View Full Version : Icarus is bloated

04-27-2003, 08:09 PM
Yesterday, Icarus got out of his cage and ate almost the entire bag of seeds :mad: It was a HUGE bag, and it's more than half gone!!! :eek: He was really fat and heavy, and his belly was really hard and looked about to pop. Well, today, it's the exact same!!! Infact, it may even be bigger!! He's heavier than Frisco, and that's really bad because Icarus is so much tinier than Frisco..:( His tummy is so hard, and I am afriad to press on it, cuz it looks painful :(

I didn't feed him yesterday because of all those seeds. The amount of seeds he ate is probably what I would give him in a year. What should I feed him today? I was thinking of just limiting it to fruit and veggies to make his stools a little bit soft, or to just get the stupid seeds out of his system.

Is there anything special I could do to take away the bloat? I hope he's feeling ok :(

Grrr, there were corns in those seeds :mad: I always take the corn out when I give the rats seeds, and I don't know if he ate any. If he's like Frisco (who had also done this before) he would skip the corn and eat the rest of the stuff, but I don't know so I'm a little bit scared..

04-27-2003, 09:27 PM

04-28-2003, 08:23 PM
Never mind, the bloating has gone down alot. He's still a little bit puffy looking and heavier, but waaay less severe than before.

But still, does anyone know anything, just for future reference??? :confused:

04-28-2003, 08:42 PM
I really wish I could help but I can`t. I hope everything works out for you?

04-28-2003, 08:45 PM
thanks :) He's doing well, I suppose, yesterday I limited his food to only veggies, fruit and a tiny piece of bread, lol. Veggies are more important for his vitamins and minerals and such so I figured they would be the best to feed him, and he was constipated from all those darn seeds anyways :rolleyes: