has one, a little bunny, that she treats like her baby!! And that's what we call it to. She sleeps with it every night; usually resting her head on it!!:) Your boy Rex is SO precious!! What a gentle soul he is!:)

04-30-2003, 02:58 PM
After our RB Keisha died Angus was so lonely. We picked up his 1st stuffed hedgehog then. I wouldn't say he is gentle, but he does lick it & care for it like a baby. He would probably have the same one now (2yrs later) if it weren't for Huney, she sometimes likes to destuff stuffies:eek:

04-30-2003, 03:36 PM
awwww, very cute! Daisy has a lion stuffed animal she brings everywhere too! When she wants to come inside, she has that lion in her mouth! She also sleeps with it!:)

04-30-2003, 03:44 PM
That's very adorable!

Kia has never destroyed nor "babied" any toys. She can play rough at times with them though. She loves to play tug of war. :)

04-30-2003, 06:39 PM
Your GSD mix sounds so special,
I loved reading your story about Rex and his
gator. :)

Sandra, Sheba is like Star.
She never ever tore up any of her stuff toys and
use to carry them around ever so gently.
But Pepper and Rocky are destroyers,
(especially Pepper) They go for the limbs. :eek:

04-30-2003, 09:41 PM
I have 3 destroyers here:rolleyes:
Riley likes the stuffies, but he can't keep them away from his big brother and sister, who like to tear them apart--no babying anything here!!!!!