View Full Version : One cat or two??

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-30-2003, 11:32 AM
I often wonder whether I should get another cat - (and all the cute kitten pics which are being posted DO NOT HELP - NO FAIR!!!)

However I worry about the consequences:

1. Divorce - or possible death - my hubby may kill me!
2. If we leave Bahrain it will be double the expense to transport two cats - my hubby has conceded that Ally cant be left behind, but he wouldnt be happy with taking two back to SA
3. When we go back Ally will stay with my mum, as we will be spending a couple of months renovating our house- my mum can cope with one cat, but Im not sure about two!
4. I wonder how Ally will react to not being NUMBER 1 all the time - I dont want to upset her

on the other hand.......

Maybe it would be good for Ally to have a bro or sis to play with, but.......

- what if they dont get along
- what if Ally gets bullied - or turns into a bully - I cant stand it when animals are distressed
- would she cope better with an older cat, or a kitten, or somewhere in the middle - and also male or female

This is making my head hurt!!!!

On the other hand if I just have Ally I can give her so much love and attention, and I also have a bit of money and time left over to feed / catch / spay / release our local population of strays......

Any input???????????:eek: :eek:

04-30-2003, 12:32 PM
You really know we are going to say get another right? Don't think about the "what ifs". Only worry about things when you have to. Good Luck!

04-30-2003, 12:37 PM
I'm going to tell you that getting another one was never an option for me. Mimi was perfectly content with her dog sisters and hated other cats. She still does, therefore she and Butter are bitter enemies. He just wants to play and she bristles at him every time she sees him. I justified keeping him when he showed up because I knew no one else would have him, mean thing that he is.

My humble opinion is that if Ally is content and you know you will be moving eventually, perhaps it would be better to wait until you get settled into your home, then consider it again. But I completely understand that urge for just one more! That's what happened to me with the dogs!!! :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-30-2003, 12:44 PM
Logan, I am so glad you can relate to my turmoil!

I feel bad that I may be depriving Ally of company - but she is velcro cat - I cant imagine her sharing my lap with another cat. Also on the occasion I have had a rescued kitten in my guest loo (usually only overnight until the shelter opens - I have a bit of a rep as the "cat lady" around here, so people bring them to me at all hours) she has really gone mad - spitting and hissing under the door, and biting and scratching me for 3 or 4 days afterwards!

I guess on the other hand it is hard to have so many strays passing through my life, and although I am trying to make a difference, I often feel guilty about not giving them a home!

Thanks for puting things in perspective for me!

04-30-2003, 02:06 PM
This may be a FIRST for me, but I think in your situation I would wait to get a 2nd cat. OMG...I never thought I'd hear myself say that. :eek: But maybe in your case, fostering or helping the strays may be the best thing you can do to help other cats until you are more settled in to a place you can really call home. Ally may very well enjoy a sibling, but in the future. Don't feel badly about not giving every stray cat a home, you can't do it. But you can help them survive, give them comfort and possibly temporary shelter while they await their forever home.

04-30-2003, 02:32 PM
I agree that given your circumstances, waiting might be best until you are settled in a permanent home! But after that... GO FOR IT!!! :D

04-30-2003, 08:09 PM
Jen said not to get another cat yet.. :eek: WOW!

I agree though, at least wait until you are moved and settled...
then maybe bring in another baby...

Bach wants Ally to know that if she does end up with a sibling, she'll always be number one to him! ;)