View Full Version : What's better...... a Choke Chain.. or a Pinch Collar?

08-13-2001, 07:34 PM
Sadie has both a choke chain, and a pinch collar, but I don't know which one is better for training, or which one is better just in general! Please help me! Thank you! :)

08-13-2001, 08:06 PM
I think the prong collar (pinch as you refer to it) is for larger, stronger dogs. It worked beautifully on Honey when Helen was training her. I also have used the chain correction collars on both of my dogs as well, but with long hair like my Goldens have, they are not as effective. The nice thing is that now that they are a little older and calmer (and mind me better), I don't have to use either anymore when I walk them. Sometimes with Honey, if we're going somewhere that frightens her (like to the vet or kennel), I put on her correction chain just to ensure that she doesn't slip out of the regular collar.

08-13-2001, 08:15 PM
Yes, prong collars are for larger, stronger dogs! But, Sadie is a very large, VERY, VERY, strong dog! She's stronger than me! So, I think the prong collar is right for my little Rottweiler, Sadie! Oh, and is Helen your daughter?

08-13-2001, 11:00 PM
LabLover... I got LuLu a collar/leash at Petsmart and it was the best thing I ever bought for her. She is a very hyper dog and when I would take her on the leash with her regular collar, all she would do was pull so hard that she would cough and cough and nearly sound like she was gagging. So I really never took her anywhere because it really was a pain in the behind. I finally looked into "doing something about it" and I searched at Petsmart for this special collar that I had heard such great things about. It's almost like a muzzle but not really. There is a piece of the collar that loops over her snout and sits right on top of the bridge of her nose and attaches under her chin and then there is another piece that clips together to be tight around the back part of her head and sits on the base of her skull. That is the best way I can describe how this collar works and hopefully from my description you can vision it. The collar was $25.00 and I you can use any normal leash with it. I tell you it was the best thing I ever bought for her. She is extremely calm on this and remember that Springers are very hyper and active and jumpy, this collar is designed for the owner to pull on it and in doing so it pulls her nose/ face in your direction causing her to learn NOT to pull but to walk beside you, which she DOES do and of course this makes me very happy. Check out this collar if you are looking to do some great training with your dog, I did and I'm so glad I did. Now I can take her into Petsmart and walk around with her and she walks right next to me and behaves like a nice little girl. Whew....

Anyone else use this collar, sorry I don't know the exact name for it!!! Let me and LadLover know how you made out with it.

08-13-2001, 11:47 PM
Helen is my daughter!

08-14-2001, 12:10 AM
LabLover, (I can't find your real name on my list)
I am confused, did you get a new dog whileI was away? Did you name it Sadie also?????? Won't that get confusing??? I thought Sadie Mae was your labrador?!

08-14-2001, 06:18 AM
Neither a prong collar or a check chain are any use at all unless they are used properly. Both can be the cause of serious damage both physically and mentally. If you intend to use either then please make sure you understand the principles behind their correct use.
Halters are a also a great training aid when used properly to help control a big strong dog. All too often they are used to mask the problem of a pulling dog without actually doing anything about the behaviour. If you take the halter off the dog will still pull.
Think about what you want to achieve and then how you will go about it and the right choice will be a little easier.

08-14-2001, 10:31 AM
You have to make sure that you are using whichever collar the right way. I love both collars, but Iris doesn't need the pinch that much anymore.

It's hard to explain in words about something like this with me. Maybe someone else could try to explain to you how to use the collars.

08-14-2001, 12:31 PM
shais-mom, yes, Sadie May is my Labrador, and I only have 1 dog at the time! I just call Sadie my little Rottweiler, because she's sooooo strong! Sorry i confused you! :o

08-14-2001, 12:50 PM
Purrfectpaws, Mine is called a "Gentle Leader Headcollar" and you are right it works great!!! So much easier to control the dog. Mine cost about $20.00 and came with a VERY good instruction sheet. (we had learned how to put on and use in a class).

08-14-2001, 02:08 PM
yes that is the name of it and you are right, it came with a fantastic instruction sheet and I did read through it entirely. don't you just love it when you spend good money on something and you get great results.

08-14-2001, 03:44 PM
The pinch collar is physically better for any dog's neck. Unlike a choke chain, the pinch collar gives even pressure all around the neck.

If either collar is abused, then they can cause harm to any kind of dog.

You have to make sure that the size of the correction fits the size of the dog. If a correction I gave to a Toy Poodle had the same strength as one I'd give to a Rottweiler, I'd feel sorry for that Poodle.

Also, if you gave a Rottweiler a Toy Poodle correction, you'd never get anywhere. ;)

I know a 9 pound Boston Terrier that regularly wears a pinch collar for training. The size of the dog really doesn't matter.

If you use a pinch collar correctly it is a wonderful training tool.

08-14-2001, 08:21 PM
on Hercules the choke chain,pinch collar, and head halter didn't work but I have found something that does and it doesn't hurt him. Its called the "NO PULL HARNESS" it great he can't pull. It has these strapes that go around his front legs so if he pulls, it put pressue on his legs and he stops pulling. I would look into getting one it is great

08-14-2001, 08:30 PM
Don't Laugh but Ricky wears a cat harness. It was the only thing small enough and it works great since I have to be ready to pull him to safety quickly in case a larger unleashed dog comes up suddenly. I call him my little yo yo dog. It is the safest way though for a dog as small as him, hsi Vet insisted on it. ;) :) ;) :) :eek:

Daisy's Mom
08-15-2001, 07:19 PM
LOL aww Ricky is too sweet. Does he know he wears a (*gasp*) KAT harness?! Better not tell him ;)

08-15-2001, 09:18 PM
Thank you everyone!! OwnerOf3Dogs- Sadie does have a "No-Pull Harness", and it works great! She's had it since she was a puppy. When we walked Sadie when she was a puppy, she pulled so hard her tounge turned purple! So, my dad went to the pet store and bought her a choke chain, but when we were out on her walk with the choke chain on her, one of our neighbors suggested a "No-Pull Harness", and we got one! It is one of the greatest thing!