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04-29-2003, 09:30 PM
Kind of embarassing question, but since we've already talked about all those "female issues," lol, I figured I could ask here..

I'm losing my eyelashes!!! :o

I swear, I seem to be going bald on my eyelids! Every time I rub my eye, I have atleast ten eyelashes fall off!! :eek:

And what makes it worse, according to my friend who works at Mary Kae, they take forever to grow back, and it's also very difficult!

Ok, I have eyelashes all over the keyboard right now, this totally sucks..When I put on mascara I can see that I have spaces between the small amount of lashes I have left :(

Does ANYONE know what's wrong with me?! Is it just the change in seasons, and it's affecting my body???

Please someone reply, even if you don't have the answer, I would be so embarassed if this just sort of hung in the air without any replies :p

04-29-2003, 09:31 PM
Sounds like an allergy to me. have you changed one of the products you use??

ps... sorry this is happening to you. can't be fun.

04-29-2003, 09:32 PM
I'm responding but I don't really have a good answer, but maybe suggestions. Maybe it's the mascara you are using? Or have you been stressed lately? My landlord got really stressed out when her mom passed away and her eyebrows fell off.

04-29-2003, 09:36 PM
Sounds like an allergy to me. have you changed one of the products you use??

Well, I switched my mascara a while ago, but then I switched back. Maybe too many changes is irritating my eyes??

Maybe it's the mascara you are using? Or have you been stressed lately? My landlord got really stressed out when her mom passed away and her eyebrows fell off.

heeehee, made me picture someone with no eyebrows :p
I don't think I've been to stressed lately. Infact I've been surprisingly happy...hmmm, that could be it, I'm never happy lol. I've had a really good week..:confused:

Thanks for your replies :)

04-29-2003, 09:49 PM
heeehee, made me picture someone with no eyebrows

What's strange is I didn't even notice that she didn't have eyebrows until she said something about them falling out. Whoopi Goldberg doesn't have eyebrows either, that always kinds of weirds me out.

Miss Meow
04-29-2003, 10:38 PM
I don't know what's causing them to fall out, but apparently eyelashes have a lifespan of three weeks, so they should grow back pretty quickly (this is from a doctor who said not to bother having eyelashes dyed because the effect doesn't last long). Sometimes mine come out in clumps of 6 or 7, which sends me into a little panic, but they've always grown back. Good luck :)

04-29-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
this is from a doctor who said not to bother having eyelashes dyed because the effect doesn't last long...

I can vouch for that! And I still had to wear mascara. :mad: (Blonde eyelashes suck!)

But for only $3.00 it wasn't too bad....except when I flinched and got it in my eye. :rolleyes:

Hope they grow back quickly, wolfsoul.

04-29-2003, 11:12 PM
if you are really concerned, check it out with a doctor :) If you get sent to an allergy specialist, maybe you can find out if you need to switch to a new mascara? I hope you can figure it out!

04-29-2003, 11:52 PM
Thanks for your nice replies everyone :)

(Blonde eyelashes suck!)

I love them on guys ;) lol

I think I'll do a little research and figure out some stuff, my lashes always fall out, but it's never been this hectic before. :o I'll check it out :)
