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04-30-2003, 02:15 PM
Well I have two parakeets one is yellow her name is Ruby, she doesnt like to come out of her cage. The way that I got her is she flew on my balcony and I caught her. Her leg seemed to be twisted so I asked the Vets at PetsMart but they only do Cats and Doggies. So no hope there I asked if anybody wanted to keep the birds but no one was willing to sacrafice. So me and my mom and dad talked it over and they let me keep her. But for some reason she will never hop on my finger and come out of the cage. But every time I take out Sasha the boy he is Green and blue with black markings she gets jealous and starts chirping really loudly. Do you know anything I can do about that? She also doesn't have her wings cliped so that makes it even harder.

04-30-2003, 02:30 PM
ok first of all take her to a proper vet that is not attached to a pet store and get her wings clipped.

then put her in her cage and leave her for a few days because getting her wings clipped is going to be stressful at first.

then buy some millett sprey and put it on your hand and open the cage door. place your hand in the cage and wait ...... soon enough she will nibble on the millett. continue this method for about 2 weeks.

That is the first step to hand tamming a birdy.

second step:

using a stick or your finger, place it under your birdies chest gentliy lift your finger till she is forced to hop on. then once you have her on your finger dont move. see how long she stays on for.

after like a week of the finger method you should now move your finger SLOWLY out the cage door. the bird will get frightened at first and hop off.

try it again the next day... and continue till the bird gets successfully out of the cage without a struggle.

Third step:

takeing the bird out of the cage everyday should be a habbit. your bird will get accostomed to it and need you to play with him/her..

with your birds wings Clipped you may place her on the floor and let her explore her soroundings for the first time *Suppervised*. NEVER leave a bird out of its cage unsupervised.

Fourth step:

getting bird on your sholder can be hard, but once they under stand you are a friend then they love to walk around the house with you and nibble your hair. :D..

Just take your bird out of the cage and using the "hop" method, get the bird to transfer to each finger.

sooner or later you will be able to do this "hop" method with your sholder instead of your fingers.

I wish you all of the luck with your new birdy friend. I have 3 birds Cheeko *cockatiel* Spanky* Budgie* Spring *budgie*..

04-30-2003, 05:55 PM
But every time I take out Sasha the boy he is Green and blue with black markings she gets jealous and starts chirping really loudly. Do you know anything I can do about that?

I have to parakeets, and when ever I have one out the other one chirps loud. Thats because they want to be together, and Ruby probably misses him when he goes out of the cage. Here is a good site you can visit to get some info.


05-01-2003, 10:32 AM
wow i wish a budgie would just fly on my deck....i have to get them the expensive way...lol

05-01-2003, 10:47 AM
my male white budhgie flew away last summer, I posted reward posters everywhere, and only one person called about seeing it in there back yard but not catching it. I wish I had clipped his wings sooner. :(

05-02-2003, 12:22 AM
Thank You some much that is alot of help. I checked out alot of books on Parakeets but they make clipping wings look so easy! If you have any more info that will be very helpful. Oh, by the way do any of you live in Bellingham, Washington?;)

05-02-2003, 06:24 PM
nope sorry I live in Canada British Columbia. :D.

05-02-2003, 09:05 PM
I live in Ottawa Ontario!:)

On clipping wings.....you might want to go to a pet store, or an avian vet because if you cut a feather and it bleeds you have to pull it out, that might stress the bird, and it could be painful.

05-22-2003, 01:06 PM